Kwame Brown (and other big young players with potential)

I agree price is key. I'm of the opinion that trading Peja, Bibby, or Miller could be a wash for the Kings. We really need to add to that core with another impact player, but we can't afford a big time FA and a trade without one of those 3 might not be able to bring in a star or potential star. I believe RA could bring out more in him than the Wizards. I think bringing him in would be interesting IF the price is right.
Sacramento isn't exactly the best place for developing players, especially given the current situation where the Kings have no established leader to exert his presence on Kwame. Michael Jordan couldn't do it. Who's to say Mike Bibby or Brad Miller will?

I never liked him, and frankly I'd rather go without a PF than to go with him.
PT Cruiser 9ROC said:
Sacramento isn't exactly the best place for developing players, especially given the current situation where the Kings have no established leader to exert his presence on Kwame. Michael Jordan couldn't do it. Who's to say Mike Bibby or Brad Miller will?

I never liked him, and frankly I'd rather go without a PF than to go with him.
I think Michael really ruined this kid:

"As a leader Jordan proved more tormentor than mentor. Many Washington players got the business end of a Jordan harangue, but he designated second-year forward Kwame Brown as the whipping boy, referring to him, as reported by The Washington Post, as a "flaming ******." A source told SI that Jordan ritually reduced Brown to tears in front of the team. Brown, whom Jordan took with the first pick in the 2001 draft, showed flashes of brilliance, but his confidence was lacerated by a player who was once his idol. "Michael was tough," Wizards assistant John Bach tells SI. "But that's just who he is, attempting to make [his teammates] better."
first, i think there is already a post on this titled "kwame brown and other big men" where all these points were already discussed prior to this. maybe they should be merged. secondly, look, i agree with pt cruiser. the guy has poor character and work ethic. he surely is NOT the answer to the kings woes. lets get serious here. i truly believe this would be a horrible move for the kings to make. he would not fit here. there are better candidates available and i do not believe that his "potential" (which we have seen very little of) is worth the risk of him becoming a cancer to this team. wrong direction if you ask me.


I find it funny how you guys are willing to gamble on a guy that doesnt come to practice, is not dedicated and has the worst attitude of any athlete in the league but when people bring up Artest everyones quick to say "No!"......
and dont compare Webber to Kwame... Kwame has some growing up to do and fast! His attitude needs a drastic makeover

and Webber was never an underachiever before joining the Kings he was always a 20 point 10 rebound type of player......


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Mentioned before Kwame is interesting just on potential alone. But I would never want to enter the season depending on him. A week or so ago I suggested maybe trying to bring in two young 6'11" talents in Nene and Kwame and let them battle it out. Something like that though, where you bring him in hoping he blossoms + he has a legitimate shot, but where if he doesn't what you're left with is pretty interesting too.
Bricklayer said:
Mentioned before Kwame is interesting just on potential alone. But I would never want to enter the season depending on him. A week or so ago I suggested maybe trying to bring in two young 6'11" talents in Nene and Kwame and let them battle it out. Something like that though, where you bring him in hoping he blossoms + he has a legitimate shot, but where if he doesn't what you're left with is pretty interesting too.
Ok I got this trade then for you guys.

Trade 1

Sac trades
number 1 pick

Wizards trades
Kwame Brown.(sign and trade )

Trade 2

Sac trades
Mobley(if does not opt out or sign and trade)
2nd round pick

Denever trades
Nene plus filler

Then we sign Marko Jaric as our starting SG. Our lineup would look like this

PG: Bibby/Bobby
SG: Jaric/Evans/Martin
SF: Pedja/Corliss/Kenny
PF: Kwame or Nene/Kwame or Nene/Kenny
C: Miller/Skinner

