Anger at Peja

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Geez seriously how many game winning shots has peja had the opportunity to take? He's never made a clutch basket but he really hasn't taken that many. Last night, wcf, please name me some others to refresh my memory. Bibby is our go to guy at the end of the game and does a good job. Webb and mobley have also steped up this year down the stretch but has peja really had a chance to show people he's clutch this year?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Daniela said:
Too many to quote here so I am just going to say what I have to say. The Sac. Kings are the Sac. Kings not the Peja Kings oor any other player for that matter.

To say that there has not been that much Peja bashing is ludicrous. Where have you been? Under a rock? There has been constant Peja bashing in this forum at least since I joined. Just look at all the Threads about the most recent trade along with countless others. It is ridiculous.

Peja is going to have great nights and not so great nights. He is going to give you what you want one minute and then let you down the next, just like every other player in the NBA. I get that he is not a great defender, but HELLO???!! None of our guys are. If we are looking for a saviour in the Kings, we may not going to find one this season.
I am just getting sick of people getting on all of our guys, not just Peja, for not being perfect. Everyone has their weaknesses.
You're a new member and I'm assuming you weren't here before the board crashed last summer. So, you can't possibly know what has gone on before...

We need to get back to making our comments about the posts AND NOT other posters.
That is why I clarified my statement with "since I joined" and referenced the threads since the last trade. I am not trying to comment on what happened before I joined. I have no idea what happened before I joined. I am just trying to reply to the comment made that there has not been any Peja bashing just like many others have replied to that comment.
Daniela, Peja bashing to Webber bashing was like 1:5 before the trade. The bashing seems to go with the "#1" player who is supposedly Peja now. So with the title comes the bashing on this board.
Daniela said:
That is why I clarified my statement with "since I joined" and referenced the threads since the last trade. I am not trying to comment on what happened before I joined. I have no idea what happened before I joined. I am just trying to reply to the comment made that there has not been any Peja bashing just like many others have replied to that comment.
Firstly, you're the second person to comment on my post. So, there haven't been "many others."

Secondly, I would like you to point out where I mentioned that there has not, ever, been a single post about Peja that went a little too far.

My goodness. Read the words that are there, not the words that you think are there, somewhere, hidden in the pixels.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Daniela said:
That is why I clarified my statement with "since I joined" and referenced the threads since the last trade. I am not trying to comment on what happened before I joined. I have no idea what happened before I joined. I am just trying to reply to the comment made that there has not been any Peja bashing just like many others have replied to that comment.
Let me see if I can clarify:

If you walked into an arena in the fourth quarter of a game, would you presume to tell people around you they were right or wrong in their comments about parts of the game you hadn't seen?

This has been a key point of dissention on this board and pretty much virtually everywhere else for a long time. What you're classifying as Peja bashing is NOT bashing at all. It is criticism and some of it may be harsh, but not outside the rules of this forum.

This thread is a venting mechanism in part, and as such it will be closely moderated. If we, the moderators, think things are out of control we'll take action. If posters think things are out of control they should use the "refer a post" option.

Kings fans need to get past this in whatever way they can. For our long-time members, both those who left because of dissatisfaction with Webber and those who stayed soley because of Peja AND everyone in between, this is going to be an interesting time to be a Kings fan, to say the least. The last thing we need is to start sniping at each other. We have enough to worry about...

Thanks for understanding.
I'm not in any kind of mood to argue with ANYONE right now, also that is not my style.
Semantics.....bashing/criticism/arguing....... I am done for now. Didn't mean to offend anyone. It's just that this whole Peja thing is tired and old. BidBadRed thank you for admitting that there is bashing on this board. It is quite refreshing to see the truth.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Daniela said:
I'm not in any kind of mood to argue with ANYONE right now, also that is not my style.
Semantics.....bashing/criticism/arguing....... I am done for now. Didn't mean to offend anyone. It's just that this whole Peja thing is tired and old. BidBadRed thank you for admitting that there is bashing on this board. It is quite refreshing to see the truth.
Oh please.

As I said, if you see bashing, which is against the rules of this board, use the "refer a post" and it will be dealt with. THAT is the truth.
DeAtHrOw said:
I love Peja, but when's the last time this guy has had a game winning shot? Let alone a game winning shot and won the game with it?

I don't understand your second sentence...does not "game winning" shot" by itself imply winning game with it? :confused:
lol - i was thinking the same thing
albeitrue said:
Are we forgetting all the trade Peja threads, the most popular entitled "Peja Has To Go"? This board has been WAY more than critical towards Peja, asking for his head if he does not "rise to the occassion" since Web's departure and suggesting the Arco crowd boo him.

C'mon peeps, don't even try to defend your hostility towards Peja for requesting a trade, not getting enough boards, being soft, purposely not playing to his ability, being responsible for Petrie dealing Web, feigning injury. BTW, when did Peja "demand" a trade, anybody have a link? Cause demand is way different than request. At least say it the right way.

