Anger at Peja

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mcsluggo said:
Jeez people.

I cant believe how much anger is simmering up at Peja lately. For the last year (at least) there had been a rumbling fault line amongst kings fans, with FANS of Peja throwing grenades in the Chris Webber direction, and FANS of Webber getting all protective and prickly and throwing barbs back at Peja.

Wake up call: Webber is gone.

the animosity that remains (and appears to be growing) for peja is disturbing to me. MOST of the reason people are pissed at Peja is because of things that buthole FANS have been saying NOT AT ANYTHING HE HIMSELF HAS SAID OR DONE.

Don't forget that folks. Give Peja a freakin break.

Kings fans are really starting to sound like the moronic drivel we've heard from down south the last several years (K v S).

Grow up people.

(and its not just "the usual suspects", lots of people who are used to having sunshine flowing out of their rears are amongst the most simmering of Peja grudge holders. Let it go, people. Peja has no control over what his legions of fans dribble out of their pieholes)
I cant believe how much anger is simmering up at Peja lately. For the last year (at least) there had been a rumbling fault line amongst kings fans, with FANS of Peja throwing grenades in the Chris Webber direction, and FANS of Webber getting all protective and prickly and throwing barbs back at Peja.

...and fans of Peja are not??? You seem a little defensive yourself there.

Wake up call: Webber is gone.


the animosity that remains (and appears to be growing) for peja is disturbing to me. MOST of the reason people are pissed at Peja is because of things that buthole FANS have been saying NOT AT ANYTHING HE HIMSELF HAS SAID OR DONE.

Peja is a name player and last year he was being talked about as a possible MVP candidate. (and deservedly so) This year, this "buthole fan" expects the same from him. Not less.
What he has said in case you weren't around last summer is that he want s to be traded. That did not endear him to many die-hard fans. My self included.
What he has done is perform at a significantly lower level than last year. that is a fact. If you would like I can get the stats even though they have been posted multiple times.

Don't forget that folks. Give Peja a freakin break.

Why should a paid professional be held to a different standard than any other player in the league? I think what he might need is a kick in the a--. Was Webber given a break? Bad knee and all?? No he was not. Yet he was out there giving it his best in spite of being banged up.

Kings fans are really starting to sound like the moronic drivel we've heard from down south the last several years (K v S).

Grow up people.

I'm am already grown up. Maybe you should take your own advice.

(and its not just "the usual suspects", lots of people who are used to having sunshine flowing out of their rears are amongst the most simmering of Peja grudge holders. Let it go, people. Peja has no control over what his legions of fans dribble out of their pieholes)

I will let it go when Peja plays up to his capabilities. Tonight was a good start.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
If he were from Iowa, he would be a "nice little farm boy". Its got nothing to do with his origin --
You have officially made the most oxymoronic in the history of the board. Either way its still a stereotypical slur.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
SacTownKid said:
You have officially made the most oxymoronic in the history of the board. Either way its still a stereotypical slur.
I hope you don't even remotely think you have countered my argument with that sad attempt at distraction.
Elektrik said:
I cant believe how much anger is simmering up at Peja lately. For the last year (at least) there had been a rumbling fault line amongst kings fans, with FANS of Peja throwing grenades in the Chris Webber direction, and FANS of Webber getting all protective and prickly and throwing barbs back at Peja.

...and fans of Peja are not??? You seem a little defensive yourself there.

Wake up call: Webber is gone.


the animosity that remains (and appears to be growing) for peja is disturbing to me. MOST of the reason people are pissed at Peja is because of things that buthole FANS have been saying NOT AT ANYTHING HE HIMSELF HAS SAID OR DONE.

Peja is a name player and last year he was being talked about as a possible MVP candidate. (and deservedly so) This year, this "buthole fan" expects the same from him. Not less.
What he has said in case you weren't around last summer is that he want s to be traded. That did not endear him to many die-hard fans. My self included.
What he has done is perform at a significantly lower level than last year. that is a fact. If you would like I can get the stats even though they have been posted multiple times.

