Mavs @ Kings Game Thread

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If Peja plays like that consistently (JHoward, who?), then this Kings' team has a shot to defeat just about anyone. For tonight, at least, Peja was the best Euro in the NBA.
Huge win by the Kings, great game by Peja, well coached by Adelman. Whatever adjustments they wanted to make at halftime, they worked.
Čarolija said:
Peja gets his season high with 38 points (9/13 FG, 6/8 3PT :eek:, 14/14 FT). Also added 9 boards to round out a very efficient game.
I Love that stat!! 12 attempts??? Gotta love that! Good job Pedja. I always knew he was productive. :) Glad he finally got back on track for that.
Another key thing is that Cat and Bibby didn't have the greatest games. I pray every day for a game when Cat, Bibby and Peja all have massive game..... at the same time!!!
I did not get the game where I live. So, someone please tell me
did Cuban get that know the one where he rolls his eyes up into his head when the Mavs are losing? I love it when the Kings put that look on his face.. heh heh
the kings did play great 4th quarter defense on the mavs...woohoo! keep that up!

I agree with what Jerry said in that over the past two weeks or so we have been seeing quick glimpses of the old Peja...and i think the old Peja finally busted through...excellent game by Peja start to finish...woohoo! GO PEJA!!

ImaKingsFan said:
I did not get the game where I live. So, someone please tell me
did Cuban get that know the one where he rolls his eyes up into his head when the Mavs are losing? I love it when the Kings put that look on his face.. heh heh
unfortunetly no...they barely showed him actually i think just twice...once in the first half and then once at the very end and he was playing with his phone or something...
ImaKingsFan said:
I did not get the game where I live. So, someone please tell me
did Cuban get that know the one where he rolls his eyes up into his head when the Mavs are losing? I love it when the Kings put that look on his face.. heh heh
I mentioned few pages back that he had a dejected look. Kind of like a kid who just dropped his ice cream.
C4 said:
seems like Pedja has a knack for scoring 37pts.

if my memory serves me right, he's had about 5games or more where he's dropped 37. the last before this was last year's game against the LA Bryants in Staples.
Last one was earlier this year vs. the Hornets. Thats crazy. Maybe Peja should change his numbers...
Excellent second half. Kings stepped it up, and I thought the Mavs showed some effects of the back-to-back. Absolutely "must-win" game though that we pulled out.

Another toughie upcoming against Denver though.
WOW! monster game by peja tonight!!!! ALRIGHT!!!! 37 points on only 13 shots, 6 or 8 threes WOW!!!! and getting to the line, hell he almost had a double double!!!! me likeys this :D

if we can get 3/4ths of this peja on a nightly basis that would be freaking awesome. and if mike gets enough rest between now and the playoffs and gets back on track, dayam, watch out ;)

its one of my favorite parts of the game when the cameras catch mark cuban in pure agony when the mavaricks are losing...i was pretty bummed out when i didnt get to see that shot tonight...oh well, im sure i will be seeing it here real soon...


Super Moderator Emeritus
One thing to keep in mind just to keep us from getting TOO excited: Dampier didn't play. With him out there it could have been tougher...


Super Moderator Emeritus
royalroots said:
its one of my favorite parts of the game when the cameras catch mark cuban in pure agony when the mavaricks are losing...i was pretty bummed out when i didnt get to see that shot tonight...oh well, im sure i will be seeing it here real soon...
I saw Cuban's dour expression and it was suh-weeeeeeet!

i'm so glad we won depsite the HORRIBLE officiating especially in the 3rd quarter. i was just so disgusted with how they called those fouls, flagrants, kick ball instead of steal, etc. it seems like the refs were doing everything to stop the kings.

but i'm so glad the kings didn't give up, they faught hard. no king even got a T, despite the officiating, so wow!

i'm very happy we won the game!
Wow... i wasnt loged on during the game.. but the Refs were horrible... and Dirk is a punk.. i felt like driving out to sacramento to teach him a lesson... last night he gets into arguments with Davis and J-Rich.. and he almost hurt K9 then he started to hard foul near end of the game... ARG.. cant wait to see that punk in the playoffs !
VF21 said:
One thing to keep in mind just to keep us from getting TOO excited: Dampier didn't play. With him out there it could have been tougher...
Yes I aggree I would also love to see a healthy Kings take on a healthy Mavs in a 7 game playoff series.
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