If we do this though we would have to trade Kenny because I do not think he like to be 2nd and 3rd backup.
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Hall of Famer
yeah if we could get Kwame Cheap and replace basically tag with him it would be great if it works out like Brick said awesome if not hey we got a younger more in shape 12th man that wont play big deal. All we can do is hope that MINN is ready to start all over. They had their best shot last year I mean you don't get any better than that. Then they come back with the same team and are not a lottery team. Front Office has to be scratching heads.
By all accounts the Maloofs want to put together a younger team so guys like, McDyess, Ratliff, and the rest of the "over 30 club" are probably not an option at this point.
Some way, some how this is the roster I want next year:



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ryle said:
Some way, some how this is the roster I want next year:

Well, the perimeter certainly looks stronger (I assume that's Antonio Daniels?), but that frontcourt is still a disaster in the making -- basically banking the whole farm on the shakiest of foundations -- Kwame Brown of all people, with the fallback PF being a 6'5" SF. :eek:
Scoop Jackson wrote a great article on Kwame. Abusive dad, tough neighborhood, all that, but with the added bonus of Michael freakin' Jordan (simultaneously best and worst teammate of all time) constantly berating him for every little thing, even though he knew the kid was an unpolished high schooler. He never really had a chance in Washington. He needs a new scene and a shot of confidence. He needs some affirmation as a player, which our fans don't hesitate to give. I think Yoda could do great things with him. He's no wuss and he has a ton of ability. I wouldn't call him mentally "weak". I'd call him mentally "downtrodden". You can fix a player like that, and with Kwame's talent, it would be worth it at 5 million per, IMO.
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Hall of Famer
"As a leader Jordan proved more tormentor than mentor. Many Washington players got the business end of a Jordan harangue, but he designated second-year forward Kwame Brown as the whipping boy, referring to him, as reported by The Washington Post, as a "flaming ******." A source told SI that Jordan ritually reduced Brown to tears in front of the team. Brown, whom Jordan took with the first pick in the 2001 draft, showed flashes of brilliance, but his confidence was lacerated by a player who was once his idol. "Michael was tough," Wizards assistant John Bach tells SI. "But that's just who he is, attempting to make [his teammates] better."
The more I read a Kwame, the more I feel sorry for the guy. He's basically still a kid, mentality wise, and to get tormented by his one-time idol is just wrong.

Also the article earlier (About him having no clue how to live on his own) just makes me shake my head...The poor guy.

He needs a scenery change...Bad...And I think Sacramento would be great. Good chemistry, smaller market (less media critisizm), and the fans would embrace him.
AleksandarN said:
Ok I got this trade then for you guys.

Trade 1

Sac trades
number 1 pick

Wizards trades
Kwame Brown.

Trade 2

Sac trades
Mobley(if does not opt out or sign and trade)
2nd round pick

Denever trades
Nene plus filler

Then we sign Marko Jaric as our starting SG. Our lineup would look like this

PG: Bibby/Bobby
SG: Jaric/Evans/Martin
SF: Pedja/Corliss/Kenny
PF: Kwame or Nene/Kwame or Nene/Kenny
C: Miller/Skinner

If we do this though we would have to trade Kenny because I do not think he like to be 2nd and 3rd backup.
Wow, yeah, I would love that. That would be awesome.
Mark Blount

mark blount of the celtics seems to be on the outs with managment in boston... he is a big body (7'0, 250lbs) who has some rebounding and shot blocking skills... i propose a trade....

Kings trade:

Kenny Thomas

or ostertag
or Williamson
or skinner

Celtics trade:

Mark Blount

I think we can start Mark blount at center and move Brad Miller to power forward.... this will allow brad to move to his more natural position of power forward... celtics get rid of blounts contract and gets insurance in case antoine walker doesn't resign....

On a second trade... i would trade...

Kings Trade:

Cuttino Mobley (sign and trade)

Indiana Trades:

Ron Artest

mobley will fill the pacers void at the SG position after reggie millers retirement... and the kings would get a defensive stopper in artest... i think artest would be worth the risk, since we would have lost mobley for nothing in free agency anyways...