Don't forget that folks. Give Peja a freakin break.

Why should a paid professional be held to a different standard than any other player in the league? I think what he might need is a kick in the a--. Was Webber given a break? Bad knee and all?? No he was not. Yet he was out there giving it his best in spite of being banged up.

Kings fans are really starting to sound like the moronic drivel we've heard from down south the last several years (K v S).

Grow up people.

I'm am already grown up. Maybe you should take your own advice.

(and its not just "the usual suspects", lots of people who are used to having sunshine flowing out of their rears are amongst the most simmering of Peja grudge holders. Let it go, people. Peja has no control over what his legions of fans dribble out of their pieholes)

I will let it go when Peja plays up to his capabilities. Tonight was a good start.
I think the other portion is what he is referring too, It is same ones who seem to critize Pedja for things he has no control of. No if you did not think of it you should take your time and reread his posts and think like you have never thought before. Maybe then you will finally understand.
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Maybe I'm blind, but I don't recall reading that many posts (pre or post-trade) bashing Peja.

Some critical.

Some questioning.

But very, VERY few that could be seen as "bashing." Hell, some of the things that I've read about Mike Bibby tonight alone are far more critical (and mean spirited) than the last week's worth of posts from so-called "Peja haters."

Its interesting to me that the many vitriolic posts aimed at Webber over the years were seen as due criticism -- something that comes along with being the team's #1 guy, but a few critical posts about Peja have already inspired an entire thread in his defense.
GoGoGadget said:
Maybe I'm blind, but I don't recall reading that many posts (pre or post-trade) bashing Peja.

Some critical.

Some questioning.

But very, VERY few that could be seen as "bashing." Hell, some of the things that I've read about Mike Bibby tonight alone are far more critical (and mean spirited) than the last week's worth of posts from so-called "Peja haters."

Its interesting to me that the many vitriolic posts aimed at Webber over the years were seen as due criticism -- something that comes along with being the team's #1 guy, but a few critical posts about Peja have already inspired an entire thread in his defense.
Why bring Webber in this, this is about Pedja. Why do somepeople always have to bring up Webbers name up when to talking to Pedja and vise-versa. That is not gettting aware and just creating more fuel to the fire sort of speak
AleksandarN said:
Why bring Webber in this, this is about Pedja. Why do somepeople always have to bring up Webbers name up when to talking to Pedja and vise-versa. That is not gettting aware and just creating more fuel to the fire sort of speak
To be technical, I didn't bring Webber into anything.

I simply made an observation about the content of these forums.

My post could not possibly have had anything less to do with either Peja or Webber as people/players.
GoGoGadget said:
To be technical, I didn't bring Webber into anything.

I simply made an observation about the content of these forums.

My post could not possibly have had anything less to do with either Peja or Webber as people/players.
What is this then?

GoGoGadget said:
Its interesting to me that the many vitriolic posts aimed at Webber over the years were seen as due criticism -- something that comes along with being the team's #1 guy, but a few critical posts about Peja have already inspired an entire thread in his defense.
You see you just made it into CWebb vs. Pedja by comparing thier media and fan's critizism. That comparisn has nothing to do with the present.
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Are we forgetting all the trade Peja threads, the most popular entitled "Peja Has To Go"? This board has been WAY more than critical towards Peja, asking for his head if he does not "rise to the occassion" since Web's departure and suggesting the Arco crowd boo him.

C'mon peeps, don't even try to defend your hostility towards Peja for requesting a trade, not getting enough boards, being soft, purposely not playing to his ability, being responsible for Petrie dealing Web, feigning injury. BTW, when did Peja "demand" a trade, anybody have a link? Cause demand is way different than request. At least say it the right way.

An "entire thread" in Peja's defense? Have you forgotton all the "trade Peja" threads, the most popular being "Peja has to go"? There were countless. If I had posted a thread entitled "Webber has to go", would I now be considered a prophet? I hardly think so. :D

Maybe that's why many here are so pissed, just got caught off-guard.

