I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in anything Monty had to say...
Having said that, I DON'T CARE if one of the starters had an altercation with Peja. I really don't.
I am so heartily sick to death of the three bleeping years of drama that I simply don't care.
If they want to beat each other to pulp, I don't care. If they want to stand toe to toe and call each other nasty names, I don't care. If they slap each other with gloves and demand satisfaction at dawn, I don't care.
I want my KINGS back. I saw a glimpse of them tonight. There was cutting and there was passing and there was rebounding - in fact there was more rebounding than I could have hoped for. There was ATHLETICISM and there was excitement.
That's what I want. If Bonzi and Peja or Bibby and Peja or anybody in a Kings uniform and Peja (or anybody else) decides to get into it about how they do THEIR jobs, I DON'T CARE.
If anyone has the right to call out a player, it's the guy in the locker next to him.
So, to sum it up, IF Bonzi did get into an altercation with Peja...
Having said that, I DON'T CARE if one of the starters had an altercation with Peja. I really don't.
I am so heartily sick to death of the three bleeping years of drama that I simply don't care.
If they want to beat each other to pulp, I don't care. If they want to stand toe to toe and call each other nasty names, I don't care. If they slap each other with gloves and demand satisfaction at dawn, I don't care.
I want my KINGS back. I saw a glimpse of them tonight. There was cutting and there was passing and there was rebounding - in fact there was more rebounding than I could have hoped for. There was ATHLETICISM and there was excitement.
That's what I want. If Bonzi and Peja or Bibby and Peja or anybody in a Kings uniform and Peja (or anybody else) decides to get into it about how they do THEIR jobs, I DON'T CARE.
If anyone has the right to call out a player, it's the guy in the locker next to him.
So, to sum it up, IF Bonzi did get into an altercation with Peja...