IT = Rumor of 3/24 offer from Pistons

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No one will trade for Williams, thats a reason you keep IT, no one will give you anything of value for Williams, IT has value in this league and will probably come at a slight bargain. There is a reason we got D Will for basically nothing. We are a small market team, players like Collison are the absolute ceiling we will get to come here(and thats by offering above market value and promising a starting job).
Just by being a sizeable expiring deal that happens to be attached to a former #2 pick it becomes an interesting trade piece! Do I need to remind you what we gave up for Gay and that was not a trade deadline deal! Expiring contracts have value for teams looking to cut salary! He was already mentioned in the Josh Smith rumour with JT
While it's possible, we've heard no rumors of Williams being made available in trade talks, like we have we other players. I think they want to give him some more time to see how much he can develop and improve, as indicated by him being on the Summer League team
He was mentioned in the Josh Smith rumor when it first appeared along with JT


It is not so black in white though.... If they say no we can always match if the contract isn't too horrible and pay one year of the tax. Then the Kings can trade Thomas later and get good value if things don't work out in Sacramento.
I guarantee we will not be paying the tax. Not for a non-playoff team.


Hall of Famer
Ok so Chicago garuntee s gasol a starting position. They are looking at IT as well. Maybe IT for Gibson? Just thinking out loud. Weird that they would garuntee that with boozer and noah. I'd take noah lol. Boozer would clear some cap room for us next year. If we deal with Chicago we should try and get that first rounder from them that is ours anyway
We aren't really in a position of leverage. They can just say no and we lose him for nothing if he walks. They don't lose anything. They just don't gain. You are over valuing IT.
I think you're talking about Detroit, correct? I'm not sure they have the cap space to sign him at 3/24 anymore without shedding salary elsewhere. That should give the Kings the choice of what salary (i.e. bad contract) to give in return. Landry at 6+ mil may be more desirable to them than Smith at 13.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ok so Chicago garuntee s gasol a starting position. They are looking at IT as well. Maybe IT for Gibson? Just thinking out loud. Weird that they would garuntee that with boozer and noah. I'd take noah lol. Boozer would clear some cap room for us next year. If we deal with Chicago we should try and get that first rounder from them that is ours anyway
Boozer is amnestied.
Until I'm convinced that I'm wrong I'm pretty sure that everyone who is talking about us continuously bleeding talent by not resigning IT isn't accounting for the fact that after we gave up Tyreke in our sign and trade we also traded for Rudy Gay. Gay was a massive talent upgrade. IT is talent that we had on a rookie contract. His contract is up now and our FO doesn't want to use IT as a starter and doesn't want to pay him the big bucks to come off the bench. It's time for a defense check. Point guard is the most talented position in the league. Does IT play good defense? Does IT just try to out-score his opposition?
We used an asset in the Tyreke trade to acquire Gay though. I believe they also got 2nd round draft picks also.
I think you're talking about Detroit, correct? I'm not sure they have the cap space to sign him at 3/24 anymore without shedding salary elsewhere. That should give the Kings the choice of what salary (i.e. bad contract) to give in return. Landry at 6+ mil may be more desirable to them than Smith at 13.
Why do people think that Detroit would do sign and trade with IT instead of Meeks? They will chose what avenue is best for them
Well vasquez was turned into Gay and we got rid of Salmons so...
Exactly. It would seem that a portion of the fanbase either forgets this or they have a hard time connecting the dots because essentially Tyreke and filler turned into Rudy Gay and filler. I like the filler they have now (Williams and Acy) better than the filler they got rid of (Salmsons and Patterson)

Personally I think Rudy Gay is a little bit better player than Tyreke Evans and more importantly he's a better fit with Cousins and more comfortable being the #2 guy.
Exactly. It would seem that a portion of the fanbase either forgets this or they have a hard time connecting the dots because essentially Tyreke and filler turned into Rudy Gay and filler. I like the filler they have now (Williams and Acy) better than the filler they got rid of (Salmsons and Patterson)

Personally I think Rudy Gay is a little bit better player than Tyreke Evans and more importantly he's a better fit with Cousins and more comfortable being the #2 guy.
I. Hated. Salmons. I am so glad he's gone...again. Hope he never comes back.
Well vasquez was turned into Gay and we got rid of Salmons so...
Oh please! The attractiom of Salmons, Vasquez and Patterson was that they were all expiring contracts. The latter two are also solid players that could be useful. Salmons was nowhere near untradeable as people make it out. He is not Landry. He had $8 million contract for last season and only $1 million guaranteed for next season. He was practically a very moveable piece. He just got traded for Lou Williams and rights to last year's 1st round pick precisely because he only has $1 million guaranteed for next season. When a team is looking to shed salary, Salmons' contract is a very valuable commodity! The bad asset in that deal was Chuck Hayes, not Salmons! Without Salmons' contract, the Rudy Gay trade does not get done! It really is that simple. Vasquez's $3 million odd salary was not a huge factor in it.
We still got sweet **** all for Tyreke! Tyreke is light years ahead of Vasquez as a player. Light years!
It was never Tyreke or Vasquez. Never. The FO did not want Tyreke back at his current salary.

It was let Tyreke walk for nothing or get assets that can be utilized in the future.
It was never Tyreke or Vasquez. Never. The FO did not want Tyreke back at his current salary.

It was let Tyreke walk for nothing or get assets that can be utilized in the future.
Precisely! It proves a point that you never get fair value in sign and trades. You get back 25 cents of the dollar so the comments of getting good value back for IT are pipedreams!

