Do we go after Hinrich?

Bulls have a lot of players stuck in the same position (im stating people who are and could be in the bulls rotation not all their players)

SG: Gordon, Sefolosha, Hughes
PG: Duhon and hinrich
SF: Nocioni, Deng
PF: Tyrus Thomas, Noah,Simmons
C: Gray

where are they lacking? most like the C and they have a lot stuck on the forward position.. they either draft Brook Lopez.. (one of those top 5 centers) or another PG and one of those guys have to go..

basically id take Hinrich Over Udrih any day hes already proven and consistent with his numbers.. only having a shooting slump this year...
Miller must have some trade value now esp the way he played this year and the need for fire power on the Center is in dire need for the bulls... a passing big man too
Tyrus Thomas should be considered as well. If the Bulls go with Beasley (stupid, IMO) then he becomes expendable. (or Noah) The fact is whoever they decide to draft, the position is already filled by a young, decent player. It is a really good dilemma to have. Hinrich would be easier to trade Brad for, just because contracts. But you are talking about lengthening his contract a few years. (Although it also decreases in size each year, which is uncommon.)

You could honestly do the trade straight up, but the Bulls might not go for that. The thing is, Kirk is not going to be coming off the bench. Neither will Rose. I say if it is just Brad and maybe Douby, then go for it. But if they require a throw-in like Garcia, then it is too much talent to give up.

Then if Beno doesn't want to sign for around 3-4 mil you can let him walk and draft a PG.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
If they draft Rose. Do we package Brad to get him and let Beno walk?
Beno Udrih 07-08:
32.0min 12.8pts (.463 .387 .850) 3.3reb 4.3ast 0.9stl 0.2blk 2.3TO

Kirk Hinrich 07-08:
31.7min 11.5pts (.414 .350 .831) 3.3reb 6.0ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 2.1TO)

Just saying. I would like to have Kirk...AND keep Beno. That would be a strong platoon situation in lieu of a true stud starter. And with both guys able to swing to OG too, so they could play together at times. But after this past season you have to wonder just how much of an upgrade Hinrich is over a guy like Beno.
I like this discussion, especially the expendable PG or bigman in Bulls.

Most people say Beasley will bring interior offense, which Bulls badly needs. Bu t I think it is also possible for them to pick Rose and to trade Kirk for interior offense. Because Beasley can be avoided by Bulls due to his mentality, and Kirk is most valuable trade asset they have.

I like the idea to getting Kirk. It's true that he had a one awful season. But he's really solid. :) And I also liked that idea having both Kirk and Beno!!! (If we could...)
I doubt they want much of what we got.

Eh I disagree. I think they'd love having Brad. His contract isn't too long and he's a perrfect fit there if they take Rose, ESPECIALLY if they take Rose. Hinrich wouldn't fit anymore so he'd become expendable. They've always needed more offense and as it is their inside situation is going to be pretty clogged considering Tyrus Thomas is an inconsistent shooter, Noah can't shoot, Rose is inconsistent at best, and same with Deng. So then you have 4 guys on the floor who can't shoot the ball well. However if you add Brad, that makes life a lot easier for their slashers like Rose.
Bulls have a lot of players stuck in the same position (im stating people who are and could be in the bulls rotation not all their players)

SG: Gordon, Sefolosha, Hughes
PG: Duhon and hinrich
SF: Nocioni, Deng
PF: Tyrus Thomas, Noah,Simmons
C: Gray

where are they lacking? most like the C and they have a lot stuck on the forward position.. they either draft Brook Lopez.. (one of those top 5 centers) or another PG and one of those guys have to go..

basically id take Hinrich Over Udrih any day hes already proven and consistent with his numbers.. only having a shooting slump this year...
Miller must have some trade value now esp the way he played this year and the need for fire power on the Center is in dire need for the bulls... a passing big man too
What has Beno done to show that he can't be be a capable NBA PG??? Better question: What has Hinrich done recently to prove he's a better fit for the Kings???

