Mavs @ Kings Game Thread

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Bibby did score 22 on 13 shots, he got to the line well. Without his runs we wouldn't have even been in the game. This team is just bad, and now they are injured too.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
That's fine for when Bibby's man blows by him, but it wouldn't have made any kind of difference agaist Nowitzki, which was peoples' whole argument for putting Skinner in the game in the first place.
And this has maybe only a little to do with guarding Dirk tonight, but our coach won the gold medal for ignorance when he only played Corliss 21 minutes.
We are just a bad team. Truthfully? I was surprised Dallas didn't blow us out. They are obviously not playing so well recently.

I still love my Kings, tho.
Circa_1985_Fan said:
And this has maybe only a little to do with guarding Dirk tonight, but our coach won the gold medal for ignorance when he only played Corliss 21 minutes.
Are you telling me there's something wrong with the COACH? :rolleyes:
Kris Kros said:
Are you telling me there's something wrong with the COACH? :rolleyes:
This season...YES!! I've never grilled Adelman this much in the past, he's performed well, smoke and mirrors in winning 50 games a year with injuries to pretty much everyone on the roster in past years...but this is just rediculous.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
I was wrong; you can be funny...

BP would have to be motivated to "kill" a team; you need a heart and/or balls to do that, and you'd be hard pressed to convince me that BP has either.
I'm most definitely sure his balls will grow and his heart will pump when he's not in Kings uni. ;)


Hall of Famer
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
That's a red herring, and you know it.

Bibby didn't do nearly enough to get his teammates involved in the game, but quit trying to use a misleading argument to make it sound like Bibby didn't make any attempt whatsoever.
give me one example of a PG who played 40 minutes in a NBA game without having one assist


Hall of Famer
KP said:
Bibby did score 22 on 13 shots, he got to the line well. Without his runs we wouldn't have even been in the game. This team is just bad, and now they are injured too.
Sure - always someone elses fault. Getting old.
piksi said:
Sure - always someone elses fault. Getting old.
Fault? losing this game was Bibbys fault? It was Bibbys, Reefs, Brads, and others faults. This team sucks and it's not all because of Bibby, you want someone to blame? Blame GP, he made the moves that put this team together. This team is a complete mismash of players whose games do not compliment each other, you know it... you've posted it, When peja has been playing he's been just as ineffective as any of them. To many players that can't cover each others weaknesses or make each other better.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
piksi said:
Sure - always someone elses fault. Getting old.
Interesting statement -- every loss is Bibby's fault somehow and OTHERS are getting old? Miek certainly wasn;t great, but he scored nearly twice as many as any other King. Trying to blame him for this loss is silly. We were just outmatched in the end.
listening to the post game on KHTK is making me want to vomit, Coach T and J Ross are trying to spin the unspinnable, how could anyone not see what a dire position this team is in now?
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