I would rather watch what happens on the court and use that for Peja's defense. Peja tonight was 7-12, 11-11 FT's, high scorer with 28 points.
Speaking for myself, I've been dissapointed with Peja since the end of last year and this year thus far. His lackadaisal play, directly or indirectly forced managment to try to get more help. Even with all that has happened, I still didn't want to trade him. Things worked in the past, why couldn't it work again.

It's not anger but frustration.
AleksandarN said:
What is this then?

GoGoGadget said:
Its interesting to me that the many vitriolic posts aimed at Webber over the years were seen as due criticism -- something that comes along with being the team's #1 guy, but a few critical posts about Peja have already inspired an entire thread in his defense.

You see you just made it into CWebb vs. Pedja by comparing thier media and fan's critizism. That comparisn has nothing to do with the present.
No, I didn't.

At the very most, you could argue that I turned it into Webber's critics vs. Peja's critics.

But even that is stretching it a bit.

Again, my post was simply an observation. Not a judgment. And, certainly not a comment of any type about Chris Webber OR Peja Stojakovic.

If you don't see it that way, that's cool. But please don't twist my words and then tell me that I'm starting something.
GoGoGadget said:
No, I didn't.

At the very most, you could argue that I turned it into Webber's critics vs. Peja's critics.

But even that is stretching it a bit.

Again, my post was simply an observation. Not a judgment. And, certainly not a comment of any type about Chris Webber OR Peja Stojakovic.

If you don't see it that way, that's cool. But please don't twist my words and then tell me that I'm starting something.
I still do not know why you would bring that observation into it. Unless you wanted to imply it without having the guts to say it. Ok I will accept your reasoning then but you should clarify you posts more oftens and put in reason why point out your observation.
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AleksandarN said:
I still do not know why you would bring that observation into it. Unless you wanted to imply it without having the guts to say it. Ok I will accept your reasoning then but you should clarify you posts more oftens and put in reason why point out your observation.
I don't waste a lot of time making subtle implications -- not in "the real world" and certainly not on a message board. There is very little that I don't have the guts to say. If I make an observation, its for no other reason than the fact that it struck me as interesting.

Obviously, since you don't know me, I can understand that you wouldn't know that about my personality.

Unfortunately, I haven't found the emoticon that properly expresses honest statements without the slightest hint of hidden undertones.
AleksandarN said:
When did this happen?:confused: Did I miss something?
The Mobley trade was a trade made to try to keep up with teams like Phoenix and Seattle. And you can say the Webber trade was made to open the door for Peja to be the coveted "1st option", which is supposed to help his game.
GoGoGadget said:
I don't waste a lot of time making subtle implications -- not in "the real world" and certainly not on a message board. There is very little that I don't have the guts to say. If I make an observation, its for no other reason than the fact that it struck me as interesting.

Obviously, since you don't know me, I can understand that you wouldn't know that about my personality.

Unfortunately, I haven't found the emoticon that properly expresses honest statements without the slightest hint of hidden undertones.
Come on you just posted the observation to catch people's attention we are not dumb here. Admit it.
Packt said:
The Mobley trade was a trade made to try to keep up with teams like Phoenix and Seattle. And you can say the Webber trade was made to open the door for Peja to be the coveted "1st option", which is supposed to help his game.
I never knew Petrie told you why he traded Doug.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
You know, just for argument's sake, I'd be interested in hearing what makes you so certain that Stojakovic will definitely not be booed.
Why would they ? He's a fan favorite and the best player on the team...
AleksandarN said:
Come on you just posted the observation to catch people's attention we are not dumb here. Admit it.

You're right.

You win.

Thank you very much for taking the time to tell me the motivation for, and the meaning of my comments.

