IT = Rumor of 3/24 offer from Pistons

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I think there is a very good chance that Williams will not be on the roster come the start of the season. I think he gets traded and is one asset that PDA is throwing into a lot of his trade proposals.
No one will trade for Williams, thats a reason you keep IT, no one will give you anything of value for Williams, IT has value in this league and will probably come at a slight bargain. There is a reason we got D Will for basically nothing. We are a small market team, players like Collison are the absolute ceiling we will get to come here(and thats by offering above market value and promising a starting job).


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
No one will trade for Williams, thats a reason you keep IT, no one will give you anything of value for Williams, IT has value in this league and will probably come at a slight bargain. There is a reason we got D Will for basically nothing. We are a small market team, players like Collison are the absolute ceiling we will get to come here(and thats by offering above market value and promising a starting job).
Of course teams will trade for Williams. Or rather they will trade for his sizable ending contract. Attached to an athletic #2 pick its a reasonable asset in larger multiplayer trades.
Well I think our FO and IT have a lot of respect for each other

If he did find his dream starting Job with Lakers or Miami I am not sure We would mess it up to match and bring him back off the bench

Maybe if we try to nego a s&T with IT's help and get a little something, but I think in the end we would not match

Well I am off to Hollister for 4th of July rally!!!!

Maybe bring back a New Killer Clown shirt!!!!!!! Woot! Woot!
Of course teams will trade for Williams. Or rather they will trade for his sizable ending contract. Attached to an athletic #2 pick its a reasonable asset in larger multiplayer trades.
Exactly he's a mid level cap clearing option(which means no one will want to trade for him until the all star break). No team wants Derrick Williams the player, they will not give you good assets to acquire Derrick Williams. They will give you their junk on bad contracts so they can clear space and actually sign a good player. In the multiple player variety? What will Jason Thompson and Derrick Williams get you? Anything? Has this FO been trying to get rid of JT since last season? Yes, still no takers.
I think there is a very good chance that Williams will not be on the roster come the start of the season. I think he gets traded and is one asset that PDA is throwing into a lot of his trade proposals.
While it's possible, we've heard no rumors of Williams being made available in trade talks, like we have we other players. I think they want to give him some more time to see how much he can develop and improve, as indicated by him being on the Summer League team


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Has IT every said he is only willing ti be a starter or is this all conjecture based on tweets that can be taken out of context?
said, implied, and frowned a plenty.

Come on, at a certain point its just argumentative to even suggest otherwise. I absolutely guarantee you he's pissed right now at this signing, and probably pretty much done with us constantly trying to replace him. he might be willing to be a 6th man for a contender with strong personalities, but he'd expect to be on the floor a lot, and he would actively compete with whoever was ahead of hi. Just who he is. It will never stop. He's never going to accept a role or back off until he gets old. That's the practical effect of that chip on his shoulder. Those things can help you achieve, but they make you an unreasonable pain at the same time. In a great player, its a useful trait, although still a pain in the ass one. But in everyone else you want them to accept lesser roles. Its why from early on with IT I wanted to try to contain his ego in a 6th man role. Let him go ahead and be "the man"...but just in limited minutes off the bench. Get the benefit, while it didn't disrupt the rest of the team. But our front office was weak, our coaches were weak and stupid. And so they lost control of a situation that could/should have been a positive. Being weak, they bent to IT's will, not the other way around. Being stupid, they got rid of the personnel need to make IT work as a player. And now here we are, looking in the mirror and lying to ourselves about how Darren Collison/Nick Stauskas/Ben McLemore is a better/more talented backcourt than Tyreke Evans/Isaiah Thomas/Marcus Thornton.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't know. Rose insurance is critical, but if Rose is healthy that would be a wild overpay/problem. I guess you could say Rose has enough size to play them together if Rose stays healthy. They certainly need whatever scoring they can find.
And now here we are, looking in the mirror and lying to ourselves about how Darren Collison/Nick Stauskas/Ben McLemore is a better/more talented backcourt than Tyreke Evans/Isaiah Thomas/Marcus Thornton.
Preach brother. I was going to post about the backcourt downgrade today. Sad to see while all we really upgraded was the sf spot and what should be reserves.