An "entire thread" in Peja's defense? Have you forgotton all the "trade Peja" threads, the most popular being "Peja has to go"? There were countless. If I had posted a thread entitled "Webber has to go", would I now be considered a prophet? I hardly think so. :D

Maybe that's why many here are so pissed, just got caught off-guard.

I would rather watch what happens on the court and use that for Peja's defense. Peja tonight was 7-12, 11-11 FT's, high scorer with 28 points.
Very well said! I agree completely.

I long for the day that Kings fans can come back together and just enjoy the team as it is now. No more banter, fighting and rifts. Let's just love our TEAM, every one of them.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You know one thing that might unite people is if people quit talking about how un-united things are and making a point to bring up divisive comments.

Personally, I'm out of this thread.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
sloter said:
Why would they ? He's a fan favorite...
Is he? None of the Kings Fans that I have ever encountered in real life think very highly of Stojakovic. Furthermore, it has been my personal experience that Webber is much more popular/well-liked nationwide, at least in the United States.

sloter said:
... and the best player on the team...
Mike Bibby is the best player on the team. And just based on his ability to contribute in multiple aspects, I could make the argument that Miller is better, too. Stojakovic is the best shooter on the team, but he might not be the second-best player on the team.
OurYear said:
Geez seriously how many game winning shots has peja had the opportunity to take? He's never made a clutch basket but he really hasn't taken that many. Last night, wcf, please name me some others to refresh my memory. Bibby is our go to guy at the end of the game and does a good job. Webb and mobley have also steped up this year down the stretch but has peja really had a chance to show people he's clutch this year?
Didn't Peja hit the winning shot last year against Detroit?????? I am pretty sure he did.


Yes he did hit a winning shot against Pistons but we'll just pretend that never happened.

Espcially on the defensive end

:D :D :D
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Is he? None of the Kings Fans that I have ever encountered in real life think very highly of Stojakovic. Furthermore, it has been my personal experience that Webber is much more popular/well-liked nationwide, at least in the United States.

I'm pretty sure Webber's not liked nation-wide. People who don't watch King's games get their opinions from sports writer, most of whom think Webber is soft, chokes, etc. That article by Neel, as everyone agreed, was an abberation.

Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Mike Bibby is the best player on the team. And just based on his ability to contribute in multiple aspects, I could make the argument that Miller is better, too. Stojakovic is the best shooter on the team, but he might not be the second-best player on the team.
Like Piksi said, Mike's defense is horrible.
But I agree, Peja has had a horrible year. There have been stretches in the past though, where Peja has been not only our best player, but one of the better offensive players in the NBA. I guess we're all hoping he can get back to that level. With the team we have now, he, Mike, or Brad (or preferably all three) are going to have to step up.
Webber is liked more nationwide then Peja. That's a fact because Webber has been and I think this year he is still a Superstar. This is especially seen by the trade and the kind of headlines he got. Webbers is top 25 in Jersey Sales nationwide, albeit near the bottom but that's still top 25.

Lakers fans and Mavs fans alike hate Webber, and obviously some back-hand slapping Sacramento fans do as well. Whatever, I hate Kobe does that mean he's not well liked Nationwide, nope. Webber was our most visible face, he was the face of the team until the trade. Now it's probally Bibby.


Homer Fan Since 1985
bigbadred00 said:
Webber was our most visible face, he was the face of the team until the trade. Now it's probally Bibby.
Yes, instead of saying "best player" on the Kings, I like this "face" of the Kings. Bibby has been getting more favorable press, especially since his "ice in the veins" clutch shots against the Lakers in 2002. It really is all about the national sportswriters. That is where most fans get their info. So, I agree that, because of the sportswriters, Bibby will be the new "face" of the Kings.

That means we do not need to have constant "compare" threads between Bibby and Peja like we did between CWebb and Peja.



Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Is he? None of the Kings Fans that I have ever encountered in real life think very highly of Stojakovic. Furthermore, it has been my personal experience that Webber is much more popular/well-liked nationwide, at least in the United States.

