How do you feel about the Lakers game?

I dont know , its not fun playing those guys without Shaw and Rick Fox , to tell you the truth im scared of going to tommorrows game, Kobe mite start a ugly fued with me too :D
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Bricklayer said:
basically you hate them because they beat us. :)

that's really the comon denominator. Ask Kings fans whihc teams they hate, and everyboy seems to come up with Lakers, Wolves, Mavs. What's the common denominator? The teams that have knocked us out of the playoffs.
Hey Brick.. for once I agree with you. ;)
I'll be there tomorrow night hoping for a good game. I'll even have some garlic fries...even though they suck. ;)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
hoopsfan said:
Hey Brick.. for once I agree with you. ;)
I'll be there tomorrow night hoping for a good game. I'll even have some garlic fries...even though they suck. ;)
Well, that doesn't apply to the Lakers really -- they were just despicable regardless of whether you beat them or not. ;)

But the other teams haven't really done anything excpet for beat us once to earn the enimity.
Since, I spent most of my time growing up in LA (born at Sunset Kaiser in Hollywood, CA even) it is impossible for me to hate the Lakers as a franchise. I was never a die hard supporter when I lived there, but there was some great basketball going on in the Great Western Forum when I was a little one.

That being said, I'm not fond of the drama that's surrounded the Lakers in recent years. In fact, one of the reasons I was first drawn to the Kings is because their demeanor on and off the court was the complete opposite of the Lakers.

So, though I may not be chanting "Beat LA" with all of you, I'm certainly hoping for a Kings win. If nothing else, the celebration dances are always especially good in these games.
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talk about hating the TPoops, KG just bitched up after a "hard" foul by Anthony Bonner in the Raps game. He was so mad that he & Spree went after the poor guy. But in all the replays that were shown, Bonner just made a good foul saving a sure dunk by KG. what overacting babies! now i hate Minny more.

but nothing like the way i hate the Fakers.
piksi said:
I will for a moment assume that this question was serious and not rethorical - and answer it.

I'm with you! Yes, I will always scream BEAT LA! And yes, I will always feel 10 times better after beating the Lakers than after beating any other team (regular season of course, playoffs are different). Although the Lakers are not the team they were before, I still feel the need to pound on the Lakers. Yes, I think Minnesota is obviously more of a team to beat in the scheme of things, and as far as a road block to a championship there are teams that are going to be harder than the Lakers to beat. But, from a purely emotional level, I want to beat the Lakers more than any other team around.
Not sure how much the media has influenced my opinion but I think I almost hate KOBE!

He was on PTI today and I was not impressed and it seemed pretty canned answers. But it also seems like he is getting a pretty bad rap but a lot of things out there speak for themselves about this guy.

If Kobe is on the Lakers, I hate the Lakers.

They are still a threat and I don't think tomorrow’s game is a given W, even at Arco


Hall of Famer
Kobe never needed the media to turn on him to make any good Kings fan hate him.All it took was a coulpe of elbow in the the 2002-2003 WCF.


i have nothing against the mavs, i actually look forward to the match ups because they are so fast paced. the lakers are nothing to me now, they are barely a playoff contender this year..... it aint no fun if the playoffs aint got none..... kings-lakers that is....
Well I mean dislike him as a person. I don't say I hate him cause I don't know him but lately he has done a lot of things that just make ya think this guy thinks he is the best person in the world and can get away with anything.
kingsgurl took the words right out of my mouth!

BEAT LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i could care less who's name is ont he back of the jersey, it's the front that i HATE!!!!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
HndsmCelt said:
Kobe never needed the media to turn on him to make any good Kings fan hate him.All it took was a coulpe of elbow in the the 2002-2003 WCF.
Shame on you for the revisionist history, Celt. We all KNOW that Bibby blatantly and without regard for the rules or possible injury to Kobe, shoved his face into Kobe's elbow...
Meh ... I never hated Kobe much, and now that Shaq , Fox, man ... let's not even list them, all those guys that I hated with a passion are GONE. Why would I hate Lamar Odom, Grant , Butler or Vlade ? I don't...and that's the problem.