Kings Lineup

PF Miller/Songaila
SF Peja/ Williamson
C M. Blount/Skinner/ Ostertag
SG Artest/ Evans/ Martin
PG Bibby/ Jackson
kingsofnba said:
mark blount of the celtics seems to be on the outs with managment in boston... he is a big body (7'0, 250lbs) who has some rebounding and shot blocking skills... i propose a trade....

Kings trade:

Kenny Thomas

or ostertag
or Williamson
or skinner

Celtics trade:

Mark Blount

I think we can start Mark blount at center and move Brad Miller to power forward.... this will allow brad to move to his more natural position of power forward... celtics get rid of blounts contract and gets insurance in case antoine walker doesn't resign....

On a second trade... i would trade...

Kings Trade:

Cuttino Mobley (sign and trade)

Indiana Trades:

Ron Artest

mobley will fill the pacers void at the SG position after reggie millers retirement... and the kings would get a defensive stopper in artest... i think artest would be worth the risk, since we would have lost mobley for nothing in free agency anyways...

Kings Lineup

PF Miller/Songaila
SF Peja/ Williamson
C M. Blount/Skinner/ Ostertag
SG Artest/ Evans/ Martin
PG Bibby/ Jackson
The Mark Blount trade at least is orginal, but I have seen hundreds of post saying Cat for Artest. It simply won't work. Artest is their best defender and perhaps their second best scorer on the team, and they won't trade that for a shoot first undersized two guard. If they wanted to get rid of Artest they could get a whole lot more than just Cat. The Mark Blount trade is intruiging, he is a legit 7 footer, but he doesn't really rebound too well with the all that size he has. He averaged 5 rebs a game this past year and his career high is only 7. Not a great shot blocker either, less than 1 per game this year. We could probably find a better player to get by packaging some of the guys you mentioned.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Blount is a very average big man, and that's in the East. And in the West I really don't think you can be starting him and be serious about winning anything. You could bring him off the bench, but then he'll just bore you to tears by not doing anything particularly well. He's just the guy you give minutes to when you have nobody else to play. And unfortunately Boston dropped an oversized contract on him last year making him far too expensive for his talent level.
AleksandarN said:
Ok I got this trade then for you guys.

Trade 1

Sac trades
number 1 pick

Wizards trades
Kwame Brown.

Trade 2

Sac trades
Mobley(if does not opt out or sign and trade)
2nd round pick

Denever trades
Nene plus filler

Then we sign Marko Jaric as our starting SG. Our lineup would look like this

PG: Bibby/Bobby
SG: Jaric/Evans/Martin
SF: Pedja/Corliss/Kenny
PF: Kwame or Nene/Kwame or Nene/Kenny
C: Miller/Skinner

If we do this though we would have to trade Kenny because I do not think he like to be 2nd and 3rd backup.
Kwame's a FA, so why give up a player and a pick for him. I know you're thinking dumping salary, but I'd rather keep Tag's expiring contract and the 1st round pick.

Mobley will most likely opt-out. I don't see him staying another year when the possibility of him being used in a trade is high. So if we can sign Kwame outright to a two or three year deal, do it. With Mobley gone, use our other assets (outside of the core three) to get a shooting guard.

We have lots of issues, and they can't all be addressed in one summer. I'm not sure we have enough to make more than one big trade, anyhow. The Nene deal looks interesting, but Denver has no reason to work with us.
Packt said:
Kwame's a FA, so why give up a player and a pick for him. I know you're thinking dumping salary, but I'd rather keep Tag's expiring contract and the 1st round pick.

Mobley will most likely opt-out. I don't see him staying another year when the possibility of him being used in a trade is high. So if we can sign Kwame outright to a two or three year deal, do it. With Mobley gone, use our other assets (outside of the core three) to get a shooting guard.

We have lots of issues, and they can't all be addressed in one summer. I'm not sure we have enough to make more than one big trade, anyhow. The Nene deal looks interesting, but Denver has no reason to work with us.
Sorry I was thinking of a sign and trade for Kwame. I will change the post. You never know what will happen. I think a sign and trade for both players are possible.