I have to admit, I've had high hopes for Justin Williams as a King since draft night, and sent off an email to Arco begging them to sign him -- so I won't pretend to be unbiased. I absolutely do think that Potapenko should be cut, and hope that management has the nerve to do what needs to be done. Because Woods is already gone, though, what does that leave us with at C? We've got a giant PG in Brad, which is fine, but playing PFs as Cs doesn't always work so well.
SAR is a good backup for offense, but not for D, plus we need him at PF, and he probably shouldn't be playing 40+ minutes a night. Taylor? Still waiting to see if he's worth having around. Amundson? Nope, not yet. So our options would seem to be Potapenko, Williams, or playing a lot of small ball, regardless of who the opposing players are. I like the Williams option. Williams fills a big void in the team, seems more ready to play than Amundson is, probably even more ready than Douby. Some time in the weight room combined with a bit of FT practice, and he should be fine for some bench minutes.
While I do like Amundson a lot, he is very raw still, and Bibby's injury leaves me wondering whether cutting Hart might have just gone off the agenda. I gather that Salmons will be starting at PG, but like Hart or not, he is the closest thing to a true PG we have with Bibby out. So I guess it all boils down to how comfortable Musselman is with playing all SGs-G/Fs at PG. Anyway, my hope is that we lose Potapenko before the season starts, and keep everyone else, with the option of trading Hart as soon as Douby's looking a bit more like an NBA PG.
By the way... hi, folks! I'm new here.