[Game] Kings @ Spurs - 4/12/13

im a very good gym shooter so i can probly show him. i shoot like melo and jimmer. i have my lefthand ontop of the ball for guidance. works wonders. i have a drill where i have to make 10 jumpers in a row 5 times and if i dont make them all in a row, i start over at one. he should try that drill
/facepalm. You say you shoot like Jimmer. Do you know who Tyreke Evans practices with every single team practice? Hint: starts with a J.
I still don't understand what you're getting at. Why do you want Tyreke to be taking jumpers when it's not his strength? The guy literally averaged 20 points his rookie season on layups alone. This season he's averaging about 16 points on a good shooting %. But you want him to take jumpers ... because he's bad at them? How many jumpers did Shaq take? Is there a stat for that?
i want him to take jumpers because hes a sg and he holds the team back sometimes. sg's are suppose to shoot, not just drive. what happens if he injurs his knee and he wont be able to drive? it will be too late
/facepalm. You say you shoot like Jimmer. Do you know who Tyreke Evans practices with every single team practice? Hint: starts with a J.
yes i do shoot like jimmer as in my shooting form. him and melo have the same form.. also then why doesnt tyreke take notes from jimmer?
yes i do shoot like jimmer as in my shooting form. him and melo have the same form.. also then why doesnt tyreke take notes from jimmer?
Because IT ISN'T THAT EASY TO CHANGE HOW YOU SHOOT! Oh my goodness dude you are like ... wow. SGs are supposed to shoot and not just drive. Hey Kyle Korver is a really good shooter, but SGs also aren't just supposed to shoot, they should drive. Let's give him the ball and let him take it to the rim, because sometimes he holds his team back by not doing so. Just ... wow. Have a good day.


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i want him to take jumpers because hes a sg and he holds the team back sometimes. sg's are suppose to shoot, not just drive. what happens if he injurs his knee and he wont be able to drive? it will be too late
Our point guard does a good job of pointing, so you may be on to something...
This is some funny ****. I wanna see HereWeStay and Reke in a 3 point contest. My bet is on the NBA Pro
i can beat him in a shooting mid range shots all day long, i used to practice three to 4 hours a day in high school, trust me i have a very good jumper when im practicing, i could probly beat him in a mid range game contest since he cant shoot
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i can beat him in a shooting mid range shots all day long, i used to practice three to 4 hours a day in high school, trust me i have a very good jumper when im practicing, i could probly beat him in a mid range game contest since he cant shoot
This may surprise you, but I dare say every single NBA pro practiced that or more.
i can beat him in a shooting mid range shots all day long, i used to practice three to 4 hours a day in high school, trust me i have a very good jumper when im practicing, i could probly beat him in a mid range game contest since he cant shoot
Lol. I don't think you realize how good pros are. There are numerous youtube videos of Tyreke splashin jumpers over All-American high school players. There are videos of him hitting all of his jumpers unguarded in practice. His problem is more mental than anything. Unless you are some sort of undiscovered basketball prodigy, I highly doubt you can beat an NBA pro in a shooting contest. Silliest thing I've ever heard in my life.
Another thing to add. There are approximately 7 billion people in the world. There are about 450 NBA players. That's less than 1% of the world's population that make it. Those 450 are the elite of the elite. A bench scrub is still a better basketball player than 98% of the world (some college players are already good enough to be pros, hence the added 1%).
Another thing to add. There are approximately 7 billion people in the world. There are about 450 NBA players. That's less than 1% of the world's population that make it. Those 450 are the elite of the elite. A bench scrub is still a better basketball player than 98% of the world (some college players are already good enough to be pros, hence the added 1%).
Don't forget that those bench scrubs were star players in college and HS.
i can beat him in a shooting mid range shots all day long, i used to practice three to 4 hours a day in high school, trust me i have a very good jumper when im practicing, i could probly beat him in a mid range game contest since he cant shoot
When I was a season ticket holder, I remember watching Mateen Cleeves come out before games with a coach and hit shot after shot from all over the court. He made it look easy (just like most NBA players). That still didn't make him a good shooter during games.
Lol. I don't think you realize how good pros are. There are numerous youtube videos of Tyreke splashin jumpers over All-American high school players. There are videos of him hitting all of his jumpers unguarded in practice. His problem is more mental than anything. Unless you are some sort of undiscovered basketball prodigy, I highly doubt you can beat an NBA pro in a shooting contest. Silliest thing I've ever heard in my life.
I agree with most of this bit I dont' think Tyreke's problem is more mental than anything. His shot isn't pretty in those videos even thought he is draining them. Tyreke's problems with his shot are his shooting fundamentals. He has been much better this year and I think he will get better as time goes on.


