Jason Thompson moved to starting unit.

As im sure most everyone knows by now, Jason Thompson has taken the role of starter over Landry because of his strong game, saturday night. this effectively places Carl Landry on the bench where he was notably effective as a rocket. What do u think
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I think a little of all you have brought up. Also, I'm not surprised because Thompson has a lot to offer. Even with his shortcomings he has most often done a good job for us. So I don't think the coach needs much of an excuse to start him. Happy to hear it.
Paul Westphal comment : "Ok seriously you guys, this is the LAST change i'll make, I swear to god" *crosses fingers behind his back*.

Btw how wierd is that? : "Jason Thompson has been named team's starting power forward in place of Carl Landry, according to Coach Paul Westphal." - in Carl Landrys twitter :D
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This is something I expected before the season - one PF starting then the other PF would start later int he season - we'll see how JT performs (hopefully status quo to past seasons and excedes it).
I think JT will stick in the starting unit. He sets a nice pick and has a sweet 15 foot J. Defensively he is interchangeable at the 4 or 5. And he can bring the ball up the court:)

I think Landry is perfect off the bench.

Reke is clearly our creator with the first string. JT can shoot open jumpers and finish inside well enough for our first unit. And his D is much better than Landry's cause of his size and strength.

Landry is actually a perfect fit for our second unit, where we really don't have a captain or a consistent scoring threat. Cousins can be at times, but just isn't ready to produce consistently.

I think from a pure basketball perspective, looking at units that work together as opposed to just throwing your five "best" players on the floor, this is a great move.
I hope that JT can continue his all-around game from here on out because I like this move – Finally. Hopefully we’re on a path to a set rotation.
Anyone feel this whole thing was orchestrated by Landry himself?
Lol, you mean like after they announce the starting lineup on Tuesday, Landry is going to come out of the tunnel to ominous music, hit JT with a chair and pronounce himself the only true starting forward?
This is another evidence on the dilemma Westphal was facing when the season started. All this coach had are mediocre veteran players, young players with potential, and two projected Superstar players (a rookie and one a sophomore). And everyone seems to have something different to offer in the table. It is really hard to find that right combination of players to win. Try, try, and try, experiement, experiment, experiment until you find it.

For C, Cousins or Dalembert?

For PF, Landry or Thompson?

For SF, Greene or Casspi?

For SG and PG to pair with Evans, will it be Garcia or Beno?

How about Jackson who has played very well too and Head who's stellar defense cannot be ignored?

IMO, Westphal will be very lucky if he finds the right starters or rotation of players (who will play consistently and wonderfully with each other) by game 20. I really think his constant changing in his line-up way will do good for the team. He needs to try every combination early in the season, then by mid-season stick with a starting line-up or a rotation once it becomes clear who deserves minutes. And then maybe, carry it on to the next season.

Nobody thought we are going to be in the playoffs anyways.
At least no one can say PW isn't a guy who doesn't like change...

Landry will get more touches and plays ran for him in the 2nd unit and Thompson is a better ball mover which facilitates JT more. Catch and shoot is wasted on Landry, which is what he is subjected to when Evans drives. JT has a nice high release from 15 feet, which is where he will be on an Evans drive anyways.
This is probably the right move for the short term at least, to figure out how good Thompson really is and can be. I personally think he fits in with Tyreke pretty well (this is assuming that Tyreke really can be our "star") since he hits a mid-range jumper pretty consistently.

If this guy could finish around the rim and limit his fouls he could really be an 18/10 player. I think his length also causes problems for other teams on defense, even though he isn't a great shot blocker.

Those two ifs above are very big ifs (some players just never figure it out and thus their effectiveness is limited) but this is what young teams do - let your young players work it out. I think that we know what we have in Carl Landry (an electric 6th man scorer who doesn't quite fit in the starting line-up because of defensive match-up problems) but we still really don't know what we have in Thompson.