Kings @ Celtics Game Thread

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hanchiho said:
that's part of the reason. bibby was just plain cold tonight...
he had a career night against AI, and AI is a pretty good defender
Bibby was probably colder than he was on other nights, but I disagree that AI is a good man-to-man defender. AI plays the passing lanes and gambles as well as any other PG, but it's not as if he's the second coming of the Glove. Not to mention he doesn't have West's size (I think West is 6'4" or so). West is a much better one-on-one defender than AI, imho.
SacKings384 said:
Bibby gets flat out owned by tall guys that can keep up with him. Remember what happened when they put Latrell on him after he torched Minny in game one?
You may forget that Bibby owned Delonte West the last time they played: 33 points, 10 assists, 6 rebounds.

Bibby was tired. End of story.
4cwebb said:
Any way one of the kids and KThomas gets the Kings a big man with real size and athleticism? Candiman is probably available...
That's the biggest problem defensively, but it also sucks that we don't have somebody (big man or guard) who's able to take the ball inside. When the Kings can't make jump shots, they're pretty much done.
I agree NBRANS I think it was more of Bibby being tired then West owning him. In fact a lot of his shots were open and uncontested. He was short and wide on his shots. Definate sign of being tired.

I am not upset about this loss. Need better inside play and rebounds. I would hope this picks up with a healthy SAR and Bonzi. If not we will need to find us a new starting PF. Its a wait and see for me right now.
thesanityannex said:
What I learned from the Celtics announcers tonight:

1. Delonte West is a perennial all-star.
2. Wally is the next Bird.
3. Phantom calls happen to the Celtics more than any other team.
4. Brian Scalabrine is an impact player.
5. The Kings cheated in the first half (15 ft attempts to 1 ft attempt)
You sure that wasn't the color comentator speaking?
1) i wish RA would play skinner more.

2) i'm glad artest didn't rip anyone's head off.

3) i'm getting tired of seeing/reading on PBP about martin or cisco in the corner for three.

4) please try to get a big man geoff.
Someone for the love of god get Jason Hart out of a kings jersey, id rather gamble on terrell Owens than have him jack up shots and brick them

He did have a few steals but NEEDS to learn how to run the offense when Bibby is tired/incapable
Folks you really have to look at the 2 halfs or better yet quarter by quarter. The Patch-work Kings lookg ok in the first, prety good in the second, and then not so good in the 3r. By the 4th they flat stunk. Then look at the bench... No back up pg so you have to let Hart taek some min. SAR looks like a survivor of Aushwitz out there after a month on a liquid diet. Center? uh Skiner is hurt and Samson is... well he's Samson. Garcia fills in for Ron ok but remember Ron has not palyed in 2 monts. These guys have been on a long road trip and are probably more than a little tired. Many of these things ought to get better soon, but a nice big man and or a SOLID back up PG would make a BIG difference.
4cwebb said:
Bibby was probably colder than he was on other nights, but I disagree that AI is a good man-to-man defender. AI plays the passing lanes and gambles as well as any other PG, but it's not as if he's the second coming of the Glove. Not to mention he doesn't have West's size (I think West is 6'4" or so). West is a much better one-on-one defender than AI, imho.
i guess i'll agree with you on West's defensive at some level. i didn;t watch the game.:D
What I have noticed...

The kings have to be tired both physically and emotionally. With all the media surrounding them because of the trade. All the stress and hassle that comes along with it. They just finished a four games in five nights scenario all on the road-- and they're still travelling.

Ron -- Obviously was huffing and puffing out there. Not yet in game shape. It will take time.

Brad -- Jumping lower than usual :)eek: is that even possible). And he couldn't seem to get loose balls plus the shots in the paint weren't going in. Definitely looked tired out there.

Bibby -- Probably has no legs under him. I can't believe how bad his shots looked. He even made about 4 airballs, and more shots barely hitting the rim.

I'll attribute this loss to fatigue and consequently, poor shooting and rebounding. I think we could've won this game, though, even with the circumstances. But it is what it is.

I'll give the new unit time to gel. It could be really good.
LMM said:
What I have noticed...

The kings have to be tired both physically and emotionally. With all the media surrounding them because of the trade. All the stress and hassle that comes along with it. They just finished a four games in five nights scenario all on the road-- and they're still travelling.

Ron -- Obviously was huffing and puffing out there. Not yet in game shape. It will take time.