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i can beat him in a shooting mid range shots all day long, i used to practice three to 4 hours a day in high school, trust me i have a very good jumper when im practicing, i could probly beat him in a mid range game contest since he cant shoot
If only coach had put me in; we would have won state!


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And so it goes...some 75% (estimated) of a game thread is now about some anonymous poster who seriously thinks he could beat Tyreke Evans in a shooting contest. Well, at least it's a distraction...
i can beat him in a shooting mid range shots all day long, i used to practice three to 4 hours a day in high school, trust me i have a very good jumper when im practicing, i could probly beat him in a mid range game contest since he cant shoot
dude the only person on the team you could beat in a jumpshooting contest is Chuck Hayes, and thats a MAYBE
dude the only person on the team you could beat in a jumpshooting contest is Chuck Hayes, and thats a MAYBE
i used to take basketball real serious like they did before they made it. i litterly shot nothing but jumpshot for 3 to 4 hours a day, durring warm ups or me just shooting around, i make everything. in game its a little different but im ok. but just shooting its too easy.
i can beat him in a shooting mid range shots all day long, i used to practice three to 4 hours a day in high school, trust me i have a very good jumper when im practicing, i could probly beat him in a mid range game contest since he cant shoot
all right, nobody else is really saying it, so i'm gonna: this whole chest-puffing schtick of yours is juvenile and embarrassing. whether you're aware of it or not, it simply isn't a good look for you. tyreke evans' jump shot has improved dramatically since his rookie season. he continues to stick in-game jumpers regularly, and i fully expect that we'll see further improvement over the course of his career. and to claim that your high school gym experience means even the slightest of ****s when compared to the rigors of competing at the professional level is a false equivalency of the greatest magnitude. it's just erroneous on all counts, i'm afraid...
all right, nobody else is really saying it, so i'm gonna: this whole chest-puffing schtick of yours is juvenile and embarrassing. whether you're aware of it or not, it simply isn't a good look for you. tyreke evans' jump shot has improved dramatically since his rookie season. he continues to stick in-game jumpers regularly, and i fully expect that we'll see further improvement over the course of his career. and to claim that your high school gym experience means even the slightest of ****s when compared to the rigors of competing at the professional level is a false equivalency of the greatest magnitude. it's just erroneous on all counts, i'm afraid...
i used to practice long hours like they did, whats not hard to understand? 4 hours a day is a lot of freaking jump shots. any body can be a good shooter if you shoot that long 5 times a week. you just have to keep practacing. im not saying im a better player, im just saying if we were in the gym seeing who can make the most jumpers i would probly win
Another thing to add. There are approximately 7 billion people in the world. There are about 450 NBA players. That's less than 1% of the world's population that make it.
I'm sorry, but I have to remark about this math slaughtering.

450 players are the best .0000065% of the world.
That's 6 millionths of a percent. Not exactly remotely close to 1%, much less 2% of the Earth's population.
i used to practice long hours like they did, whats not hard to understand? 4 hours a day is a lot of freaking jump shots. any body can be a good shooter if you shoot that long 5 times a week. you just have to keep practacing. im not saying im a better player, im just saying if we were in the gym seeing who can make the most jumpers i would probly win
When I was in HS and College, I used to shoot hours on end as well and was a very good shooter and player. But all I had to do was go play some street ball with some serious talent to see the difference. When you play on the same court with guys who are at a completely different level (I played in college), it becomes a lot harder to compare yourself to NBA type talent.
When I was in HS and College, I used to shoot hours on end as well and was a very good shooter and player. But all I had to do was go play some street ball with some serious talent to see the difference. When you play on the same court with guys who are at a completely different level (I played in college), it becomes a lot harder to compare yourself to NBA type talent.
im talking about just shooting around in an open gym not in an actual game, of course reke can beat me, but i might have an above average shot in beating him in a jumper contest. not on 1 on 1 ball. since were talking about street ball, im alright. im 6'2 so i average 4 blocks a game just with my iq alone lol. but reke would beat me 1 on 1 but not in a jumper contest