[Game] Kings @ Spurs - 4/12/13


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Yeah, it's all of the starters really who looked unmotivated. I just noticed Reke looked particularly bad because I'm doing his grade for tonight so I'm watching him more closely. It's not just the missed shots, it's expending the minimum level of effort needed to actually play a basketball game. He just looked like he doesn't want to be there.


Hall of Famer
You know, with players publicly questioning Smart's sub patterns, what really makes Smart look incompetent is not his theory behind playing 10-12 players at the start of the year, but rather when it wasn't working and when obviously players have talked to him about the sub patterns, he's flat out ignored them. When you're not winning and your players bring up sub patterns and the detrimental effect they can have and as coach you just ignore it and continue on your losing ways, you look incompetent. Smart has shown he a) won't consider what his players say and b) has an inability to alter a broken system. Just stuck in his stupid ways. Kept losing and never altered his ways at all. If anything it just got worse.

Tough to watch. Die hard fan but this s*** is tough to watch.
The last 3 made by Jimmer was the range he shot all the time in college. He just doesn't go for it in Sacramento and has been very unselfish tonight only taking 4 shots in 13 minutes (5 counting the last one with time gone). He has passed well. It's nice to see him get some minutes.


Hall of Famer
Yeah, it's all of the starters really who looked unmotivated. I just noticed Reke looked particularly bad because I'm doing his grade for tonight so I'm watching him more closely. It's not just the missed shots, it's expending the minimum level of effort needed to actually play a basketball game. He just looked like he doesn't want to be there.
I'll bet the locker room has been a lot of fun since IT said the team didn't like Smart's rotations. So look what happens. Look at who is playing. Almost everybody but the starters. I really don't enjoy this but have this bad habit of watching.
I'll bet the locker room has been a lot of fun since IT said the team didn't like Smart's rotations. So look what happens. Look at who is playing. Almost everybody but the starters. I really don't enjoy this but have this bad habit of watching.
when did it say that? link please......


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I think it's pretty obvious to the players right now that their coach is a goner (and was really only there as a stopgap non-solution to begin with), the front office will be cleaned out this summer, and the new owners are probably going to be going through the roster and rethinking things from the ground up. It's pretty hard to motivate yourself to go out and compete at this point in the season when you're not only way out of the playoffs, but the entire organization is essentially in lame duck status. They're still playing hard for the home games thankfully which realistically is about as much as we can expect in this situation.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Cousins with some late life. 10 points in 6 mins is doable. Parker and Duncan are going to come back in though.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I've said it before, and it bears repeating: there's no other team in the league whose second-best player has a shorter leash than Tyreke Evans.
I've said it before, and it bears repeating: there's no other team in the league whose second-best player has a shorter leash than Tyreke Evans.
as a head coach, you must trust your impact players to do their jobs. it's a necessity, particularly for a developing young team that still needs to learn how to win (especially on the road). reviving jimmer fredette from the dead for heavier minutes tonight is, of course, a nice surprise for jimmer fans, but it does nothing for your team's continuity or chemistry. there's only a few games left. i just wish smart had enough sense to help his team finish off the season in a worthy fashion. but that's too much to ask, i guess. so... back to the waiting game...
oh well. i dont expect any wins on this road trip honestly. i just feel bad for Tyreke. only 3 more games of being jerked around by Keith Smart
Same here. I'm more concerned right now about Reke leaving because of being jerked around all the damn time. Hopefully his agent and bros will have a good meeting with the new management and give him the chance to shine