Mavs @ Kings Game Thread

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Andriod_KiNg said:
Wow... i wasnt loged on during the game.. but the Refs were horrible... and Dirk is a punk.. i felt like driving out to sacramento to teach him a lesson... last night he gets into arguments with Davis and J-Rich.. and he almost hurt K9 then he started to hard foul near end of the game... ARG.. cant wait to see that punk in the playoffs !
I was thinking the same thing like you, Andriod. :D Not sure why Dirk is acting that way lately. Maybe someone told something to a friend tell him he's soft? Not sure. :/
dampier and stackhouse did not play and neither did miller or jackson, they basically cancel each other out.

Good to see peja step up and the kings pull out a win with bibby still in his slump.

What will be great is if the kings can get on a roll the next week or so going into the playoffs.

I would rather be hot in 2 weeks than right now!
Diehard Jim said:
I would rather be hot in 2 weeks than right now!
No kidding!!

Let's just hope for a great chemistry later on down the stretch.

As for dirk ... its crazy, normally a pro guy ...

maybe he's pissed that someone gave him a bad haircut :)

Grow the hair back dirk!!!! ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Another important factor was that there wasn't any whining at the officials by our Kings. I'm really happy to see that. They played through and they didn't put themselves behind the eight-ball by doing anything stupid.

It's just one game, true, but it was against a Mavericks squad that would have LOVED to take another one from us at ARCO.

And that reminds me: EXCELLENT job by the crowd tonight. The team totally fed off the energy from the stands.

God, I love this team!
yes the crowd was great tonight..but like i said early i didn't have any doubts cuz Celt was in the building...

and yes VF great point...somebody did mention that even throughout all the horrible calls NO ONE got a tech not even RA....niiiice
I'm so happy that the Kings won, based upon scoping different boards. Everyone's opinion is their own, but it's pretty messed up to be happy that Brad's leg is broke "Couldn't have happened to a better guy" because of that hard pick on Devin Harris.

Oh well, the Kings won and I'm going to bed soon. At least I hope.
VF21 said:
Another important factor was that there wasn't any whining at the officials by our Kings. I'm really happy to see that. They played through and they didn't put themselves behind the eight-ball by doing anything stupid.
It is funny that the Kings are Know as whiners when the mavs whine more than any other team in the nba.

What is also funny is how no body ever talks about greg popovich of the spurs as a complainer or jerry sloan and all these guys ever do is argue about every single call that does not go their way!

Class act by the Kings tonight keeping their cool!

Great Job Guys!

Now lets go out and beat Denver on saturday.
Raci said:
I agree,Pedja was always play good D on Dirk,in the NBA or Euro Champ,and mostly give good points against Dirk,this would be key matchup.Also Bibby and Tomas can make a motion.
With all healty players i think that the Kings are stronger team.But i dont know who's gona play tonight for Kings.
:cool: :D
iheartBrad said:
I'm with you there...I DO NOT like long hair on a guy (unless it is WELL groomed, and his WAS NOT)But I wonder what prompted him to shave it now after how many seasons with long hair? Maybe he lost a bet or something! ;) Also, as far as the officials...they were really ticking me off in the first 3/4 of the game but really began to redeem themselves IMO in the 4th quarter....I cannot tell you how SHOCKED I was when the rookie ref called OOB off of Sac and the senior ref came along and changed the call....AWESOME!!
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i just remembered this, but with about 30 seconds left, cat gets an inbound pass, and dirk looks over to the sidelines to see if he should foul. coach says yes, and dirk runs over and absolutely mauls cat (well, as much as you can in that situation). grabs his shoulder and yanks hard on it. mobley looks pretty pissed for a second and turns to say something, but then just blows it off. it seemed like dirk was just out for blood tonight, start to finish. maybe cuban is bent on taking down another key kings player.
EmKingsFan4 said:
I'm with you there...I DO NOT like long hair on a guy (unless it is WELL groomed, and his WAS NOT)But I wonder what prompted him to shave it now after how many seasons with long hair? Maybe he lost a bet or something! ;) Also, as far as the officials...they were really ticking me off in the first 3/4 of the game but really began to redeem themselves IMO in the 4th quarter....I cannot tell you how SHOCKED I was when the rookie ref called OOB off of Sac and the senior ref came along and changed the call....AWESOME!!
wasn't that bibby "kick-ball" thing in the fourth? maybe not, i have terrible memory for these things. but that was one of the worst calls i have seen, maybe ever. a lot of things can go either way, but in that situation there was no way you could think he kicked it- to call that you have to be looking to call a foul. when i heard it called on bibby i just could not believe that. im still pretty angry about that one
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