Dallas vs. Phoenix Round 2


Super Moderator Emeritus
They did what they needed to do tonight... GREAT win by the Suns, and Cuban is not a happy camper. Makes my day.
i really like nash and the way he has been playing so far. but that jim f jackson has somehow made its way to the wcf really upsets me. if only joe johnson were not injured, i would be rooting for suns without any reservation. still, i would like to see suns rather than the spurs in the finals. here is to nash destroying parker (of course, if nash has anything left in the tank).
Ray Allen34 said:
suns play at such a fast pace that teams scoring over 100 does not mean they didn't play good enough defense..any time a team shoots under 45% then they are playing good enough D.
In the Suns case the opposing team could be shooting horribly but they will give up offensive board after offensive board.
Nash sure showed Cuban. Bad move Mark, Dirk did not look happy at the end there did he? Nash is playing like a man possesed, can he keep it up against the Spurs? It's going to be fun to watch.
twocents said:
i really like nash and the way he has been playing so far. but that jim f jackson has somehow made its way to the wcf really upsets me. if only joe johnson were not injured, i would be rooting for suns without any reservation. still, i would like to see suns rather than the spurs in the finals. here is to nash destroying parker (of course, if nash has anything left in the tank).
Funny, since the Kings were probably a jim f jackson away from the WCF last year...I realize that's pure speculation, but I'd have felt much better with JJax off the bench against the Twolves than Rodney Buford.
well, it's over. I want this Mavs team to stick together. I'm proud of the fact this Mavs team went so far during it's rebuilding year, with it's coach only coaching them for 18 regular season games, and still winning 58 games despite maybe losing the most man games due to injury.

But speak to me about how PO'd I'm going to be if we don't advance next year, given we keep the team intact. All this team needs is time to gel.
mavsman what do you think of Dirk's performance and then calling out teammates? I think Dirk has proven that he will always be a severe defensive liability and that maybe Cuban let go of the wrong first team NBA player.
dirk has had some sort of change in his basketball personality. he was more mellow before; now, he has become "call me machiavelli; i will be dirty if need be". as long as what he does remains on the court and has good relationships with his teammates, that is not necessarily a bad move.
Striker we've been begging for Dirk to take more of a leadership role on the team. I had absolutely no problem with Dirk calling out Dampier. Now that we got a taste of the leadership role we're asking him to play - I want him to do it again. As far as his defense - he's not the best defender but he has vastly improved and I think he still has room to grow.

Can't blame this one on Dirk, or anyone for that matter except maybe Finley. He simply didn't show up all year. What's bad news for the Mavs? He has a contract that is pretty much making him impossible to move...
mavsman said:
Can't blame this one on Dirk, or anyone for that matter except maybe Finley. He simply didn't show up all year. What's bad news for the Mavs? He has a contract that is pretty much making him impossible to move...
hmm, ironic that a maverick fan is blaming finley. ;)

finley had an off season. i like his game though. he will probably pick it up next year. could have been some mismatch in the personnel. maybe he did not get along with terry, after nash; who knows?
I just dropped by to say...


Anybody want to take a guess as to why???? Anybody? Anybody? No takers alright its because...



But come on...how F'in amazing was that game...holy crap...one of the best NBA games I've seen in awhile...I had predicted that whoever won the first half was gonna win the game I didn't think either team was gonna end up mounting a comeback...boy was I wrong...it's been ALL STEVIE ALL THE TIME...

Dallas' defense in that second half was horrible...pretty non existent and just got worse at time passed by...reminded me a lot of the Mavs team we as Kings fans we are use to seeing total and complete COLLAPSE!