This team is bleeding talent two seasons in a row. I can somewhat understand last year because Tyreke was about to enter free agency and that was the fault of a previous regime! IT however is a very different situation. We gave him every chance to inflate his number. Thoughout the season there have been reports how we don't see him as our starting PG but we let him put up 20/6 for the season and by doing both we set ourselves us to lose him with minimal return. IT should have been traded at the trade deadline and I can guarantee you that we would have gotten a heck of a lot more than we are going to get now. Anyone with interest in the situation could see this unfolding from miles away. IT was always going to get a bigger offer than a 6th man should and we were never going to match that.

A big **** up by the front office here. First you have him as your only real PG option for most of the season and you don't trade him while his value is higher than it will ever be. Not exactly smart and certainly not "looking two moves ahead"! ;)
Precisely! It proves a point that you never get fair value in sign and trades. You get back 25 cents of the dollar so the comments of getting good value back for IT are pipedreams!

This team is bleeding talent two seasons in a row. I can somewhat understand last year because Tyreke was about to enter free agency and that was the fault of a previous regime! IT however is a very different situation. We gave him every chance to inflate his number. Thoughout the season there have been reports how we don't see him as our starting PG but we let him put up 20/6 for the season and by doing both we set ourselves us to lose him with minimal return. IT should have been traded at the trade deadline and I can guarantee you that we would have gotten a heck of a lot more than we are going to get now. Anyone with interest in the situation could see this unfolding from miles away. IT was always going to get a bigger offer than a 6th man should and we were never going to match that.

A big **** up by the front office here. First you have him as your only real PG option for most of the season and you don't trade him while his value is higher than it will ever be. Not exactly smart and certainly not "looking two moves ahead"! ;)
IT's value was very hard to predict during the trade deadline. Many posters compared him to players like Nate Robinson or Jamaal Crawford, and those players have never made $8 million per year. Granted, the 3/24 is only rumored, and could be within the range of the aforementioned players.

I would like to see those reports where the Kings FO stated they did not see IT as a starting point guard because there were many posters who seemed like they were going to jump off a bridge because they believed the FO saw IT as more than a 6th man. I wonder what contributed to that notion.

It would have been interesting to see what IT could have netted, but going off how IT is valued on this forum, it's a bear market for selfish, high usage, pizza boy midgets.
IT's value was very hard to predict during the trade deadline. Many posters compared him to players like Nate Robinson or Jamaal Crawford, and those players have never made $8 million per year. Granted, the 3/24 is only rumored, and could be within the range of the aforementioned players.

I would like to see those reports where the Kings FO stated they did not see IT as a starting point guard because there were many posters who seemed like they were going to jump off a bridge because they believed the FO saw IT as more than a 6th man. I wonder what contributed to that notion.

It would have been interesting to see what IT could have netted, but going off how IT is valued on this forum, it's a bear market for selfish, high usage, pizza boy midgets. some point in this career Crawford was earning $10-11 million in a season!

If you did not hear rumblings how the front office continually searched for a PG to move Isaiah to his 6th man role then you must have been living under a rock


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
post rookie contract, Crawford's annual salary:
04-05 $5.8mil
05-06 $6.5mil
06-07 $7.2mil
07-08 $7.9mil
08-09 $8.6mil
09-10 $9.4mil
10-11 $10.8mil

Nate has never earned more than $4.5mil.
Why do people think that Detroit would do sign and trade with IT instead of Meeks? They will chose what avenue is best for them
Precisely! It proves a point that you never get fair value in sign and trades. You get back 25 cents of the dollar so the comments of getting good value back for IT are pipedreams!
It largely depends on how much value Detroit places on getting out of the Smith contract. It did not work with him being on the Detroit team last year and do they think with a different coach it will be better this year? The 25 cents on the dollar may simply be exchanging one toxic contract for a smaller toxic contract (Landry) who might fit the respective teams better.

Believing will be seeing and if it happens will hold breath until seeing the outcome on the court.
The talk of this Detroit S&T, while interesting, is basically pointless. IT will not do us any favors, he will (probably) feel disrespected and he's a Laker fan.

If the Laker interest is serious and their offer is reasonable he will take it in a hot minute and we'll have nothing to show for it.

at this point if we match and bring him back, I think you're bringing back an unhappy player too. Speculation granted.
I live in so. Cal and I know how the lakers operate.

They only pay stars inflated salaries. The mid- tier players they expect to come to the lakers on a discount, because they are the lakers.

I don't think they see IT as a star. I think they would be offering the MLE at the most to IT. They are saving the real money for players like Carmelo or the Dwight Howard's of the world.

IF IT wants to get paid anywhere close to the rumored 3/24 pistons contract, he will have to do a sign and trade. The lakers won't pay that and the kings won't either.
If Lakers sign LeBron somehow, I could see Isaiah signing for less. Otherwise seems like he'll sign for as much as he can get.

Interestingly enough he may not get more than 6 million afterall, despite what Lowry and Irving have secured.
IT won't sign for less with LA or some other team, simply because is a RFA and if he gets an offer around 5 mil we can match it. It would be foolish not to match that kind of offer. In the worst case, we would have a great trade asset if he does not want to be here.


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Staff member
It's a circus having him here, It's like a QB controversy. It's just not healthy.
If it extends into training camp and the regular season, maybe. At this point it is just bargaining and posturing on all sides. No biggie to anyone but the fans until he actually RECEIVES an offer.
It would seem astounding that Detroit offers 8 mil per season for three seasons and IT turns it down? I mean I know he is the Pizza Guy and a scoring phenom but folks this cat was the last man taken in the draft. He stands 5' 9" in a league of giants. His contract these last three years has averaged around 700K which is a lot of dough. But 8 million per??? I think IT and his agent would ink that deal, if it was there.
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