Jimmer rumor?

Umm no. The Jazz aren't trading Favors or Hayward in about the same extent that we aren't trading Cousins or Tyreke.

And you didn't say trade Jimmer straight up for Favors or Hayard. You said trade Jimmer for Favors/Hayward + better veteran + garbage. So who else do you propose we send them for this lovely package?

I can't stand it when people jump on others for not reading their posts properly when they are the ones making unconvincing statements.
It's getting late man. Back-read that tomorrow.

Hayward or Favors + garbage for Jimmer + better vet or NO DEAL JAZZ FANS!!!
i accept to send everyone philly wants, except DMC & reke,
buyout outlaw this year for not over salary cap next year as well,
if team trade Hayes with some team else, it's wonderful.
Talk of Favors or Hayward is just a pipe dream. There might, and I say might be some interest in the Robinson and Jimmer for Favors but if the trade is to happen, I am pretty sure it will be Jimmer for a pick and call it a day.

Hopefully its a 1st round pick. Cut our losses while we are at it. Jimmer could could work for us if he drastically improves his defence and we play Tyreke at PG and play Jimmer off the ball. I just don't think that's in the plans with the current coaching group and we can't afford a better one.

If we don't trade Jimmer while there is still some value there, he becomes an asset without trade value in 12 months time. If we can get Utah's 1st round pick in next year's draft we should do it.
if the Kings were to get a pick back in the trade, they could use it to satisfy Cleveland's claim on one of their picks, right? if so, this should be done quickly! as much as I like Jimmer -which admittedly isn't much- there's just no room for him whatsoever. especially now that there's rumours of another PG to be added to the roster.

Jason Jones

Lost in all the Jimmer trade speculation because of Aaron Brooks is the Kings intended to add another PG, independent of how Fredette played. Fredette is often at his best when he's not the primary ballhandler and he's still learning a lot about the position at the NBA level. Kings did not want to rely on two second-year players (Isaiah Thomas being the other) to run the offense. I wouldn't expect Fredette to be traded just because Brooks is on the team because it's not as if Brooks signed for five years.
I think you misread that statement. He is saying that regardless of how Jimmer played, Kings planned on adding another PG to the roster, hence the signing of Brooks ;)
yeah, that makes more sense. think I read the "intended" as "intention". not all that well worded whatever it means.


Hall of Famer
If it's just Jimmer we're talking about, I'd happily take Utah's 1st rounder and call it a day. He's the last man on the totem pole at both the pg and sg positions right now; there's no purpose in having him sit rotting at the end of the bench. It would be nice though if the Kings do something a little more dramatic and start packaging a number of players in order to get a quality player. I like Watson. He's a good defender, a good team guy, and he's definitely better than Jimmer. I just keep hoping that we can get a guy in a trade that we all would qualify as a legitimate starter in this league.
I think the Kings had a clear need at PG when they signed Brooks... but they only signed him to a 1 + 1 player option deal... easy to trade should Jimmer come up. Jimmer needs to develop, but is clearly a disappointment so far not being able to hold up a second string spot. At this point, if you can get anything interesting for him (1-13 first round pick or something), do it, but if you cannot, just keep the risk and hope he develops into an Aaron Brooks, not a Quincy Douby.


Hall of Famer
Jimmer for Leonard?
Jimmer for Faried?
Jimmer for Biyombo?
Jimmer for a time machine back to the draft, where we then pick someone, anyone, other than Jimmer?

For reals though....I'd be fine with Jimmer for a draft pick. I have the feeling he wont even be worth that after this season.
Jason Jones

Lost in all the Jimmer trade speculation because of Aaron Brooks is the Kings intended to add another PG, independent of how Fredette played. Fredette is often at his best when he's not the primary ballhandler and he's still learning a lot about the position at the NBA level. Kings did not want to rely on two second-year players (Isaiah Thomas being the other) to run the offense. I wouldn't expect Fredette to be traded just because Brooks is on the team because it's not as if Brooks signed for five years.
uhhhhhhhhhh...... this is news.
This is huge news - or at least a huge turn-around.
The Kings haven't admitted, or even talked about, a need for a proven PG for years IIRC.

Last year they had 2 rookies who they believed could run an NBA offense and learn the hardest job in the NBA (PG). We saw where that got them.
Now, they have IT, Brooks, Jimmer, and Tyreke and they say they still need a primary ballhandler to run the offense?
It's nice that they may have finally woken up to one of their biggest oversights, like me and many others have mentioned for a long time on here, but doesn't this coat their inaction when all those vet PG's were available this offseason in a whole new light of stupid?

Wouldn't Lowry have filled this need? How bout all the other PGs they didn't trade/sign for?
I am not ready to give-up on Jimmer quite yet because of these reasons:

1) I have only seen him play as a rookie and he did not have the advantage of summer league or a training camp to help him adjust to the NBA.

2) Given our general lack of talent, he was forced to play more minutes than he was ready to play.

3) Although he looked lost many times last season, there were times he looked good. In fact, there were times that I thought he may have been one of our best passers.

I remember Kmart looking lost and confused much of the time his rookie season as well.
I think the Kings had a clear need at PG when they signed Brooks... but they only signed him to a 1 + 1 player option deal... easy to trade should Jimmer come up. Jimmer needs to develop, but is clearly a disappointment so far not being able to hold up a second string spot. At this point, if you can get anything interesting for him (1-13 first round pick or something), do it, but if you cannot, just keep the risk and hope he develops into an Aaron Brooks, not a Quincy Douby.
Jimmer does not have and never will have the handles to be a PG in the NBA. Besides that, he has clearly shown to date that he is a far better player off the ball. The problem with that of course is that, he is a PG size and defensively he cannot guard SG and currently he can't guard PGs either. Its not a coincidence that Jimmer played at his best last season when he has 2 other players who are able to handle the ball and get him set up. He played well with T-Will and was decent with any combination of Reke and even Salmons. Where is really struggles was when he was paired with IT or MT. With IT he is too small to guard SG and not quick enough to guard PGs and with MT he struggled bringing the ball up the court in a major way.

If we can get Utah's first round pick next year (likely in the 20s) we should make the trade while there is still some value there.
uhhhhhhhhhh...... this is news.
This is huge news - or at least a huge turn-around.
The Kings haven't admitted, or even talked about, a need for a proven PG for years IIRC.

Last year they had 2 rookies who they believed could run an NBA offense and learn the hardest job in the NBA (PG). We saw where that got them.
Now, they have IT, Brooks, Jimmer, and Tyreke and they say they still need a primary ballhandler to run the offense?
It's nice that they may have finally woken up to one of their biggest oversights, like me and many others have mentioned for a long time on here, but doesn't this coat their inaction when all those vet PG's were available this offseason in a whole new light of stupid?

Wouldn't Lowry have filled this need? How bout all the other PGs they didn't trade/sign for?
I am a KINGS FAN and I have talked about wanting a real PG since 2009 :) That doesn't count though.