**PRAYER THREAD** (merged)


Homer Fan Since 1985
hoopsfan said:
I continue to pray for Loopy, (and am thankful for the healing so far), and all those that have asked.

I have a couple more request for prayer please...the husband of a very close friend of mine was diagnosed with liver cancer and the mother of another friend was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Their names are Charles and Berta.

Healing for Charles and Berta has been added to my prayer list.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I am always reminded of how special this site is when I check into this thread.

My thoughts and prayers for Charles and Berta...and my continued prayers for loopy and everyone else who has requested them.
Charles and Berta will absolutely be added to my prayers that continue to be with Loopy as well...I'm sending out all my good vibes to Loop...sending her good thoughts of Chris Webber...if nothing else helps I'm sure that will.;)
I just learned about loopy. I'm very saddened by the news. I've talked to her on numerous occasions via PMs about 80s music and stuff. She's as nice as she portrays herself on the board. I'm pulling for her to recover and hopefully post again ASAP.
Prayers for loopy and her family and for a very very speedy recovery.

I'd like to request 2 prayers; one for my uncle who is getting a 3rd opinion to see if he has lung cancer or not, and one for my mom's friend's husband because he has a tumor. May they all regain strength and a full recovery.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Rosemary is the mother of a friend. She has a mass on her liver (and other places, apparently). They await the biopsy results. Prayers for Rosemary please.

My prayers are with your uncle and your mom's friend's husband, Freak.


hi, you don't know me but I am a close friend of Loopy's and she had asked me to post on here for her. I was supposed to do it about 10 days ago but after I logged in for her and did what she asked I didn't have time and then I forgot the password so I just went ahead and registered.
She wanted to make sure that you all know how much she appreciates the thoughts and prayers. It is a true miracle that she is still with us and I believe it is because of her friends. I no longer live in Atlanta but I'm trying to get back there to help her which is a monumental task if any of you know her. She's probably the nicest person I've ever met and would give you the shirt of her back if you needed it. I hope you get chance to meet her one day and you'll see what I mean. She is also very independent and stubborn and the worst thing for her right now is not being able to do things for herself. She doesn't want to rely on anyone for anything. Obviously she's in a lot of pain but she's so worried about everyone and everything else, she can't relax and that's not making her recovery any easier. I need to get to her house and take care of things there for her and check on the animals. She's really freaked out about them.
I don't know anything about basketball, not a sports fan but I wanted to do something to cheer her up using her team and am looking for some ideas. I thought about making a card for her but I'm so unartistic, it would be horrible and I am also without my computer right now so any ideas would be appreciated. She's always saying there's some very creative people here so I was hoping you could help.
Again she says thank you and she did mention certain people but I'm sorry it was 2 weeks ago and I don't remember who she said. She will try to thank you all personally when she gets well. From what she tells me you are the best group of people and you mean a lot to her and from what I read in these last few pages, there are a lot of people here who love her.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Welcome to KingsFans.com, Precious. Thank you so much for the update. I hope you can work it out to get to Atlanta and help her out. Loopy will remain in our prayers. Although I know that miracles happen every day, it is nice to know the recipient of one.


Super Moderator Emeritus
My prayers continue for all those who need them.

And, like hoopsfan said, I too am thankful for a thread like this.

I am even more thankful, however, for the great people on this website who respond without fail to the people making the requests.

I've said it before, but it definitely bears repeating:

You people rock!!
All of the people mentioned above are added to my prayers...Loopy is still very much in my thoughts and prayers...I'm hoping she gets stronger everyday...
VF21 said:
My prayers continue for all those who need them.

And, like hoopsfan said, I too am thankful for a thread like this.

I am even more thankful, however, for the great people on this website who respond without fail to the people making the requests.

I've said it before, but it definitely bears repeating:

You people rock!!
You Said it

I will also be praying for everybody on here, You have all been added to my prayers, even the ones of you who just post on here and dont have any requests, Im praying for you all :)


Homer Fan Since 1985
The biopsy news was not good. Rosemary, my friends mother, was diagnosed today with end stage liver cancer. Please pray for Rosemary and for Rosemary's family as they deal with this difficult time in their lives.
7th said:
The biopsy news was not good. Rosemary, my friends mother, was diagnosed today with end stage liver cancer. Please pray for Rosemary and for Rosemary's family as they deal with this difficult time in their lives.
Im sorry to hear that 7th....I will surely be praying for her and her family.
7th..I'm going to be praying hard for Rosemary and all of those who care about her...I can't imagine how hard that news must have been..they'll need a lot of strength to get through this.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I would like to request that you take a moment and say a prayer for the family of Adam Strain, including his fiance Barbie Wycliffe. Adam, a Lance Corporal in the US Marine Corps, was killed Wednesday in Iraq. I mourn the loss of each of them, but this one I had met...making it all the more real.

God Bless all of them.

My prayers go to all those mentioned in this thread.

It's been a while since i posted here for Loopy. I've been in touch with her and i know she has been hoping to get home for the the past few days and obviously wants to post here as soon as she can.

Loopy knows that she has lots of friends at KF and she tells me she is sure that the prayers you have offered up for her have contributed to the improvement in her condition since those darker days a couple of weeks ago.

There is no quick fix for her situation, but im hoping (as im sure you all are) that each day brings with it some small step along the road to a more healthy Loopy.

Please keep her in your prayers and god-willing it will be a very short time now before shes back posting again....(you'd better hurry Loopy or at this rate my post count will have beaten yours ;) !)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Thank you for the update, LK.

Please be sure and tell loopy she's in our thoughts and prayers. We miss her!!!

And remind her about a certain dancing pink elephant.