Personally I think its sweetest for Kings fan cuz when you think back...all the times that it was Kings vs Mavs and it came down to a last second shot to win a big game within the series or to extend the series Nash would just clank and clank and clank everything...Mike Bibby owned him on a whose your daddy level and now you see Steve return to play against Dallas and the whole series he couldn't miss a shot even if he wanted to...making every shot from every spot on the floor...just amazing...so you know that Dallas fans are like "why couldn't you do that when you were here" the bitterness is REALLY starting to settle in now...all season long people wondered will they miss Nash will they miss Nash...Mavs fans answered..."no we play better defense without him and besides come PO time he always sucked anyway" bahahahhahahahaha...you cannot tell me that that Dallas team did not miss a guy like Steve Nash to run that team...oh boy does that team miss him...where was the better defense anyway? hehehehe

Cuban decided to pass on Steve for Erick Dampier...I said Erick Dampier...the self proclamied second best center in the league...bahahahhahahhaha...you can obviously understand why I'm LMAO right now, right?

For them to be an elimination game be AT HOME and towards the end of the third be up 16 points and lose...how embarrasing...::shakes head::...and for the Suns to be on the road without JJ with Amare plagued with foul trouble and to be once down by 16 points and still come back to win in OT...absolutely amazing to me...

The Matrix was huge 38 and 16 Nash near triple double...Q stunk offensively but had two or three big buckets towards the end of regulation and he had 13 rebounds playing 52mins...Steven Hunter was HUGE off the bench IMO...JJack had that good stretch spreading from the end of the 3rd into the 4th...absolutely crazy...even Amare who one played 32 mins had 18pts and 6rebs and thats solid especially since he never had any rhythm the entire night due to the foul trouble (which was a crock if you ask me..he was called for so many touch fouls I've never seen sucha exhibition)...

God that was just a great great game...I totally dissed and dismissed the Suns all season long but I have take my hat off to those boys...they played really well...and now JJ is coming back...they might be on high going into that series with Spurs...which is also gonna be a great series...

Wow so much great basketball in store for all of us...I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon...woohoo! Good luck to all parties!
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Eh, damn the Suns. I can respect the Cuban hatred, but I refuse to root for what is basically a "first-year" playoff team out of principle; they haven't earned it. Go Mavericks.*

* - Until the WCF; then I hope you get killed dead by the Spurs...
?? The Suns have been one of the more successful franchises in the NBA, relatively. Not really strangers to the playoffs either.
1. Steve Nash wasn't going to produce MVP numbers in Dallas
2. We'll see how well this deal turned out for the Suns in 3 years when Nash is officially cooked.
3. 58 games won without the MVP of the league? I'll take it.

Bottom line: This is the most talented Dallas team I've seen, ever. All they need is time, this was the rebuilding year and I'll take it. No reason to hang my head despite the really tough loss, afterall we did lose to the #1 team in the NBA.

I think we saw why.
I blame it on FINLEY - last game produced 7 or 8 pts and he earned the last two pts within the last min or so.

He was supposed to be the X FACTOR.

Oh well. Every other season they were getting closer but then their door once again shut.

Nash really did show it up to Cuban's face.
C'mon, mavsman. Level with me. I know what you're going thru except that the guy LA traded didn't win the MVP, lol, and he didn't get to knock his former team outta the playoffs.

Seeing Nash come back and have THIS much success burns your craw, don't it?

Also, do you think the 88 Mavs squad was superior to any of the Dirk squads?
mavsman said:
As far as his (Dirk's) defense - he's not the best defender but he has vastly improved and I think he still has room to grow.
Dirk doesn't move his feet very well. But he also seems to be be very lazy, inattentive and inconsitent as a defender and that's been going on for years and I don't see the improvement personally. Soft to the nth. It will be interesting to see how his and Avery's relationship evolves because if he keeps it up Avery will be on him like flies on **** (pre-deleted).
Gargamel said:
C'mon, mavsman. Level with me. I know what you're going thru except that the guy LA traded didn't win the MVP, lol, and he didn't get to knock his former team outta the playoffs.

Seeing Nash come back and have THIS much success burns your craw, don't it?

Also, do you think the 88 Mavs squad was superior to any of the Dirk squads?
Seeing Nash do well doesn't bother me anymore than seeing a Peja or Brad Miller do well and beat my Mavs. It's simply the fact that we lost.

