Peja news

taken from sacbee - Sam Amick -- Bee Staff Writer

"I didn't approach this camp any different than I did in previous years," Stojakovic said. "I'm going to come out and play my game. That's the reality of what it is.

"You can't really push yourself to be something that you're not, suddenly change your style of play in a couple of months after playing for seven years with one style of the game. You step on the court and play your game."


This is what makes me eager to feel we should trade him for someone that would actually work on their total game (defensecoughreboundingcoughinsideplay). At least Artest has incorporated offense throughout the years (albeit a bit mental). Only problem is, who can we aquire if we were to?


Just let peja do what he does- that is hit the open shots, do the baseline cuts, hit the freethrows, be our "role player", etc....- but DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT give him the max next year. Let someone else do it or trade him.


Super Moderator Emeritus

And those quotes pretty much spell out the difference between someoine like Peja, who views the whole NBA experience as a job, and someone like Shareef Abdur-Rahim, who may not have the pure skill Peja does but is willing to learn, to grow, to do whatever he possibly can do to make himself better and help his team.

You can't really push yourself to be something that you're not...
No, Peja, but you could at least try.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
VF21 said:

And those quotes pretty much spell out the difference between someoine like Peja, who views the whole NBA experience as a job, and someone like Shareef Abdur-Rahim, who may not have the pure skill Peja does but is willing to learn, to grow, to do whatever he possibly can do to make himself better and help his team.

No, Peja, but you could at least try.

Actually I don't think Reef has added anything in a long time either. Might have been better 5 years ago than he is now. And really if Reef is less talented than Peja it is not by much. He's a career 20pt scorer.

But in any case, it is what it is and I'm not terribly worried about it UNTIL it comes time for Geoff to do the big stupid and gift his protege with a max contract. Until that time however, Peja will just be Peja. If we had hitched our wagon to him this year as a #1 option I would be very concerned, but we rather pointedly did not and now he's just part of the gang. And given that IMO we are not title contenders this year, Peja being about as hungry as a man who just gorged himself on Thanksgiving dinner and is passed out on the couch doesn't carry with it the same consequences as it once did. My opinion of Peja has not changed one bit, but I'm less worried about it than I have been in years. If I just trusted our front office to make the right calls on the issue, I would be worried not at all.
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Bricklayer said:
But in any case, it is what it is and I'm not terribly worried about it UNTIL it comes time for Geoff to do the big stupid and gift his protege with a max contract.
What would you offer as the Kings GM?

Something between Dunleavy and Joe Johnson?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
G_M said:
What would you offer as the Kings GM?

Something between Dunleavy and Joe Johnson?

Oh, Peja wouldn't want me to be Kings GM. ;) Especially not after I instituted my mandatory corporal punishment policy for anybody being paid millions of dollars who ever dared wuss out on a rebound or hustle play. ;)

Nonetheless, the short answer is I wouldn't -- I would trade him. I see no good resolution of the current situation otherwise. But barring that my opinion has not changed, $10 mil or so is where he should be. Bottomline is Peja Stojakovic will never win a title with what he brings, or more specifically, what he does not bring and apparently never will. If he's ever going to be on a title team, it needs to be as a second fiddle to an absolutley amazing do it all player, or a third fiddle to a pair of them. And so if you run off and dump a max contract on him you are just being an idiot -- not only vastly overpaying an undeserving player, but also in the process chewing through such a huge chunk of your cap that it makes it virtually impossible to add the sorts of players around Peja that could bring home a ring while still fielding a full team. I'm not interested in seeing Geoff **** over the franchise for "family". I've seen more than enough Allan Houston and Eddie Jones contracts to last a lifetime. There were a lot of B.S. contracts handed out this year (albeit at least most of them to young players), I have no interest in joining the stupidity party.
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BLNINJA #81 said:
taken from sacbee - Sam Amick -- Bee Staff Writer

"I didn't approach this camp any different than I did in previous years," Stojakovic said. "I'm going to come out and play my game. That's the reality of what it is.

"You can't really push yourself to be something that you're not, suddenly change your style of play in a couple of months after playing for seven years with one style of the game. You step on the court and play your game."


This is what makes me eager to feel we should trade him for someone that would actually work on their total game (defensecoughreboundingcoughinsideplay). At least Artest has incorporated offense throughout the years (albeit a bit mental). Only problem is, who can we aquire if we were to?

I am not Serbian, but I have been watching this pre-season.
I have seen Mr. Peja try (sometimes unsuccessfully) to pick up loose balls. I have also seen him do something else that we have not seen during the past years with him. He has on several occasions, taken the ball to the rack with as much authority as Peja can. Heck(off of topic) I have even noticed Brad going in with his back to the basket. I just do not believe for a second that any player with pride in himself will just stand pat with his set of skills.
I'm not convinced that a quote from a man who speaks English (kind of) as a second language can actually articulate what he is really trying to say. If he really meant what he said the way it came out in print, then why would he be trying different things.
I kind of take Pejas' quote to the newspaper an simply this. "A leopard cannot change it's spots" Which is simple truth and can't be argued.

That being said brings me to my next point.................
ARTEST!!!! You have to be kidding me. OK let me bea little nicer and say it this way.....The guy is a pin head. ERRR..I mean he's a Leopard. Yea that's it...And I will bet money in a pool to see when he gets chucked out of the league again this year.
For anybody who looks up to that guy ...I feel for you...That's all I'm gonna say about him , cause' I dont want to offend anybody. (well actually I do want to, but this board is a family place.........
That is a weak statement by Pedja. He should really get his head straight and he's starting to pee me off too with things like this. Let's see what he does on the court though.
I'm with Brick on this subject, Peja needs to be traded by the January deadline or our franchise is in real jeapordy. If anything, Peja has regressed this pre-seson at least. His movement without the ball has stopped on offense and all he wanted to do was spot up. Now, apparantly this is how he views his role, as a spot up shooter. And with the changes that have taken place perhaps that may be the best job for him but if so you can buy a lot of spot up shooters for what he expects next year. Hopefully, he'll return to the old Peja just to make himself more valuable so we can get more in return .
peja has gone from mvp candidate to looking like a type of role player like mike dunleavy or brent barry. i say trade him while we still can get something for him.
For all those who haven't figured out yet. Vlade was Sacramento. Webber can't get along with anyone. Peja is an average NBA player who will leave Sac at the end of the season and this is the beggining of a long journey into mediocrity where Kings used to dwell so darn long.
Geoff said:
Peja for Artest = Kings NBA champs.
There is no way they will accept that trade! We should give them a solid bench player, then they might think about it...........
Also i think we should trade peja for T-MAc and Yao.
kingsfan916 said:
There is no way they will accept that trade! We should give them a solid bench player, then they might think about it...........
Also i think we should trade peja for T-MAc and Yao.
I don't think we should trade him unless he's playing like 04-05 or below. I lean towards doubting that though. As last season was highly influenced by a bunch of injuries and chemistry problems.