I actually like them more than the Wolves.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Primarily, it's not the players IMHO. It's the team, the uniform - in other words, it's the name on the front, not the name on the back.

VF21 said:
Primarily, it's not the players IMHO. It's the team, the uniform - in other words, it's the name on the front, not the name on the back.

I didn't say the hate is completely gone ... I still enjoy seeing them lose, but it's definitely not the same.

It's too bad we didn't beat them in the playoffs when they were really good, but I for one enjoy watching Kobe put up 30+ points a night and STILL LOSE!!! Maybe pretty soon he'll figure out it's a team game.


Hall of Famer
Pejasdabomb said:
It's too bad we didn't beat them in the playoffs when they were really good, but I for one enjoy watching Kobe put up 30+ points a night and STILL LOSE!!! Maybe pretty soon he'll figure out it's a team game.
It's not like Kobe scoring 30 and then the Lakers loosing are unrelated. Look at the stats ;)
Bballkingsrock said:
What are u talking about? Garlic fries rock man, even thought they do make your breath stink................;)
I know garlic fries rock...the ones at ARCO just need to have MORE garlic!!
(The ;) is because this was discussed in a previous thread)
Pejasdabomb said:
It's too bad we didn't beat them in the playoffs when they were really good, but I for one enjoy watching Kobe put up 30+ points a night and STILL LOSE!!! Maybe pretty soon he'll figure out it's a team game.
I think he's figured it out. He's # 8 in assists per game and # 7 in total assists. I don't think it falls totally on him when the TEAM doesn't win a game.
hoopsfan said:
I know garlic fries rock...the ones at ARCO just need to have MORE garlic!!
(The ;) is because this was discussed in a previous thread)
Those things are SATURATED in garlic. In fact, there is about 4 cloves in the bottom of the damn boat thingy once the fries are gone. How there could be MORE garlic on them escapes me. Perhaps you should just ask them to hold the fries? Whiner;)


Hall of Famer
hoopsfan said:
I think he's figured it out. He's # 8 in assists per game and # 7 in total assists. I don't think it falls totally on him when the TEAM doesn't win a game.
that wold be more convincing if here were not ALSO averaging 4.5 tun overs a game ( which prety mcuh means he only give the team 2.5 assists) AND if the team actualy won when he puts up 30 points a game.


Homer Fan Since 1985
It is pretty easy to get the good assist #'s when the ball comes through you on every play. I think every play is designed for Kobe. He only passes it off when he has too.

Here is a typical passing sequence (when Kobe passes it off at all):

Inbound to Kobe to anyone to Kobe to someone to Kobe to someone else to Kobe and shoot. Or, more typically: Inbound to Kobe...dribble...shoot. ;)
Reasons why Lakers will always be clearly hated...

Those ugly puke-yellow jerseys...

Kobe Bryant...

That idiotic excuse for a commentator, Stu Lantz. That guy is seriously dumber than Walton, if possible.

Kobe licking his lips from side to side after one of his incredible shots... Hey, great triple double kobe! Whats your teams record when you have a triple double? 0-10? nice

The fact that Kobe thinks the world revolves around him.

Did I mention Kobe Bryant?

The fact that for so many years, and still today, they manage to play 8 - on - 5.

They are from L.A. Guess what we do to your water??

Screw L.A. Screw Minny. Bah I'm in a baaad mood tonight! :(
OOh, almost forgot some more...

How their fans just can't seem to make it out to the games until the second quarter. I know you're all busy with your plastic surgery's and such, but c'mon guys. The team needs your support!

Jack Nicholson. Friggin idiot.

The arrogant and ignorant fans. (anyone who has ever uttered the word "bling bling" falls in this category)

Seriosly, did i mention kobe bryant?