How do you feel about the Lakers game?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, so they're not THE Lakers any longer. Are they still the team you hate? Will you still be screaming BEAT LA even though it's now almost a completely different team?

I know, from a personal viewpoint, that I will always hate the Lakers and I will always want to see them totally defeated at the hands of the Kings. It's not just another game to me - it never will be.

So, how do you feel about it?
I will always hate the Lakers to a certain extent, but here lately, I want to shout.......


......a lot more.
I thought I would have liked them more this offseason, just a little bit more but I guess I don't. I thought Vlade was gonna get some minutes and it would be exciting watching him pass to Kobe. Now that I know Rudy doesn't play Vlade, I still hate them the most. I guess the only reason I hate them is because I hate Rudy, Kobe and Odom. Oh well, I still like the Clippers.. GO KINGS!...and GO CLIPPERS!
They'd be easier to hate if they were a better team. At this point, it seems hating them just gives them more status than they deserve, especially when you figure in all the press they pick up over drama unrelated to their play on the court.
The thing I noticed about last game vs the Lakers was that both teams elevated their level of play. That made it a good game, and I look forward to seeing more Kings-Lakers this season. Regardless of the purgatory that Staples Center has become, our games against them are still quite fun to watch.
Timberwolves are the new Lakers. No two ways about it. However, I still dislike "old" Lakers as much as before.

Beating them on Thursday will be a lot of fun.
Judging from the game we had at Staples and some of the chat boards I have been on, the two sets of fans still dislike each other and the opposing team. It will still be a blast to beat them simply because Kobe is still there. By the way, I will be there on Thursday Night. I decided to splurge for once and bought tickets off of eBay that will put me in section 116 row AA right behind the Kings bench. Can't wait.
SacTown said:
I will always hate the Lakers to a certain extent, but here lately, I want to shout.......


......a lot more.
I'm with you. The Wolves seem to be the new nemesis. I hate the way Garnett swats away shots taken after the whistle has blown, Latrell Sprewell is a punk, and Sam Cassell is one of the league's top whiners.

I can't work up a good hatred for the Spurs; they're just not despicable enough.

I still dislike the Lakers because of Kobe, but I really don't have any reason to hate Caron Butler, Lamar Odom or Chris Mihm. Of course, if they beat the Kings, I'll have good reason.

I'll be there, too, a couple of rows behind the north-end basket.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
Okay, so they're not THE Lakers any longer. Are they still the team you hate? Will you still be screaming BEAT LA even though it's now almost a completely different team?
I will for a moment assume that this question was serious and not rethorical - and answer it.

SacTown said:
I will always hate the Lakers to a certain extent, but here lately, I want to shout.......


......a lot more.
you took the words right out of my mouth

in my mind its...

LA Lakers
I thought since the main reasons I hated the Lakers (Phil and Shaq) were gone, I wouldn't care about them anymore. Then Kobe opened his mouth...and hasn't shut it. The guy makes it easy to hate the team. Being a Kings fan living in LA, I've had to put up with their cocky a-hole fans for the last few years too. That doesn't help.

I think there's a rivalry between Sac and Minny brewing, but I really don't hate those guys. It's more of a "god damn it they beat us again!!" kind of rivalry.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Feh; I'll never hate any team as much as I hate the Lakers. I mean, I don't like Shat, I don't like Kobe, and I don't like Phil. But, I don't hate the Lakers because of Shat/Kobe/Phil; I hate the Lakers because they're the Los Angeles F. Lakers.
I hate Minnesota second most... I get annoyed that Adrian Griffin and his pig nose hits those WIDE open threes and never changes his expression. I hate the way Hassell is given respect from the refs, even though he is a nobody... Little things like that...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
SacKings384 said:
I hate Minnesota second most... I get annoyed that Adrian Griffin and his pig nose hits those WIDE open threes and never changes his expression. I hate the way Hassell is given respect from the refs, even though he is a nobody... Little things like that...
basically you hate them because they beat us. :)

that's really the comon denominator. Ask Kings fans whihc teams they hate, and everyboy seems to come up with Lakers, Wolves, Mavs. What's the common denominator? The teams that have knocked us out of the playoffs.
Bricklayer said:
basically you hate them because they beat us. :)

that's really the comon denominator. Ask Kings fans whihc teams they hate, and everyboy seems to come up with Lakers, Wolves, Mavs. What's the common denominator? The teams that have knocked us out of the playoffs.
I dont hate the Mavs, we got them last year. I will always hate the Lakers because WE SHOULD HAVE WON 3 STRAIGHT and we would have if we had got the first one. Wolves are still ok. If they keep beating us then its going to be a permanent disliking.
Bricklayer said:
basically you hate them because they beat us. :)

that's really the comon denominator. Ask Kings fans whihc teams they hate, and everyboy seems to come up with Lakers, Wolves, Mavs. What's the common denominator? The teams that have knocked us out of the playoffs.
true, although the mavs didnt hurt us at all in playoffs last year.

if we really wanna start hatin, we should hate on the teams that will most likely whoop us outta the playoffs and thats the suns and spurs. not twolves.

EDIT: i forgot to add that i believe we can produce regardless.


Hall of Famer
Ya know since they are really no longer much of a force anymore it would be hard to actualy hate the Lakers, except Kobe makes it so dam easy :)
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