Why would we want to give up on a guy that was having a breakout year before being banished to the bench and later suffering an injury when Bibby came back? The guy ran the team, shot the ball well, and played solid defense every night in the WESTERN CONFERENCE against the likes of Tony Parker, Steve Nash, Chris Paul, Deron Williams, etc. Earlier this past year, I remember Beno outplaying one Tony Parker...dropping 29 on him in a KIngs' win. To me. To give up on Beno now would be dumb, and would surely come back to haunt us! Petrie is smarter than that! Plus, Beasely is a better fit for the Bulls that Rose, so they'll still need a PG to run the show!

Right now, that Kings need to look for someone that can score in the post and rebound. Whether they find it through the FA market, or the draft, THAT should be their focus. Beno at PG is fine for right now!!!
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For one, Beno is younger. Two, Beno can be retained, hopefully, for much less thank what Kirk is making. Kirk is overpaid. IMO, there isn't that much difference talent wise. Beno is a very good PG and only 26.
hinrich facilitates offense and can defend for a point thats one of our dire needs right now a good PG bug btwn him and beno id pick the past consistencies over beno's good year...then again i cant judge them there...

if it were hughes then i wouldnt mind hughes is a defensive guard we can play him at any guard spot and teach the young ones defense
Beno Udrih 07-08:
32.0min 12.8pts (.463 .387 .850) 3.3reb 4.3ast 0.9stl 0.2blk 2.3TO

Kirk Hinrich 07-08:
31.7min 11.5pts (.414 .350 .831) 3.3reb 6.0ast 1.2stl 0.2blk 2.1TO)

Just saying. I would like to have Kirk...AND keep Beno. That would be a strong platoon situation in lieu of a true stud starter. And with both guys able to swing to OG too, so they could play together at times. But after this past season you have to wonder just how much of an upgrade Hinrich is over a guy like Beno.
Kirk is a way better defender and playmaker then Beno. That was Kirk's worst season I expect much better next season.
What has Beno done to show that he can't be be a capable NBA PG??? Better question: What has Hinrich done recently to prove he's a better fit for the Kings???

Why would we want to give up on a guy that was having a breakout year before being banished to the bench and later suffering an injury when Bibby came back? The guy ran the team, shot the ball well, and played solid defense every night in the WESTERN CONFERENCE against the likes of Tony Parker, Steve Nash, Chris Paul, Deron Williams, etc. Earlier this past year, I remember Beno outplaying one Tony Parker...dropping 29 on him in a KIngs' win. To me. To give up on Beno now would be dumb, and would surely come back to haunt us! Petrie is smarter than that! Plus, Beasely is a better fit for the Bulls that Rose, so they'll still need a PG to run the show!

Right now, that Kings need to look for someone that can score in the post and rebound. Whether they find it through the FA market, or the draft, THAT should be their focus. Beno at PG is fine for right now!!!
Well I like Beno too, but there are some pretty nice things about Kirk. For one, the guy is a great defender. Two, he's a better playmaker than Beno. If you look at Kirk's history though this is the worst season he's had, he's a good player. It was a season where he had 2 different coaches, and so there was a lot of change. I think it was probably a down year for him. I'm not saying do one thing or the other though.

I think Chicago takes Rose though. He is from Chicago itself so he'd be a huge fan favorite. He's also the type of PG they need, a superstar creator like Paul and Deron Williams. He'd allow them to salvage Ben Gordon because Ben wouldn't have an excuse to handle the ball so much anymore. If they take Beasley they have to give up on Ty Thomas which I'm not sure they want to do.
For one, Beno is younger. Two, Beno can be retained, hopefully, for much less thank what Kirk is making. Kirk is overpaid. IMO, there isn't that much difference talent wise. Beno is a very good PG and only 26.
Kirk is 27 not much difference in age, but in talent Kirk beats him hands down. Also if you think about it not that different in salary since we would be trading salary to get Kirk, whereas Beno we are adding salary to the cap. Also Kirk's salary is front loaded meaning his salary will go down every year.
hinrich facilitates offense and can defend for a point thats one of our dire needs right now a good PG bug btwn him and beno id pick the past consistencies over beno's good year...then again i cant judge them there...

