Dallas vs. Phoenix Round 2

Dallas looking a lot better tonight. Seems as if Erick Dampier took Dirk's words to heart!

Joe Johnson went down hard to end the half, but the flagrant was a bad call by the refs. Unfortunate for Dallas.


Hall of Famer
Finally Dallas has realized how you play Pheonix! Much like the way we beat them earlier in the season. Pound them inside and they can do nothing. Teams want to run with them and that is a bad idea, Dallas played them the way you need to play them.
Good game finally.
Yep, exciting game. We'll see how Phoenix responds... if someone out there can find a way to disrupt Phoenix from what they want to do, they don't really have anything to fall back on.
What a game!! Quentin missed the 3 for the win.......no!

Great game. Hope to see something like that on Friday again. I think this is the most exciting series in the playoffs right now.
a few things:

- Loved Dampier's attitude and play
- Loved Finley's game
- Where was Dirk's shots in the 4th? Although the one he hit was pretty big
- That was NOT a flagrant on Stackhouse. Hope Joe Johnson feels better.
- This Suns team reminded me of when your Kings pounded the Mavs in 2001 with all those lay up drills. You can score on this Suns team, and you can score inside.


mavsman said:
a few things:

- Loved Dampier's attitude and play
- Loved Finley's game
- Where was Dirk's shots in the 4th? Although the one he hit was pretty big
- That was NOT a flagrant on Stackhouse. Hope Joe Johnson feels better.
- This Suns team reminded me of when your Kings pounded the Mavs in 2001 with all those lay up drills. You can score on this Suns team, and you can score inside.
add Terry and Daniels coming alive in the 4th
i heard that johnson has a broken orbital sometime like that, won't play in game 3, not sure about game 4.

i'm SO glad that *** Q-rich was the one that missed the shot. i can not STAND that guy. glad to see him go down in flames tonight * evil grin*

can't say i'm happy about the mavs winning, but i don't like either team, so having them play for a long time will wear them out.
Screw the Suns for making me a temporary Mavericks fan. I have always disliked the Mavericks, but I absolutely cannot stand those cocky ******* Suns and their greasy haired point guard and cocky coach.... MAVS in 6!!
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The loss of Johnson is going to be huge for PHX with their short bench. They're going to have to get a big game from JJax in Game 3 in Dallas to have a hope of getting homecourt advantage back from the Mavs at this point.

Nice to see Dampier respond as well...Dirk will probably call him out after every poor performance from this point on (or should), regardless of Damp's complaints.
Evenstar said:
i heard that johnson has a broken orbital sometime like that, won't play in game 3, not sure about game 4.

i'm SO glad that *** Q-rich was the one that missed the shot. i can not STAND that guy. glad to see him go down in flames tonight * evil grin*

can't say i'm happy about the mavs winning, but i don't like either team, so having them play for a long time will wear them out.

Same here EVENSTAR, I also cannot stand Richardson. I swear ever sinced he went out with Brandy he thinks he's ballin'.

As much as I dislike the Mavs, the SUNS are beginning to annoy the hell of out me. I have never seen so much cockiness coming from a team that has not won anything.

I hate the way they pound their fist to this forehead whenever a basket is made. Silly….and lame.
I've ended up rooting for the Mavs too! Didn't plan on it, especially since I lived in Phoenix.. but I always seem to be pulled to the underdogs, and have a hard time rooting for the "new kid on the block."

A few more competitive games like this one would be great to see.
JayBird said:
Screw the Suns for making me a temporary Mavericks fan. I have always disliked the Mavericks, but I absolutely cannot stand those cocky ba.stard Suns and their greasy haired point guard and cocky coach.... MAVS in 6!!
I found it odd cheering for the Mavs last night but I just can't stand Phoenix. I must be the only person in this country who feels that their style of play is going to kill the NBA. They basically stand around the 3 point line and wait for Nash to kick it to them and shoot. Richardson used to post up alot and drive to the hoop for buckets. He is now strictly a 3 point shooter.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I respect our Mav fan members but I'm rooting for the Suns. What some of you are referring to as cockiness I see as confidence and enthusiasm. The Suns are clearly pumped and showing it, and I have no problem with it whatsoever.

The Suns have a great balance, and watching Amare Stoudamire reminds me a lot of a young, healthy Chris Webber...only a little different.

Of all the series currently being played, this one is by far the most intriguing IMHO. I'll be most interested in seeing how the Spurs play the Suns in a best of 7 situation.

I don't see this cockiness you guys are talking about. I'm rooting for the Suns, even though I cannot stand Steve Nash and his greasy hair and walleye.

Looks like the Mavs decided to make a series of it after all...I think this one has some good potential to go the distance.
PejaFanatic said:
Same here EVENSTAR, I also cannot stand Richardson. I swear ever sinced he went out with Brandy he thinks he's ballin'.

As much as I dislike the Mavs, the SUNS are beginning to annoy the hell of out me. I have never seen so much cockiness coming from a team that has not won anything.