LOL no way IT goes to Chicago. They'd just wait for the off-season next year for a big signing. They seem pretty confident with Rose's health so it wouldn't make much sense considering the mins Rose would play and IT would refuse to come off bench as a role player getting 20 mins tops. LIL MAN SYNDROME.
To add to that, it seems that Mirotic is going to Chicago, according to most Serbian articles I've read.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Of Reke, IT and MT the only player anybody really wanted to get rid of was Marcus and that's because nothing we tried fit.

It's not any fan's fault that the idiot Maloofs decided to campaign IT for ROY and as an all star. More than anything that had to inflate his ego.

And just about everybody wanted to keep Reke.

I think right now what we're looking at is Stauskas is better than Ben for now and who knows how long going forward. Collison and Ray (plus who knows with IT) is better than IT at 8 million + Ray. Reke was a loss that we'll have to swallow but if somehow Gay and Cousins anchor this team to success it was probably necessary $$$ wise.

Now can we keep IT at 6 million or less and can we find a serviceable big to pair with Cousins.
I got thinking about it... I don't see how you can let talent of Thomas walk out the door in less you find a good sign and trade option. With so many contracts dropping off the books in 2015, there is plenty of money to retain Thomas beyond 2014. If you have to pay the luxury tax for one year so be it. You can always trade him down the line if things don't work out and get better value. If they let him go now without matching, it has to be financial decision in my opinion. My hope is Sacramento is still wanting to retain Thomas, but they are acting like someone who would be bid on ebay at the last second to win the bid to not inflate the price. I know it’s not quite the same, but if you wanted to keep a player and keep his price down you might act like you really didn't want him. It’s not nice, but it might work well to get a lower price.
Being stupid, they got rid of the personnel need to make IT work as a player. And now here we are, looking in the mirror and lying to ourselves about how Darren Collison/Nick Stauskas/Ben McLemore is a better/more talented backcourt than Tyreke Evans/Isaiah Thomas/Marcus Thornton.
Dang, I remember the Reke, IT and MT backcourt and I remember it stinking the joint up pretty much every night. Not to mention, that backcourt would be costing us 20 million plus this next season. I am very happy that we will not be paying out that kind of cash for a backcourt that stinks.

It remains to be seen if the new rendition will be better or worse (although it is hard to be much worse) given that 2 of the 3 have never played for the Kings. But even if it blows-up, at least it will not be a 20 million+ fiasco.

Lastly, the idea seems to be to get Gay and DMC more quality shots. Reke, IT and MT are not the type of back court to help with this idea. All 3 would swallow-up alot of shots in the game and none of the them are great at setting others up.

But I know that you know all of this already.
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I'm seeing a bit of talk about the IT+JT for josh smith rumor. Personally I think we should trade Landry + it. It just makes more sense since jt can play both pf and c. We have a log jam at pf so we should try to unload one of the players that only play pf. That way we don't lose a capable backup c since dmc can be known to get into foul trouble. I just don't know if our front office will admit to their mistake in signing Landry and put him in the trade. It's just their salaries are similar so why would you get rid of the more versatile piece except being stubborn and not wanting to trade away one of "your guys"


Hall of Famer
I'm seeing a bit of talk about the IT+JT for josh smith rumor. Personally I think we should trade Landry + it. It just makes more sense since jt can play both pf and c. We have a log jam at pf so we should try to unload one of the players that only play pf. That way we don't lose a capable backup c since dmc can be known to get into foul trouble. I just don't know if our front office will admit to their mistake in signing Landry and put him in the trade. It's just their salaries are similar so why would you get rid of the more versatile piece except being stubborn and not wanting to trade away one of "your guys"
It maybe a deal where they want jt and don't want Landry


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
The story I've heard is they want IT and don't want Josh Smith. Smith costs more, so they kind of have to take back what we'd give them. Even on a Detroit news site I saw it suggested they'd have to take back a junk contract.

Now because we don't "need" IT any more, they can probably sign him for less to make the Landry deal more palatable.
Then what is our most desirable "junk contract" to ditch? Landry? Terry? Jason? if we are in the drivers seat and get to pick, which do we pick? I frankly don't care. If Terry is a valuable ender then he's not a "junk contract" per se is he? Seems maybe un-doing the Landry debacle (at least perceived here as a debacle) might make the most sense?

What are we rooting for? Is it a wash among these contracts? It is a given that Terry is washed up right?


Hall of Famer
It bodes well for us to get rid of a long term undesirable contract. JT or Landry. The others come off books this year. Now I'd prefer to keep JT because of his ability to play center. As it stands if we get smith and trade JT. Our backup center is Reggie Evans I guess.