if it were hughes then i wouldnt mind hughes is a defensive guard we can play him at any guard spot and teach the young ones defense
This might be a stretch...but I compare that statement to saying you'd rather have Jason Terry for his past consistencies in the playoffs instead of Chris Paul after his 1 good year in the postseason. While Beno didn't play very much for the Spurs during their championship seasons, he was still in that environment, and has shown he can play good defense against some of the best PG's in the league. I like his game, and what he offers from the outside. He' not an ego guy, and makes good decisions for the most part. To me, he's the right fit for now.
The biggest complain from the Bulls' board is that Kirk is NOT a PG. They said he can't penetrate and he can't execute a post-entry pass to save his life. He's a tweener, a combo guard.

But I'd have to say no to Hinrich for cap reason. Taking on a role player that has almost $40 millions left in his contract is madness imo. We're supposed to be shedding salary, not taking them on.
If they draft Rose. Do we package Brad to get him and let Beno walk?

I was just on a Bulls message board talking about that last night..

I came to the conclusion that they need to draft Beasley, keep Hinrich (because he's not all that bad when he's in the right situation) and then let Rose fall to Miami. Supposedly the Bulls GM John Paxon was leaning towards Rose though. Hmmmph..

I would take a shot at Hinrich if all it cost was Miller. BUT this would screw up our salary situation for....

Player -- -- -- --2008 - 2009 ----2009 - 2010 ----2010 - 2011 ----2011 - 2012
Kirk Hinrich-- -- --$10,000,000 ----$9,500,000 -------$9,000,000 -----$8,000,000

At least it goes down as the years progress.
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Skills wise and with their current team yea Beasley fits them better, but who says their roster is going to remain the way it is? You take the best player available at the no.1 ALWAYS. Rose is the best player and he's the safer player character wise. Draft Rose and work some package around Hinrich to get a solid post scorer.
Skills wise and with their current team yea Beasley fits them better, but who says their roster is going to remain the way it is? You take the best player available at the no.1 ALWAYS. Rose is the best player and he's the safer player character wise. Draft Rose and work some package around Hinrich to get a solid post scorer.
Saying Rose is the best is not true. He plays a position which is hardest to fill with quality. Beasley's downfall is that he plays a swing position. If Beasley were an inch or two taller there would be no question who's the #1. Even right now it's about 50-50.

Overall talent Beasley is a better than Rose. But the issues you stated, and position issues will give Rose a shot at being #1.
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Saying Rose is the best is not true. He plays a position which is hardest to fill with quality. Beasley's downfall is that he plays a swing position. If Beasley were an inch or two taller there would be no question who's the #1. Even right now it's about 50-50.
Well obviously it's subjective, they're very close, but considering how hard it is to find true PG's compared to scoring forwards, then you factor in it seems to be consensus in the NBA that Rose is the better pick and then you factor in character. Rose wins overall IMO, it's very close and I think Chicago will fair very well with either choice and will have some excess talent to trade for some more balance.
Well obviously it's subjective, they're very close, but considering how hard it is to find true PG's compared to scoring forwards, then you factor in it seems to be consensus in the NBA that Rose is the better pick and then you factor in character. Rose wins overall IMO, it's very close and I think Chicago will fair very well with either choice and will have some excess talent to trade for some more balance.
With the two top PG in the league a few years back (Paul, and Williams) and how they have turned around their teams I think the Bulls probably take Rose. But I still think the overall talent level of Rose is maybe 3rd.. Beasley, and Mayo being #1/#2. But the positions those two play doesn't make up for the slim margin that separates the three.