Mike Bibby is the best player on the team. And just based on his ability to contribute in multiple aspects, I could make the argument that Miller is better, too. Stojakovic is the best shooter on the team, but he might not be the second-best player on the team.
Since I am a "peja lover" according to some members of this forum, I wasn't going to voice my opinion, but I just can't stand to listen to crap like this....
In what possible categorie is Mike Bibby a better player than Stojakovic..I will try to bring out facts on the table, not opinions....Stojakovic is a (3) time All Star, that was an MVP candidate for the first half of the season last year....Stojakovic is a much better defender than Bibby, team or individual...Stojakovic is a better shooter, which actually is Bibby's strength...Better scorer, will always bring more points than Bibby, higher average overall.....Now Bibby...was never an All Star, which doesn't mean much when fans vote, but Coaches have never picked him.....Every single guard in the league records a season, or career high when playing Bibby, even Luke Ridnaour, or some Nelson, or Arenas in the past couple of months.....You could easily say that Bibby is the worst guard defender in the league......Bibby has hit some nice shoots, actually one only, Lakers one....Stojakovic is not a though guy, will never be....people expect him to be Charles Barkley, or Larry Bird, he will never be......but Bibby is not though himself, or maybe I'm missing something.....I would put a clutch shot into Bibby's hands rather than Peja's, but that doesn't mean he is a better player....Reggie Miller was mauch better clutch player than Barkely, but Barkle is a better basketball player......
Sasha-NBA is a playoff league. Bibby outperforms himself in the playoffs rather than the regular season. Regular season honestly doesn't mean that much except HCA and playoff seeding. Champions are made in the Playoffs, and Webber and Bibby have easily been our best playoff performs while Peja is known to play alot worse in the Playoffs. NBA-Playoff League. NFL-Regular Season League.
I have to agree Bibby is a poor defender and with Payton on the decline there really isn't a preemminent defensive PG. PG is a weak position defensively and has always been. There are a handful of SF stoppers, I don't think Peja is one of them. He's definitely better than Bibby, but that isn't rocket science.


bigbadred00 said:
Sasha-NBA is a playoff league. Bibby outperforms himself in the playoffs rather than the regular season. Regular season honestly doesn't mean that much except HCA and playoff seeding. Champions are made in the Playoffs, and Webber and Bibby have easily been our best playoff performs while Peja is known to play alot worse in the Playoffs. NBA-Playoff League. NFL-Regular Season League.
Peja was great defending Dirk, who actually should be defended by Web...Adelman would always place Peja or Doug on the best player opposing the forth quarter....defense wins championships, it doesn't make much sense, but that's how it is....Minny game (3) last year, that performance by Peja was never matched by any of the Kings players...didn't take us anywhere I guess, people forget.....except Bibby's Laker shot, that actually didn't win the series anyway, so why do people remember that shot anyway........
or Brad Miller (I love this guy, don't get me wrong) but what is it that he did so worth remembering.....


sashaXJR said:
Peja was great defending Dirk, who actually should be defended by Web...Adelman would always place Peja or Doug on the best player opposing the forth quarter....defense wins championships, it doesn't make much sense, but that's how it is....Minny game (3) last year, that performance by Peja was never matched by any of the Kings players...didn't take us anywhere I guess, people forget.....except Bibby's Laker shot, that actually didn't win the series anyway, so why do people remember that shot anyway........
or Brad Miller (I love this guy, don't get me wrong) but what is it that he did so worth remembering.....
aren't you the guy that called me an idiot...?
Peja is known as a shooter, and when the playoffs last year he shot 38% from the field and 35% again Minne, I definitely find a problem in that. He also has been shut down by Rick Fox against the Lakers repeatedly. I love the guy but his skill is he's a scorer and if he doesn't show up it definitely hurts the team.


sashaXJR said:
aren't you the guy that called me an idiot...?
my point is: Stojakovic is not a great player, don't think he will ever be.....but Bibby nor Miller aren't any higher on that list......This team can't do much, not this year, not next....We need either a real point guard and place Bibby on a shooting guard position, or a really tough center position.....Skinner, Williamson, Jackson, Songaila are great role players, and I can see all of them being part of the Kings future....
Do you want me to post what you posted:

Here you go:

sasha posted:

there is a lot postive in me...webber gone, is the most positive that I've experienced lately.....i am positive that Kings are going the right way, now that "the leader" is gone......I am one of those organic serbian king fans that came with Vlade and Peja, and I have been cheering Kings for the past 5 years...I've been all over east and west coast to road games....And I gave it up this season, I thought it wasn't worth it..not after webber's return last year (the end of our season)......I have seen a couple of games that's it, but now I'm back in it, again....webber gone, is the second best experience to me..the first being game 7 / Lakers

another one:

webber's 5 assist don't mean nothing...did you watch kings games before, the guy makes a mess inside, and than just shoots from a Kings team where we have two of the best shooters in the league....we need a power forward that is going to play under the basket...a one that is going to be less of a star, but worker....not a holywood tyra banks dating kind of a player.... :)
that was a joke

Another one:

all that talk about leadership, i just can't know my grandmother is a great "leader", but saddly she is 78 years old, so all she does is more walk, and the same goes for Mr. Webber....that guy, as good as he was 3 years ago, he is not anymore, and he knows that himself.....but he goes out blaming teammates for smoking, giving up, not fighting, this or that....just the talk, no action....why is everyone looking at the statistics, when trying to look for a team is a team game, and triple doubles are no good for a single player...that means he is choking the game, taking the ball out of someone hands.....Tim Duncan is a perfect example, and now Webber has better numbers than Duncan.....would you rather have Tim or Chris in your team...

Why do you low ball Webber at every chance you get for no reason. If these aren't low balling him I don't know what you call it. You should be banned for player bashing by now if I reported you. You are a basher. A definite basher.
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