He also said that he liked the way our summer league team was playing, and expected that to continue into the season. Really? Now I grant you, that watching our summer league team play this year was fun. But there are so many variables in the competition that its impossible to project much of anything other than maybe, how individuals play. I mean come on, Stauskas looked like a veteran NBA player in summer league. He looked better than McLemore. But once the real season began, reality set in. Because something works in summer league, doesn't mean it will work during the real season. You get ten fouls for gods sake.
by the way, i
really think it needs to be emphasized that it is borderline insane for
any nba executive to bring up f***ing summer league during a
regular season interview regarding the state of the team. sure, summer league is fun; it's a nice mid-afternoon snack while nba fans salivate for the evening appetizer of preseason, which is itself just a hunger pang for the main course of the regular season. but summer league should
never be some kind of baseline of expectation for regular season performance, and it only underscores just how frighteningly green pete d'allesandro comes across when he's speaking on behalf of the sacramento kings...
now, i don't honestly believe that d'allesandro values summer league so highly that he would judge regular season play against SL performance. rather, i think it was just his half-assed way of attempting to lend further authority to tyrone corbin, who coached the kings' summer league squad. but i still can't believe
he actually brought up summer league unprompted. it's the kind of sh** that, like "4-on-5 defense," gets giddily snatched up for a pull-quote, and makes the rounds in national media outlets, thus heaping further insult on the team during a time of considerable adversity, and requiring further damage control from the various PR limbs of the organization...