I hate the way they pound their fist to this forehead whenever a basket is made. Silly….and lame.
i too dislike q-rich. he pops his jersey after every win or will just grab it with two thumbs and show it to the crowd. i remember him doing that when phoenix beat the kings on the goaltend. q was 0-5 from behind the arc and still pops his jersey. *shakes head*

and yeah the suns are way too cocky. did anyone see the footage of d'antoni in the italian league. mustache and everything. dude's a sore winner. so he doesn't really set the best example to his players of being humble.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Phoenix has talked the talk and now they're walking the walk. They were playing at home in front of a very enthusiastic and supportive home crowd. Why SHOULDN'T they enjoy it as long as it lasts?

What do some of you think Bibby's Crab Dance is?

I don't think it's about Phoenix or D'Antoni being sore winners OR being humble. In fact, I can't really see the words "humble" and "NBA champion" in the same context. Personally, the only thing I really dislike is Mark Cuban's antics in opponent home arenas, having seen it up close and personal.
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I'm just glad there's actually a series going on somewhere. Getting tired of one sided games and series (yawn). Maybe now I'll actually have something to watch. The only time I like one sided games is when the Kings are winning. I hope the Suns prevail, not a fan but my dislike for the Mavs will make me root for almost anyone. Plus it's usually interesting when a player plays his former team. The Suns are Renee + Kenny Chesney and the mavs are J-Lo and .....
Bibby_10 said:
Spurs will destroy the winner of this series.
that is for sure

as for the suns being cocky, they are. the crab dance is cockiness, i agree, but mike doesn't do it THAT often, and i didn't see it much this year. Q-rich does his little moose head thing after EVERY basket he makes. come on man, each and every shot??!?!?! PUHLEASE. amare doing his pushups. amare talking all kind of crap, calling him self STAT, i forgert the breakdown, but still, come on man, be humble. i don't ever see nash talking crap. he shows respect to everyone.

they just annoy me. not as much as mark cuban ( imbossible to beat that) but the suns annoy me. i'm not rooting for either team, just that the series goes 7 games so the spurs can wipe out whoever wins in 4 games.
Evenstar said:
that is for sure

as for the suns being cocky, they are. the crab dance is cockiness, i agree, but mike doesn't do it THAT often, and i didn't see it much this year. Q-rich does his little moose head thing after EVERY basket he makes. come on man, each and every shot??!?!?! PUHLEASE. amare doing his pushups. amare talking all kind of crap, calling him self STAT, i forgert the breakdown, but still, come on man, be humble. i don't ever see nash talking crap. he shows respect to everyone.

they just annoy me. not as much as mark cuban ( imbossible to beat that) but the suns annoy me. i'm not rooting for either team, just that the series goes 7 games so the spurs can wipe out whoever wins in 4 games.
I like your term moose head. It is annoying when he does it so often.....he is trying to imitate an animal.

Yes, it's so true when Bibby used to do his crab dance, it showed cockiness but at the same time he has not done it this year. I guess it just shows he is maturing up.

Yup, I want this series go 7 games as well and maybe a few OT, so no more "run and gun" from the SUNS. Maybe then we can see some half court offense from the SUNS.


Super Moderator Emeritus
PejaFanatic said:
I like your term moose head. It is annoying when he does it so often.....he is trying to imitate an animal.

Yes, it's so true when Bibby used to do his crab dance, it showed cockiness but at the same time he has not done it this year. I guess it just shows he is maturing up.

Yup, I want this series go 7 games as well and maybe a few OT, so no more "run and gun" from the SUNS. Maybe then we can see some half court offense from the SUNS.
Actually, Mike has done the Crab Dance this year... If he hasn't done it as much this year, it's probably because of circumstances that made playing a lot more work and less fun.
God I hate the Suns, I hate them even more because they are making me root for the Mavs! Avery has impressed me as a coach so far(the falling down aside) hope he has a good game plan. They should pound it inside and try to get Dampier involved early. Suns are just as dangerous with Jimmy Jackson out there but with 1 less guy fatigue will be way more of a factor. Plus, that Dallas crowd can really pour it on when they have too. Phoenix is a great road team though, should be a good game.
VF21 said:
I respect our Mav fan members but I'm rooting for the Suns. What some of you are referring to as cockiness I see as confidence and enthusiasm. The Suns are clearly pumped and showing it, and I have no problem with it whatsoever.
This is exactly how opponents saw us a few years ago, don't forget.

Good points VF.
They were the best team in the regular season, and the champion has not yet been crowned, so at this point, the reigning number one seed can be as cocky as they please. I honestly don't see the "cockiness", though. I really don't. Joe Johnson's next media quote will be his first, and Marion seems to have a chip on his shoulder, and he should, considering he's the most underrated player in the league. Amare is the only one that has anything approaching cockiness, but it's not brazen Barkleyistic arrogance, it's just a world of confidence in his abilities. Considering his play and his team's record, he's probably entitled.

As for the Spurs destroying the winner of this series... we'll see. I think both Dallas and Phoenix have what it takes to beat San Antone.