Jazz @ Kings Game Thread - Dec. 2

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I definitely don't think of Douby as a kid since he'll be 25 in 6 months. He has played on around 130 NBA games in his career. He's a big boy who plays like a little one - pathetic!
25 is a kid to me. ;) At this point who thinks he's going to be in the NBA next year? And Reggie puts him in in crunch time? Downright cruel and unusual punishment I think. For Douby and for us.
You don't put a guy in the game there for defensive reasons...or for any reason. Especially not Quincy F'ing Douby!

I really feel bad for Q. He's a good kid that isn't a very good NBA player right now. Reggie is not utilizing him the right way at all.
The only thing that could redeem Theus, not in his career here in sac, but as an intelligent person is if he came out and admitted that the loss was on him tonight. He won't because he is pompous, he will probably blame it on our "vets not finishing the game...blah blah blah". What happened to Martin in the last minute? I saw him drive and kick out a few time but he couldn't get anything up! In my mind the ability to get up there and make it in the last minute is what seperates him from players like T-Mac, Deron Williams, Chris Paul, Joe Johson ect....and until he learns how to do it he's gonna remain a second tier star.
Maybe one day, Quincy Douby will return to the NBA after a nice career in Europe. That will be a long time for now.

Even freaking KHTK, the biggest Maloof mouthpiece ever concieved, is questioning the Douby substitution.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The only thing that could redeem Theus, not in his career here in sac, but as an intelligent person is if he came out and admitted that the loss was on him tonight. He won't because he is pompous, he will probably blame it on our "vets not finishing the game...blah blah blah".

He pretty much blamed it on the medical staff, saying Cisco had "used up his minutes" and he couldn't play him at the end. And he's still trying to rationalize why Douby was in the position to take those shots.
Coach Theus just said he was restrained (sounded more like ordered) by medical staff to limit Cisco and Kevin to 30 mins max. Since Garcia was at 31 min he was not going to put him back in to risk injury with next game not for several more days. As he said, why risk it?
JT got 3 minutes, while Moore keeps on playing...pathetic....
Don’t you know that Moore does more things that Jason can.

There’s several good points about this game – good things can happen when we pass the ball. I love that move by Spencer and a nice pass to Beno. Sweet spin move by Spenc for the jam. I love Cisco and Kevin. We were actually competitive through the whole game. No John Salmons. And for those who want a higher draft pick, it was a woss.

Bad thing – As much as I want to see Quincy succeed I was really surprised Reggie put in a cold player at the end. Glad he got minutes but if you want the team to win then wouldn’t you put in a guy that is actually warm? But glad to see him on the court (unfortunately he’s missed several big shots that could have won this game). Jason Thompson, this kid sucks I can’t believe that we actually put him in for those 3-5 minutes. We should have activated Kenny Thomas :rolleyes: . Reggie, do me a favor and try to put Spencer and Jason in at the same time, and lets put them in for more than 5 minutes. Who knows they might play better than Brad and Mikki. It could happen.

But overall good game and some nice teamwork plays.


Hall of Famer
Theus looks nervous. He doesn't know what to say....say it theus...say it was your fault! give yourself...FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!
lets us know what he says. See if he speaks of tiny voices in his head chanting Douby, Douby, Douby. Tell him that was the fans cracking a joke behind him because they have seen Douby choke.
Either Quincy or Donte??? Well honestly at that point id go Donte. At least he is 0/0 in game winning shots while Douby is 0/3. What the hell, Douby takes more game winning shots than anyone on our team. Whats up with that?


Hall of Famer
Coach Theus just said he was restrained (sounded more like ordered) by medical staff to limit Cisco and Kevin to 30 mins max. Since Garcia was at 31 min he was not going to put him back in to risk injury with next game not for several more days. As he said, why risk it?
Are you kidding me? Whats 3 more min. Hell I pee for 3 min.

He pretty much blamed it on the medical staff, saying Cisco had "used up his minutes" and he couldn't play him at the end. And he's still trying to rationalize why Douby was in the position to take those shots.
I'm sorry, 2 minutes of "EXTREME INJURY RISK" would have been worth sparing Douby the agony and getting us a win. Our guys moral is probably so low right now, especially the youngins. God, this is getting hard to watch sometimes. Its time to get rid of Reggie and hire proven coaching talent in this league.


Hall of Famer
I can see it now

Cisco--put me in coach I have fallen been fouled hit and everything I am good to go

Reggie--No Cisco I can't do If you play 3 more min your leg will fall off. Besides Quincy has been in this situation before.
Don’t you know that Moore does more things that Jason can.

There’s several good points about this game – good things can happen when we pass the ball. I love that move by Spencer and a nice pass to Beno. Sweet spin move by Spenc for the jam. I love Cisco and Kevin. We were actually competitive through the whole game. No John Salmons. And for those who want a higher draft pick, it was a woss.

Bad thing – As much as I want to see Quincy succeed I was really surprised Reggie put in a cold player at the end. Glad he got minutes but if you want the team to win then wouldn’t you put in a guy that is actually warm? But glad to see him on the court (unfortunately he’s missed several big shots that could have won this game). Jason Thompson, this kid sucks I can’t believe that we actually put him in for those 3-5 minutes. We should have activated Kenny Thomas :rolleyes: . Reggie, do me a favor and try to put Spencer and Jason in at the same time, and lets put them in for more than 5 minutes. Who knows they might play better than Brad and Mikki. It could happen.

But overall good game and some nice teamwork plays.
It has nothing to do with how he plays. It's about getting JT more experience to develop. Moore could be Pau freaking Gasol, but if this team is in the lottery, and Moore isn't going to BE HERE ANYMORE, and JT could be part of the future, then JT should play. Period.

And I agree with you that JT and Hawes should see time on the court more instead of playing Hawes at the 4 with Miller.
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