To continue:
Lauren Graham runs into my office, mouth running a million miles a minute: "That Space Lothario has been slinking around the Star's Hollow set all day. He's been making advances towards myself and Alexis; he even refused to get out of the shot in Luke's Diner and threatened to stun him! How can I work with this predator on the lot?"
"Sir, she is the most. Incredibly beautiful woman I have. Ever seen. I mean, it's not like there are much. Hot women on the studio lot. That science babe. Burned me with a Bunsen burner."
Me:"So I need more babes?"
Lauren: "I would prefer fired; but if you suspend him and keep him away..."
Kirk: "So many more babes."
Me: "I have just the thing."
Baywatch (1989-2001)
The Hoff
What we really wanna see
There. Problem solved.