Whatever would I do without you?:rolleyes:

I'm not going to spend any more time defending my actions than I already have. If you don't agree with my post? Fine. If you think I was trying to incite some sort of all out Peja vs. Webber war? Fine.
sloter said:
Why would they ? He's a fan favorite and the best player on the team...
Peja's already been booed. He was booed for missing his second consecutive lay-up in a game earlier this season. Just a smattering of boos, but as the best player on the team, you can bet those boo birds aren't going to cut him much slack. If the team continues to struggle, being the best player on the team isn't going to shield him, in fact, it seems to only make the target bigger. I hope. for Peja's sake it doesn't happen, but I thought the same thing about booing other players, as well.
Opinions are just that---- opinions. We all have one. We will never ALL agree on ANYTHING. What we think about some of the critical decisions that are being made by the front office and for whatever reason they have for making them, doesn't mean crap to them. Nor does it affect the way any of the players perform. Can we all just agree to disagree and go on being "loyal Kings's fans?


Originally Posted by Bricklayer
If he were from Iowa, he would be a "nice little farm boy". Its got nothing to do with his origin --

Sorry Brick but you have just contradicted yourself in this post. If origin had nothing to do with it as you say then why even begin the sentence with "If he were from Iowa"...
AleksandarN said:
I never knew Petrie told you why he traded Doug.
Grant and Mike: Does the success of other Western teams such as Phoenix play a deciding role in the trade?

Geoff: “You’re always looking at the teams you are competing against. One of the things I’ve said for the last four or five years that nobody paid much attention to when everyone was focused on the Lakers was that you’ve got to worry about other teams getting better too. What you’ve seen now through accommodation of good draft picks and a decent trade or two along the way, other teams have gotten better. Right now you have Seattle and Phoenix basically playing without a real center, playing a very open style of game and having a lot of success with it, much like we have had for the last four or five years.”

“I know this, that one thing that doesn’t change too much is a team’s ability to make shots. If you have good shooters, they always have to be guarded. I think you’re seeing in the NBA more and more is the importance of shooting and three-point shooting in particular and how many games turn on three-point shooting.”
Did we need him to even say it. With the emergence of Seattle and to a greater extent, Phoenix- because they're in our division- it's obovious why the trade was made.


I love Peja, but when's the last time this guy has had a game winning shot? Let alone a game winning shot and won the game with it? I can't remember... I think it's been a looonnnnggg time. And with a guy like him he should be getting all our game winning shots but he's not getting them. Last night he was close, but no cigar to the Peja.
PejaFor3 said:
I love Peja, but when's the last time this guy has had a game winning shot? Let alone a game winning shot and won the game with it? I can't remember... I think it's been a looonnnnggg time. And with a guy like him he should be getting all our game winning shots but he's not getting them. Last night he was close, but no cigar to the Peja.
I think Peja is a pretty clutch guy. The main reason he's labelled as a choker is the LAST SHOT, the one that counts the most and in Peja's case, the one that he rarely converts. He doesn't disappear in the 4th quarter (that might have been true early in his career, but he's gotten over that), the only problem is that last second shot.
Too many to quote here so I am just going to say what I have to say. The Sac. Kings are the Sac. Kings not the Peja Kings oor any other player for that matter.

To say that there has not been that much Peja bashing is ludicrous. Where have you been? Under a rock? There has been constant Peja bashing in this forum at least since I joined. Just look at all the Threads about the most recent trade along with countless others. It is ridiculous.

Peja is going to have great nights and not so great nights. He is going to give you what you want one minute and then let you down the next, just like every other player in the NBA. I get that he is not a great defender, but HELLO???!! None of our guys are. If we are looking for a saviour in the Kings, we may not going to find one this season.
I am just getting sick of people getting on all of our guys, not just Peja, for not being perfect. Everyone has their weaknesses.
mcsluggo said:
Kings fans are really starting to sound like the [commentary] we've heard from down south the last several years (K v S).
I sense deja vu here sometimes. Webber and Peja mimmick "K" v "S". Most interesting are how Webb was usually the whipping boy/scapegoat (a la "S") and how Peja is defended by a group of hypersensitive player-first fans (a la "K").


I love Peja, but when's the last time this guy has had a game winning shot? Let alone a game winning shot and won the game with it?

I don't understand your second sentence...does not "game winning" shot" by itself imply winning game with it? :confused:
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