well, saying that it's a weak draft still strikes me as odd, considering how deep the draft is and how many players in it at least have star potential. a weak draft, imo, is a draft like last year's, where there's barely an impact player to be found. same for 2006 or 2001. opinions may differ on the precise quality of the draft, but most analysts agree that this one is fairly strong.
as far as being able to predict where Nurkic will land, I definitely agree that mocks won't be even close to being precise until very close to the draft. too much depends upon workouts, etc. also, I wouldn't be able to say with any confidence how good he'll be, what with the questions about his being able to play 30+ minutes and his subpar play in competitions superior to Adriatic League play. it's the reason that I originally asked if there's something known about him that would make him fall out of the first round. I just have trouble recalling any prospect being rated as highly on such a high-profile site as DX and then falling so far. the only one I can remember falling that badly was I think Martynas Andriuškevičius, and he completely bombed a few workouts, IIRC.
lastly, I don't think you can equate basketball being a niche sport in a country with those few being comparatively smarter about it. I'm from Germany, where basketball is pretty much nonexistent and I definitely wouldn't say that the level of discourse among German basketball forums is higher than it is in the US. rather the opposite, mostly. it's probably got more to do with how in good the access to basketball coverage and good basketball analysis is. if your basketball coverage is comprehensive and good, you're more likely to have a lot of smart fans. not so much the case in Germany, for instance.