I'm pretty sure they would want expirings w IT. I do not see them wanting IT enough to take our long contracts.
Until I'm convinced that I'm wrong I'm pretty sure that everyone who is talking about us continuously bleeding talent by not resigning IT isn't accounting for the fact that after we gave up Tyreke in our sign and trade we also traded for Rudy Gay. Gay was a massive talent upgrade. IT is talent that we had on a rookie contract. His contract is up now and our FO doesn't want to use IT as a starter and doesn't want to pay him the big bucks to come off the bench. It's time for a defense check. Point guard is the most talented position in the league. Does IT play good defense? Does IT just try to out-score his opposition?
I'm pretty sure they would want expirings w IT. I do not see them wanting IT enough to take our long contracts.
isaiah is the perfect player for detroit. he's a star back court player, which is what they need next to jodie meeks and (probably) kyle singler. he's a rich man's jameer nelson, an SVG player. he would bring vocal leadership to that team. with isaiah being such a huge positive for them and josh smith being such a negative for them, i think detroit would glady take landry and thompson and laugh all the way to the playoffs while smith, gay, and cousins implode.
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Hall of Famer
This idea that IT is a some sort of selfish player who puts his needs above the team is a fabricated myth here on the forum. Sure, of course he thinks he should be a starter after the season he just had. Basically every new organization, media profesional, other Kings forums, etc all think so too. is pretty much the only place on the internet that doesn't believe he's a starter

But it doesn't mean IT is going to sulk on the bench if we match an offer for him and that's the role we ask of him. Dude has been one of the hardest workest on the team the past 3 seasons and despite what some of you think of him, no one can deny the guy plays out all out every time he steps on the floor.

I like Collison as a player. But we're taking a major step backwards if it's not combined with IT resigning. Collison+Stauskas with IT, Ray and Ben is a major step forward in improving our biggest weakness from last season. Without IT, it remains the biggest weakness on the team
Perhaps the idea that IT is selfish is wrong but there are many indications that he is. Not going to argue it because I know your lack of flexibility in any discussion concerning IT.

Your comment that no one here thinks he is a starter is way off base. There is a difference in saying "he is not a starter" and "he is best used coming off the bench" probably getting 30 minutes or more at that. IT is an immensely skilled offensive player and as long as there are 48 minutes in a game, the 2nd unit needs to produce as well as the starters. I do not understand the fixation on starter vs bench as the number of minutes is the more important factor.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Then what is our most desirable "junk contract" to ditch? Landry? Terry? Jason? if we are in the drivers seat and get to pick, which do we pick? I frankly don't care. If Terry is a valuable ender then he's not a "junk contract" per se is he? Seems maybe un-doing the Landry debacle (at least perceived here as a debacle) might make the most sense?

What are we rooting for? Is it a wash among these contracts? It is a given that Terry is washed up right?
Landry, imho.

Terry is apparently valuable as an ender, JT would be valuable as the third big, if he accepts the role. JT is not "overpaid" for what he offers, and is probably underpaid for what he has been asked to do.


We aren't really in a position of leverage. They can just say no and we lose him for nothing if he walks. They don't lose anything. They just don't gain. You are over valuing IT.
We aren't really in a position of leverage. They can just say no and we lose him for nothing if he walks. They don't lose anything. They just don't gain. You are over valuing IT.
It is not so black in white though.... If they say no we can always match if the contract isn't too horrible and pay one year of the tax. Then the Kings can trade Thomas later and get good value if things don't work out in Sacramento.
isaiah is the perfect player for detroit. he's a star back court player, which is what they need next to jodie meeks and (probably) kyle singler. he's a rich man's jameer nelson, an SVG player. he would bring vocal leadership to that team. with isaiah being such a huge positive for them and josh smith being such a negative for them, i think detroit would glady take landry and thompson and laugh all the way to the playoffs while smith, gay, and cousins implode.
I'm one of the few that really like the idea of bringing Smith in on an IT sign and trade. Smith, if you can rein in his chucking, is a well rounded forward. He can handle the ball a little, blocks shots, is a very good passer for a big man and rebounds at an acceptable level. If the Kings really want to emulate the Spurs, then Smith adds some playmaking at a position that doesn't have any currently.

It's a risk because Smith is a knucklehead, and small for a 4, but the potential payoff is significant. I would rather do the trade and bring back an overpaid but talented guy than just bleed talent.
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