[Game] Kings @ Spurs - 4/12/13

im a better jump shooter than reke is. if your open shoot a jumper, its not hard to master over the summer. i mastered my jumpner over the winter break. reke cant shoot. he only can shoot threes here and there, but he only takes two jumpers a game. thats lol worthy for being a sg..

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Hall of Famer
im a better jump shooter than reke is. if your open shoot a jumper, its not hard to master over the summer. i mastered my jumpner over the winter break. reke cant shoot. he only can shoot threes here and there, but he only takes two jumpers a game. thats lol worthy for being a sg..

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Lol. You wouldn't even get a shot off in an NBA game.
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my jumper is quicker than in the video. im just in practice'' mode''. i have a release like thornton, very quick catch and shoot guy. all i take are mid range shots, no threes in pick ups/ league play
making a couple 15ft shots makes you a better jump shooter than Tyreke?
a better jump shooter, yes. when does he ever shoot mid rangers? also those are right before the three point line. reke never shoots twos, hes just a slasher, driver. atleast i have proof i can hit mid range shots, but where is his proof? he needs to step up his shooting!
im a better jump shooter than reke is. if your open shoot a jumper, its not hard to master over the summer. i mastered my jumpner over the winter break. reke cant shoot. he only can shoot threes here and there, but he only takes two jumpers a game. thats lol worthy for being a sg..

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this is as simple-minded an argument regarding tyreke's offensive skill set as i've yet seen. when you're an elite slashing guard, you don't need to be a dead-eye jump shooter. nor do you need to be taking a considerable number of jump shots. you do exactly as 'reke does: pick your spots...
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Super Moderator Emeritus
im a better jump shooter than reke is. if your open shoot a jumper, its not hard to master over the summer. i mastered my jumpner over the winter break. reke cant shoot. he only can shoot threes here and there, but he only takes two jumpers a game. thats lol worthy for being a sg..
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Hall of Famer
my jumper is quicker than in the video. im just in practice'' mode''. i have a release like thornton, very quick catch and shoot guy. all i take are mid range shots, no threes in pick ups/ league play
I think you have zero idea what a D1 college guard looks like up close on a practice court or in a pickup game, let alone an NBA guard.
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yes but, if he developed a jumper he would be lebron, if the guards back off on d, then he can shoot it all day long in there face or drive, the opp d wouldnt know how to guard him, then thats when they double him. if you have a jumper it does wonders to your game.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
im a better jump shooter than reke is. if your open shoot a jumper, its not hard to master over the summer. i mastered my jumpner over the winter break. reke cant shoot. he only can shoot threes here and there, but he only takes two jumpers a game. thats lol worthy for being a sg..
I would say that you'd average 0.0 points on 0-10 shooting, but rainmaker's right: you wouldn't get a single shot off against NBA defense, and at least every other time you touched the ball would result in a turnover.

You'd shoot better than 47.8 percent from the field against pros? Sure you would.


Super Moderator Emeritus
a better jump shooter, yes. when does he ever shoot mid rangers? also those are right before the three point line. reke never shoots twos, hes just a slasher, driver. atleast i have proof i can hit mid range shots, but where is his proof? he needs to step up his shooting!
Reke's proof quite simply is he's in the NBA and you're shooting random shots on a playground.
a better jump shooter, yes. when does he ever shoot mid rangers? also those are right before the three point line. reke never shoots twos, hes just a slasher, driver. atleast i have proof i can hit mid range shots, but where is his proof? he needs to step up his shooting!
Can I just ask how old you are? You have the persona of a 12 year old. I'd like to see you shooting mid range jumpshots over guys with 7 foot reaches jumping in front of you.
a better jump shooter, yes. when does he ever shoot mid rangers? also those are right before the three point line. reke never shoots twos, hes just a slasher, driver. atleast i have proof i can hit mid range shots, but where is his proof? he needs to step up his shooting!
i dont think you have any idea how easily NBA players like Tyreke would be stroking in those mid-range shots in a practice setting.
i dont think you have any idea how easily NBA players like Tyreke would be stroking in those mid-range shots in a practice setting.
When you take into consideration how even good shooters like Quincy Douby struggled in the NBA ... The guy used to hit everything in practice and college, stepped into an actual NBA game and poof!
where did it go? i can tell you why he doesnt make any in the game, its because his jumper is too slow, and his elbow is bent to much. look at all the great shooters that ever played. they have a very fast smooth release and there shooting elbow doesnt bend all the way back like his does. example jimmers, melos, thornton and ray rays shot. look how quick and smooth there shot is, and mine. it looks like tyreke is pushing the ball instead of rolling it off the finger tips. im no teacher but i do now how to shoot. you cant have a slow shot like he does.he needs to re work his footing, and hand positioning when he shoots.

even look at currys shot, its quick!
just do a whole off season and take jumpers, it works, i know!
where did it go? i can tell you why he doesnt make any in the game, its because his jumper is too slow, and his elbow is bent to much. look at all the great shooters that ever played. they have a very fast smooth release and there shooting elbow doesnt bend all the way back like his does. example jimmers, melos, thornton and ray rays shot. look how quick and smooth there shot is, and mine. it looks like tyreke is pushing the ball instead of rolling it off the finger tips. im no teacher but i do now how to shoot. you cant have a slow shot like he does.he needs to re work his footing, and hand positioning when he shoots.

even look at currys shot, its quick!
just do a whole off season and take jumpers, it works, i know!
Yes, and nobody in their right mind would compare Tyreke's shooting ability to that of Jimmer's or Ray Allen's. The only thing people are refuting here is that you are a better shooter than Tyreke Evans.

Let me tell you why he doesn't make any in the game. It's not because his jumper is too slow. It's because he doesn't take any in the game. And you know why he doesn't take any in the game? Because throughout his career he's never had to. I don't think Tyreke will ever be a great shooter, because something about his mechanics just aren't ideal, and it's very difficult to undo mecahnics that have been reinforced over so many years. His set shot is better because it only requires adjustments on his release. He's also been decent catching and shooting off a curl, but with Keith Smart's playbook we see that about once every 30 games. I maintain the belief that the problem in his shooting starts with how he elevates and leans, and I say this because it feels weird as anything for me to jump straight up and shoot. I have a similar problem in my shot - I end up leaning back a little, and I dare say the problem comes from how I jump. And this is why his shot pulling up is so bad.

The good news is that he doesn't have to become a great shooter. LeBron, Wade, Tony Parker are all far from the best shooters in the league. Tyreke just needs to be good enough that the defense can't give him an open shot. He also needs to be good enough to have the confidence to take that shot when they give it to him.
in his current form, his elbow bends to far back still,is there a stat on how many jumpers he took this year per game? not layups or threes but jumpers.
I still don't understand what you're getting at. Why do you want Tyreke to be taking jumpers when it's not his strength? The guy literally averaged 20 points his rookie season on layups alone. This season he's averaging about 16 points on a good shooting %. But you want him to take jumpers ... because he's bad at them? How many jumpers did Shaq take? Is there a stat for that?
maybe the new owners can hire HereWeStay to come coach Tyreke over the offseason
im a very good gym shooter so i can probly show him. i shoot like melo and jimmer. i have my lefthand ontop of the ball for guidance. works wonders. i have a drill where i have to make 10 jumpers in a row 5 times and if i dont make them all in a row, i start over at one. he should try that drill