I think we made the right decision in not re-signing Nash to how much Phoenix offered him. Nash is having a career year no doubt - it won't happen 3 years from now and it wouldn't have happened in a Mavs jersey had he stayed. I don't really know how to say it. I guess what I'm trying to say is this, it's a horrible decision to not re-sign him THIS YEAR, but long term it may very well have been the best decision we could've made.

Now, in 3 years time if he's still playing like he is...I will be the first to admit we made a huge mistake - if Cuban doesn't do it first.
striker said:
Dirk doesn't move his feet very well. But he also seems to be be very lazy, inattentive and inconsitent as a defender and that's been going on for years and I don't see the improvement personally. Soft to the nth. It will be interesting to see how his and Avery's relationship evolves because if he keeps it up Avery will be on him like flies on **** (pre-deleted).
I'm not going to say that Dirk's defense is outstanding, but I think you're selling him a bit short here. I think when he was placed on Amare in the Suns series he did a better job than just about anyone else Dallas threw at Amare, and he's a very solid defensive rebounder (which has to count for something when you're playing PF).
mavsman said:
2. We'll see how well this deal turned out for the Suns in 3 years when Nash is officially cooked.
I think this was a pretty big assumption made by the Mavs. Not necessarily a bad one, but a big one. It's true that he hasn't been the most reliable of players, and he's shown that he can wear down with his frenetic style of play near the end of the season, but he's still a top 5 PG in the league, and letting him go without getting anything in return certainly hurt the Mavs this season.

And, this is all still speculation, but if the Suns are somehow able to win the NBA title this year, I don't think they will care one bit about spending the money to get Steve Nash, even 3 years from now.
4cwebb said:
And, this is all still speculation, but if the Suns are somehow able to win the NBA title this year, I don't think they will care one bit about spending the money to get Steve Nash, even 3 years from now.
Couldn't agree more
4cwebb said:
And, this is all still speculation, but if the Suns are somehow able to win the NBA title this year, I don't think they will care one bit about spending the money to get Steve Nash, even 3 years from now.
Yeah, no matter how hobbled he may be in 5 years, running around with one peg leg and needing those vitamin B injections at the end of the year, if they get the ring this year, that'll make the salary much easier to swallow.

If we had gotten the title we deserved 3 years ago, I wonder if Webber would still be with us...woulda made that 1/8 of a billion dollars easier to handle....
Bartking said:
If we had gotten the title we deserved 3 years ago, I wonder if Webber would still be with us...woulda made that 1/8 of a billion dollars easier to handle....
I'm inclined to say yes since CWebb still would've been one of the heroes of that season (potentially the main hero, but we'll never know), and that would have derailed any bad feelings that may have arisen last season when he tried to return from injury and, in the minds of some, "ruined" the Kings chances at a title.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
El Duque said:
?? The Suns have been one of the more successful franchises in the NBA, relatively. Not really strangers to the playoffs either.
The Suns' success as a franchise matters not to me; when I speak of a team's playoff experience, the only thing that matters to me is how many times the core unit of that team has been in the playoffs. The core of this Phoenix Suns team (Nash, Johnson, Richardson, Marion, Stoudemire) came into this postseason with a combined total of seventy-eight games playoff experience. Fifty-one of them belonged to Nash; that's nearly twice the playoff experience as the rest of the starters combined! As far as I'm concerned, that's not a team deserving of a trip to the Finals. I'm a firm believer in the paradigm that you have to suffer adversity before you should be entitled to experience success; what adversity have the Suns suffered that I should cheer for them to succeed where teams that have tried for much longer have failed? What gives them the "right," for lack of a more appropriate term, to go from the lottery to the Finals without having "paid their dues?"

mavsman said:
... afterall we did lose to the #1 team in the NBA.

I think we saw why.
The Suns have the best record in the NBA, but they're probably only the fourth-best team left in the playoffs.
Mr. Slim,

Fair enough. Your position is entirely understandable in that context. I still think you underrate them, but hey, they haven't proved a damn thing yet. Hopefully, the series is as good as the hype.