My picks for this bracket:
Proph over D-Mass - I am way in the minority here, and I had a pm convo with Proph about one of her picks that also really informed me on how she was going about some of the others as well. D-Mass went with a lot of heavy hitters but it felt a little to safe to me, Proph went with a highly personal list and exposed more of her personality in doing so, which even though there's stuff I don't have an interest in scored big points with me.
Kingzrool over Jerryaki - again Jerryaki's list felt like it had big names but was very safe, also probably the most live albums which have big hits on them but some are of questionable quality. Kingzrool's picks were a grab bag, some I like, some I don't, but a lot more daring picks, showed more flavor which is win with me.
tradepeja over Monty'sBiggestFan - I rated MBF's higher initially, as I feel like tradepeja seems to take a lot of cues from others and also selected some picks strictly to pander to the voting crowd. Ultimately though, album for album, I like his a little bigger, and upon reflection there are one or two daring choices.
me over Brick - I actually like Brick's list. Not in my upper tier, but at the top of the middle by more than a bit, he's almost his own tier. It looks like I can expand on that in the next round. But my list is better.