Foods your parents love, that you can't stand

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I'm a big fan of animal flesh, but I can't say that I'm too crazy about the rest of the animal. My family loves that stuff (hog maws, chitterlings, ham hocks), but I can't stand it! I don't like to eat any organs, whether they be hearts, brains, instestines, or anything else; just let me eat the charred flesh off the bones, and I'm cool... :p

In particular, my mom's favorite food ever is beef liver; when I was a kid, we used to have to eat it at least once a month, because my mom just loved it. I can't even express how happy I was when I left home at eighteen and never had to to eat it again.

So, what food do your parents like that you can't stand?
Brussels Sprouts.



Sour kraut.

And my dad's side of the family is predominantly Swedish, so there are many things pickled and kippered and all kinds of nasty over there. Lutfisk, for example.

I'll stop here, as I'm a fairly picky eater and could get carried away if I let myself.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
See, that's the whole thing with me, as I am decidedly NOT a picky eater; in fact, I'll eat just about anything if there's a hot plate of meat next to it... you almost have to go out of your way to find something I DON'T like to eat... I just can't stand organs.

And cabbage; I can't eat anything with cabbage in it.
My dad likes head cheese. Can't do it.

Actually mine is kind of the opposite.
My father is from Italy and they do things differently there.
They do not have Marshmallow or Peanut Butter-so he hates them both.
Corn is pig food over there, so he is not crazy about corn.
He hates Cinnamon and Jello.


Super Moderator Emeritus
My Dad, an Indiana farm boy, loved buttermilk. Blech. And one of his favorite treats was pickled pigs feet. Blech x 2. My Mom pretty much eats normal stuff, except she likes anchovies on her pizza... :eek:


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I am a horribly picky eater. I don't eat fish or any other kind of seafood among other things. My family has been into hospitality for several generations and so on any kind of family get together we almost always go to a fancy restaurant. Whenever we go as a large group we're usually on a fixed menu which is seafood intensive. Its also personally embarassing to be served really nice food that you have no intention of eating, even moreso when the chef selects it for you himself, which has happened on one or two occasions.

Other things I really don't like - exotic salads - mixed greens and caesars only. Heavy dressings. Mushrooms. Ketchup and mustard. And I won't eat veal for personal reasons.
Picky, picky eater here. It's easier to list things I do like...there's fewer of those. For one..I don't do all!
Needless to say, I have to special order everything!
Let's see, my list is pretty long:

Stuffed bell peppers
Pork chops
sour kraut
beef stew
Chicken (my mom always made the chicken way too dry)
Spaghetti (my mom thinks she can make good spaghetti sauce)
And too many other foods to list.

So, I guess, you can say I'm a real picky eater.
one of my moms favorites is liver and onions - I think it's disgusting

3G- apparently it's also a Finnish thing. One of my dads is pickled fish- even when i could eat fish, i would never eat it pickled.

there's more, but those are the first two that popped up.

now there are some odd things that I do like that my parents eat.

ketchup on mac and cheese. YUM!
peanut butter, mayo, black olive, banana and bacon sandwich- YUMMY


Homer Fan Since 1985
My mom loves sour kraut. Whenever she fixed it (when I was a kid), I would come home and smell it cooking, and gag every time. She also loves Brussel Sprouts. I think they are disgusting.
Dad loved liver and onions. Ugh. He usually at it on rare nights out, ecasue mom sure wasn't going to fix it for him.

Mom loved green peppers. Gag.

Most of my family loves brussel sprouts. A mainstay at big family thanksgiving dinners. I literally could not swallow them as kid. I just retched. Since I was generally not a picky eater at all, mom didn't make me eat them. I can tolerate a few occasionally now (I no longer retch;) ), but will never really like them.

My brother hated lima beans (which I loved), but he loved brussel sprouts. So she'd cook them on the same night and we'd both be happy. :)


Mom made us mayo, peanut butter and bread & butter pickle sandwiches. I still adore them and they are a big time comfort food. She's also make us PB with lettuce and tomato sandwiches with mayo. Also yummy. ;)
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definitely not. strangely when i was pregnant, i never really had unusual cravings.

i love saurkraut.

i was an unusual child, i liked my fruits and veggies. I did find when I got older, that i like the way i cook my veggies much better, where they still have a crunch.
as a college student...i'll eat just about anything. i only weigh in at 145 lbs, but i'm a human vaccuum cleaner. still, i'll never understand my dad's obsession with brussel sprouts. that's something i just can't eat...


Give blood and save a life!
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Tomatos, dill pickles (sweet ones are great), anchovies, saurkraut, liver, non-battered fish :D , yams/sweet potatos, cooked spinach, asparagus, zucchini (sp?), kiwis, olives, avacado, and mushrooms off the top of my head.

I like my pizza stacked with things that used to eat plants, not the plants themselves. ;)

I tend to like most of my fruits/veggies fresh, so broccoli and cauliflower and carrots in a fresh veggie tray are great, but I hate them mushy, for example.

My wife likes tomatos and hates ketchup, while I am the other way around.
Im not picky but I do have a short list

Jams/Jellies, Saurkraut, and sweet potatoes.

As a kid I hated brussel sprouts but now I love them with sweet cream butter.
My grandmother is Southern, so my dad likes things such as okra, which I can't even stand the smell of, mincemeat pie with a slice of cheese on top, avocadoes - things like that.

I, on the other hand, LOVE sauerkraut....especially reubens. YUM! That I blame on the German side of my family.