Bucks @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Kings lead by Jamal Crawford beat the Warriors lead by Kenny Nothing to start a hot streak winning 2 out of the last 3 games improving to 10-30 and dominating 3-17 on the road. Kins slipped to the 4th worst record in the NBA by picking all those unnecessary wins which will come back to haunt us soon enough. Kings also improved to 2-6 in January and they might even double the amount of wins before the month is over. Ither than that Kings are in top 4 in PPG allowed, opponent FG% and 3pt FG% as well as in the point differential. The top 4 is obviously from the bottom up.
Piksi's pow(d)er rankings

We had a good thing going on for a while but like every other time - we never go all the way. Kings winning games they really shouldn't will pay the ultimate price which is a major set back in the "rebuilding" process which is about to start any season now.

The game from Wednesday night shows the importance of organizing the NIPO tournament for the 14 lottery teams. The comedy central would have huge ratings.
Lottery 101 is a fictional class that every GM/Coach needs to take in order to be eligible to work in the NBA. It should be taught but Pat Riley or whoever is the GM in Portland these days. One of the lectures will involve games which can't be won and games that have to be lost. It is very simple. Any game played against direct competition for the lottery has to be lost no matter how because they count twice. It is okay to play hard and beat the lakers, Hornets, Mavs and other teams that consider losing to bad teams being a statistical error. It is very wrong, retarded and irresponsible to win a game against direct competition especially on the road. It can have devastating consequences. Theoretically one and only one of those can mean the difference between Lebron James and Darko Milicic. You think - I am exaggerating. Okay - we can talk after the lottery night again. We already did a incredibly stupid thing by beating Clippers on the road 2 seasons ago costing us couple draft spots. We are rebuilding way too slow as it is. This isn't helping.
I turned on TNT to see what is up with Barkley and I overheard the expert Mike Fratello saying how Cavs are interested in Brad and how Brad has been playing great these days. (did not watch the Magic game). Now, unfortunately Fratello is not a GM. I have no clue wht Cavs would want Miller unless they need someone to pair up with "Z" so he doesn't feel depressed by being the slowest guy on the team. I was wondering what we could get from them in return and I couldn't figure it out. They have Eric Snow on the payroll but he is the starter for the NBA TV, they have Wally and I don't want Wally in any capacity and they have 28-30 draft pick. Let's be honest. We barely play the 11pick we have. What are the chances of playing the 29th pick - whoever he might be ? So what we might gain from dumping Brad is opening some minutes for Mikki and KT to show us yet again - what they can't do.
Wathich the end of the game the other night - I was wondering whether there is some IA meeting in the area. IA as in idiots anonymous. There has got to be one. My first meeting would go like this:
Hi, I am Piksi and I am definitely an idiot (start sobbing). I am a Kings fan. No, not the LA Kings - the Sacramento Kings. (everyone else starts sobbing). The other night I was watching the 11-29 team play the 10-30 team in a horrendous meaningless game that lasted till 2am despite having the get up at 6am. While knowing that I will have to pay a price for it - I still couldn't quit watching it because like everyone else I watch the train wrecks and they were at least 2 of them in one single game. At the end - the wrong team won, the wrong people played, I was dead tired the next day and in a bad mood. Definitely an idiot!
Kenny Something has officially been downgraded to Kenny Nothing and that is a compliment. Any time when I think that he has outdumbed himself - he proves me wrong, over and over again. Last night it was no different. In a 63 minutes game he only plays 8 man and 3 of them gave 55+ minutes. He did not substitute for the last 20+ minutes if I am not mistaking. His strategy was to wear down the Warriors. To avoid any defense and wait till everyone fouls out to get a chance to win it with the buzzer in tripe overtime. He wasn't alone tough. His colleague on the opponents bench managed to play his worst player for 60+ minutes. You can't teach stupid. And here is what a usual Kenny's Nothing play out of timeout looks like

When 2 bad teams clash anything can happen. Anything but a good basketball game. Kings had to give it all to beat an awful team without their 2 best players + 3 other starters fouled out in triple overtime by 2 points. It took a Jamal Crawford to neutralize Kenny Nothing. The longer the game took the worse it got because players were too tired, Warriors because they had noone left on the bench and King because Kenny Nothing is clueless. Even if we only had 5 players left at the end - he would have found the way to keep JT on the bench and deprive him of important experience for his and our future. The game had 129 missed shots combined which is evidence of incompetence considering that neither team plays any defense. At the end Kings hit their free throws and Warriors didn't. We eon the game, they improved their lottery chances.

TDM went to Morrow. He had a nice game and luckily for us at the end - it was always Crawford's turn

LW-VC went to Azabuike. Needless to say - he is on my fantasy team:eek:

RA&1 went to the king of sucktitude - Jamal "volume shooter" Crawford who hasn't met a shot, he didn;t take, who hasn't met a shot, he couldn't miss and who hasn't avoided to pass the ball whenever he could

JHA - Kevin "6-21 against Warriors" Martin. When You are 6-21 against the bad defensive team You have no right claiming a clutch shot because You are the reason that that shot was needed in the first place.

Mikki went to Mikki who only needed 3:37 to remind us what we don;t need or have

SAR-Methuselah award went to Bobby who clearly played passed his bed time

WTF momnet of the game - 4 timeuts inside few seconds because both teams were to stupid to inbound the ball - twice:rolleyes:
Bucks are next and thank god we dodged the back to back in this situation. Otherwise, another record or two would have been broken. Bucks have a similar road record to our home record. They lost at home to the Heat - another thing we share. This is a game that can not be predicted in any way and it is possible that it ends up similar to the Warriors game. If this game also goes into a close finish - it might be another long night.
Kevin - make a shot will You
Brad - few minutes more and he would have colapsed in there. Great game tough
Salmons - clutch for a change
Beno - 21 FGA is just too many for a PG on a bad team
JT - You would think that promotion to a starter would mean more minutes. Well, think again!

Cisco - the usual
Hawes - when You play well You lose your minutes - right ?

rest - mateen
Bucks - #9 in the East with 8-15 on the road. Anything possible. Definitely winable game unless we break some more records. Mbah a Moute gets the TDM. LW-VC goes to Redd. I don't care who wins as long as I get in bed in time.
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Just turned on the game and it is 27-14...proves that our team is all talk. A team that we should have a shot at beating and we come out crappy.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Its fortunate that I had already started to fiddle with the next group of pretty girls in anticipation of those back to back Celtics/Cavs games at the end of the month. Might have to burn them tonight, against a bad East team. At home.
My god, Only someone like our horrible sideline reporter Angela Thsai, make something like a great story of civil rights sound so horrible.

nat·ter·jack [náttər jàk]
(plural nat·ter·jacks)
rare W European toad: a rare western European toad that inhabits sandy areas and has short hind legs and a skin color ranging from yellow-green to olive-gray.
It moves by running rather than hopping, inflates its body when alarmed, and has the loudest croak of all European toads.

Latin name: Bufo calamita

[Mid-18th century. Origin ?]
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

nat·ter [náttər]
vi (past and past participle nat·tered, present participle nat·ter·ing, 3rd person present singular nat·ters)
chat: to talk about not very serious matters, often rapidly and at length and sometimes in an irritating way

unserious conversation: a trivial or gossipy conversation

[Early 19th century. Origin ?]
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Michael Redd is on his way to a 60... and we're at home so pathetic yet so disrespectful to the fans on the arena
all teams just love to play against us
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