Kings @ Celtics Game Thread

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We need 2 things. A center that can REBOUND...

And a PG not named Jason Hart. The guy is absolutely awful. To be honest I used to think this guy was decent because he hustled and all. But when I see him enter the game my heart just sinks. It's almost like "ok how long can Bibby stay out until the lead is gone..."
HndsmCelt said:
Yeah... Kings had good 1st half... Artest looked great... the team played some nice defencive sets

Then bad 3rd... HORINDOUS 4th and Jason Hart...

I can live with the loss but man I would love to see a back up point gaurd, and a bench that can take more min!
Ronnie Price played very solid in one game a long time ago and has barely played since??
King4Life said:
Celtics have a rebounding advantage of 51 to 29. That is hilarious. The Kings have nobody who takes it to the basket or plays aggressive in the paint.

It's funny how the Celtics announcers are going crazy about Szczerbiak. It's as if a young Larry Bird came back to play for Boston.
not hilarious, EMBARASSING
Andriod_KiNg said:
Look at the Rebound and the Points in the Paint, i ****ing knew a numbskull like Adelman would find a way to ruin this, atleast play Skinner or Williamson...
Oh come one now. Skinner is hurt, and Corless would have been compleetly out sized unless he was in at the 3... Celts had size, rest and PRACTICE on their side... Corless would NOT have helped at all.
King4Life said:
Celtics have a rebounding advantage of 51 to 29. That is hilarious. The Kings have nobody who takes it to the basket or plays aggressive in the paint.

It's funny how the Celtics announcers are going crazy about Szczerbiak. It's as if a young Larry Bird came back to play for Boston.
I could come to the Celtics and Tommy would be like...

"This kid! This kid is good! He could be something! I see him what I saw in Bill Russell... ::I'm standing around, ball falls into my hands by some miracle for a rebound:: Do you see! This guy can really hit the boards! What a rebound! That's a Tommy point! To see a rookie like this come in and pull down the boards... This guy, Bill Russell I tell you... Bill Russell"
BK_KingsFan7 said:
Our guys just looked dead tired out there. I hope Artest dosen't think we play this bad every night or else he'll blow up sooner than we thought.
Maybe some of the kings were messing w/ Ron's medicine cabinet???
They've practiced once, what do you expect. Rome wasn't built in a day. If this happens a few weeks from now, it won't be appropriate, now, what do you expect from the you expect detroit?
SacKings384 said:
Glad to see we've kept up with our trend of making p.o.s centers into all-stars...

Perkins - 13 points 11 rebounds

Our overall D has improved. But our interior D is still the worst in the NBA. Absolutely attrocious....
no comment on the all star scrub du jour, my language wouldn't be allowed;)

i'm not too surprised that our interior D sucks, brad is pillow soft, and kenny is only 6'7''. brad is huge, but sucks at D, and kenny tries, but is just too short. at least he can rebound, brad needs to take some lessons on that.

we need another big man big time.
By the way, one of the worst draft day trades ever. Grizzlies trade Marcus Banks and Kendrik Perkins to Boston for Troy Bell and Dahntay Jones.

Yeah. That was fair. Good work, Logo.
I got some good news and some bad news... The bad news is we shot 30% from the field, and got outrebounded by 22, Perkins had 5 blocks and looked like Amare Stoudemire, Bibby shot attrociously, we lost our first game with Ron Artest. The good news is that I did save some money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.


What I learned from the Celtics announcers tonight:

1. Delonte West is a perennial all-star.
2. Wally is the next Bird.
3. Phantom calls happen to the Celtics more than any other team.
4. Brian Scalabrine is an impact player.
5. The Kings cheated in the first half (15 ft attempts to 1 ft attempt)
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Evenstar said:
no comment on the all star scrub du jour, my language wouldn't be allowed;)

i'm not too surprised that our interior D sucks, brad is pillow soft, and kenny is only 6'7''. brad is huge, but sucks at D, and kenny tries, but is just too short. at least he can rebound, brad needs to take some lessons on that.

we need another big man big time.
we have one and our coach refuses to play him
thesanityannex said:
What I learned from the Celtics announcers tonight:

1. Delonte West is a perennial all-star.
2. Wally is the next Bird.
3. Phantom calls happen to the Celtics more than any other team.
4. The red-headed dude is an impact player.
5. The Kings cheated in the first half (15 ft attempts to 1 ft attempt)
thesanityannex said:
What I learned from the Celtics announcers tonight:

1. Delonte West is a perennial all-star.
2. Wally is the next Bird.
3. Phantom calls happen to the Celtics more than any other team.
4. The red-headed dude is an impact player.
5. The Kings cheated in the first half (15 ft attempts to 1 ft attempt)
brian scalabrine LOL! thats pretty funny
Bibby got owned by Delonte West. I watched West harass AI not too long ago, and considering that Bibby doesn't have AI's quickness or general athleticism, it's not surprising that West did such a solid job against him.

Shame is that no one else could really step up to take over the scoring burden...
thesanityannex said:
What I learned from the Celtics announcers tonight:

1. Delonte West is a perennial all-star.
2. Wally is the next Bird.
3. Phantom calls happen to the Celtics more than any other team.
4. The red-headed dude is an impact player.
5. The Kings cheated in the first half (15 ft attempts to 1 ft attempt)
lol thats interesting
We shouldn't put so much weight on how the team does when Bonzi comes back, because he's likely not gonna be a King after this season. In other words, the team that played today is gonna be the team we have next year unless another move is made. It's obvious that another move needs to be made.
thesanityannex said:
What I learned from the Celtics announcers tonight:

1. Delonte West is a perennial all-star.
2. Wally is the next Bird.
3. Phantom calls happen to the Celtics more than any other team.
4. The red-headed dude is an impact player.
5. The Kings cheated in the first half (15 ft attempts to 1 ft attempt)
4cwebb said:
Bibby got owned by Delonte West. I watched West harass AI not too long ago, and considering that Bibby doesn't have AI's quickness or general athleticism, it's not surprising that West did such a solid job against him.

Shame is that no one else could really step up to take over the scoring burden...
that's part of the reason. bibby was just plain cold tonight...
he had a career night against AI, and AI is a pretty good defender
King4Life said:
We shouldn't put so much weight on how the team does when Bonzi comes back, because he's likely not gonna be a King after this season. In other words, the team that played today is gonna be the team we have next year unless another move is made. It's obvious that another move needs to be made.
Any way one of the kids and KThomas gets the Kings a big man with real size and athleticism? Candiman is probably available...
nbrans said:
By the way, one of the worst draft day trades ever. Grizzlies trade Marcus Banks and Kendrik Perkins to Boston for Troy Bell and Dahntay Jones.

Yeah. That was fair. Good work, Logo.
West is actually a pretty damn good GM. Yeah that trade looks pretty bad but no-oone on either side of the trade is worth really anything.

The trades he pulled this offseason to me seemed dumb to me but they've worked out for the best.......the guy does the right things, all the time, we'll most of the time.
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