Every shot peja nailed made me smile inside... he's finishing what he started 9 years ago... its fitting they SWEEP the lakers Happy for peja to finally deal with the lakers... The mavs like Dirk, Kidd and Marion deserve a ticket to the NBA finals they need to win, they need to realize its their chance.. the thunder/grizz will have their shot in the next few years, mavs need to deal with this NOW.
frankly I think that's their drive, in terms of winning a ring their hunger absolutely topples over the need for the lakers to win another won, lakers have been there done that, they have nothing to prove and lose, other than the 3peat legacy. the mavs, they have everything to lose, this maybe their last chance, the window was almost closing and dirk kicked it wide open again.
Plus I don't like how people say that if the lakers get eliminated its only a matter of time before LBJ hoists his first Championship, If I recall we had one underdog team stun the superstar team, Pistons vs lakers... anything can happen

this has been a REALLY SOLID offseason/playoffs for everyone one of the Best months of May
I also have been reading about pau getting dumped by his girl... feel bad for the guy but he needs to get his head on straight he's hurting his team (which I don't appreciate cause I want the lakers to get beat with out their fanboys making it an excuse.. but meh Ill take it) would be funny if the reason for that would be cause pau doesnt want to shave his beard