Brad -- Jumping lower than usual :)eek: is that even possible). And he couldn't seem to get loose balls plus the shots in the paint weren't going in. Definitely looked tired out there.

Bibby -- Probably has no legs under him. I can't believe how bad his shots looked. He even made about 4 airballs, and more shots barely hitting the rim.

I'll attribute this loss to fatigue and consequently, poor shooting and rebounding. I think we could've won this game, though, even with the circumstances. But it is what it is.

I'll give the new unit time to gel. It could be really good.
i dont think they should be emtionally tired even though there's media all over them. they are professionals. stuff like that can't happen. But I guess you can say they have tired legs, and plus they are undersized. When we lost quickness and outside shooting we are done. Time to gel is also very crucial because SAR and bonzi havent got back into the their game yet.
God, Petrie. Cut Hart so we don't have to watch him anymore. No quickness, can't create, botches layups -- do I have to go on? That guy doesn't belong in the NBA. I never noticed it before, but Hart basically shoots with both hands -- too much left arm in the shot.


Super Moderator Emeritus
hanchiho said:
i dont think they should be emtionally tired even though there's media all over them. they are professionals. stuff like that can't happen. But I guess you can say they have tired legs, and plus they are undersized. When we lost quickness and outside shooting we are done. Time to gel is also very crucial because SAR and bonzi havent got back into the their game yet.
Wrong. It can and does happen. This team has been limping along for a long time. The drama of the on again, off again, back on again trade DOES take an emotional toil, and probably more than we'd realize. The media has hounded them virtually without any kind of break. In addition, they're still playing short-handed and they're physically, emotionally and mentally drained. I'm surprised they've lasted at all. By the time the 4th quarter came around, their tanks were empty...
Eddie_the_Eagle said:
God, Petrie. Cut Hart so we don't have to watch him anymore. No quickness, can't create, botches layups -- do I have to go on? That guy doesn't belong in the NBA. I never noticed it before, but Hart basically shoots with both hands -- too much left arm in the shot.
he shoots like marion, but marion's shot goes in. marion's the only one talented enough to do that

hart's shooting mechanism is just weird
Losses like this really hurt when we're trying to get back into the playoff race. You can't really fault our players, though, they've just looked exhausted out there the last few games. When do we go back home anyways?


Super Moderator Emeritus
We play in Toronto on Sunday, 4 p.m. PST, and then come home. First Arco game with Ron will be Tuesday against the Nuggets. A little hop over to Utah, and then back for three more home games.
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VF21 said:
We play in Toronto on Sunday, 10 a.m. PST, and then come home. First Arco game with Ron will be Tuesday against the Nuggets. A little hop over to Utah, and then back for three more home games.
please win this at ACC. although i live near toronto, I hate the raptors, partly because i hate their announcers with their stupid knowledge of basketball. they are kings bashers too. Raptors are also a team lives and dies by jump shots
VF21 said:
We play in Toronto on Sunday, 10 a.m. PST, and then come home. First Arco game with Ron will be Tuesday against the Nuggets. A little hop over to Utah, and then back for three more home games.
Is it 10am? I think the Kings site has it at 4pm?
Gotta say, I didn't like the coaching in this one. 7 man rotations on a 5th game in 7 nights is just plain RETARDED!!!!

Brian Skinner is rolling over in his grave and Brad Miller is diggin his own. He looked worn out!!! Earth to Adelman!!!
Don't put too much stock into this game. Look at all the circumstances and a loss like this should not be too upsetting. Yes, it is tough when we are tryng to get a playoff spot, but I STILL beleive that we can turn it around before the end of the season. This was game 5 of the 6. they are bound to be tired mentally, physically, and emotionally. While I was not overly joyful about the trade, it will help us this season. Let's give them a couple games and they will begin to gel on the court. Artest needs to get his game legs back, Brad and Mike must be EXHAUSTED and need some rest, the injured will heal.

Before we left Arco, I was thinking we would be 2-4 on this trip. When we win against the Raptors, we will be 2-4. If we are within 4 games at the All Star break, I think that we will make the playoffs. More than that - not so sure, but I am going to believe that we are going to see a VAST inprovement.



Even though we lost - there were some good things to be seen out there.

We actually played defense!

I'm not worried about offense. Our offense will come.

Ron Artest is out of shape, imagine a whole game with that intensity?!
Reef is still wired shut, most of those shots he's missed go in a majority of the time!
Bibby is not usually going to go 2-14.
This team isn't usually going to have 17 TOs.
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