Anger at Peja

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Homer Fan Since 1985
Daniela said:
What I find funny is that people can say anything they want about Peja on this board and nobody calls it bashing. You mention Webber's name in a derogatory fashion and you get jumped all over for bashing and pepoel say they going to report you for bashing. So, it's bashing when it's about Chris and opinion or criticism when it comes to Peja. Seems a little unfair.
There are many many new members here, many who don't know what it was like before. There was such a double standard that it was pitiful. It wasn't that people were critical of Webber's game, they called him a cancer to the team, and many other things. THAT is bashing when it is personal.

While that was going on, Peja was tapering way off in his play. No one was critical of it. Pretty soon there were constant comparison's taking place. It got old fast, especially to those of us who have loved the team for 20 years and love everyone who wears the Kings jersey on the court.

It became very lopsided. Webber was a cancer and Peja was a god. There was no objectivity at all. So, some long time fans began to stick up for Webber. Unfortunately, that was taken by many Peja fans as hating Peja because Webber was being "protected". Nothing could have been further from the truth.

Now, it seems that Bibby will be compared to Peja. And, to make Peja (the god) look better, we must vilify Bibby (or apparently anyone else who is considered a threat to Peja's god-like self).

It was old a long time ago! I am sick of it. It is very hard for me to maintain any goodwill around here with all this crap going on.

Get it through your thick heads, everyone...yes, Peja fans, Bibby fans, everyone.

It's a GD team thing. Always has been......hopefully, always will be.
6th said:
There are many many new members here, many who don't know what it was like before. There was such a double standard that it was pitiful. It wasn't that people were critical of Webber's game, they called him a cancer to the team, and many other things. THAT is bashing when it is personal.

While that was going on, Peja was tapering way off in his play. No one was critical of it. Pretty soon there were constant comparison's taking place. It got old fast, especially to those of us who have loved the team for 20 years and love everyone who wears the Kings jersey on the court.

It became very lopsided. Webber was a cancer and Peja was a god. There was no objectivity at all. So, some long time fans began to stick up for Webber. Unfortunately, that was taken by many Peja fans as hating Peja because Webber was being "protected". Nothing could have been further from the truth.

Now, it seems that Bibby will be compared to Peja. And, to make Peja (the god) look better, we must vilify Bibby (or apparently anyone else who is considered a threat to Peja's god-like self).

It was old a long time ago! I am sick of it. It is very hard for me to maintain any goodwill around here with all this crap going on.

Get it through your thick heads, everyone...yes, Peja fans, Bibby fans, everyone.

It's a GD team thing. Always has been......hopefully, always will be.

beautiful 6th - just beautifully said
why are y'all comparing peja and bibby? how can ya make a fair comparison between 2 very different players, who play at different positions, but also play on the same team. same thing with webb vs. peja. never made sense to me. mike should be criticised for his lack of defensive commitment (as well as every other king), and peja should be criticised for his lack of commitment to rebounding the ball. those are individual criticisms, however, and not something that can be used to weigh which player is "better." we've pretty much concluded that mike will never be a great defender, and peja will never be a great rebounder. but what mike will be is a big time shot maker and leader. and what peja will be is one of the best shooters in the league, commanding more double teams than any other king. and, together, they will be the "face" of this team, leading on the court by example rather than vocally. guys like cuttino mobley and bobby jackson are great as vocal leaders. a TEAM is a puzzle, with each player being an individual piece that complements the others. it doesnt matter which player is "better" on stat sheet or in someone's opinion. the same city and team name is on the front of both mike bibby's and peja stojakovic's jerseys, and thats all that matters.
Not trying to rude here, but new or old it shouldn't make a difference. I am talking about right now. Plus, maybe us new guys are seeing things a little more objectively than you "old timers". ;) As in unbiased because we have not been tainted (for lack of a better word). I loved Webber and I love Peja. In fact there is not a Kings player I don't love, because I am a fan of the team in any incarnation. I just want to see them win and it is going to take the whole team to do it.
Just to add on from what 6th said: I never did nor will I ever understand pinning one player up against another player when they are on the same freaking team! Mike Bibby, Peja Stojakovic or Kevin Martin. They are all Sacramento Kings. Its not about who's getting X amount of shots or who has been to the All-Star game X amount of times, its about supporting the team-all of them-because they are Sacramento Kings.

You want to analyze the game, then go on ahead, there is nothing wrong about that. There is however, at least in my book, something wrong about saying X player is better player than Y becasue I said so and everyone else sucks too.
6th said:
There are many many new members here, many who don't know what it was like before. There was such a double standard that it was pitiful. It wasn't that people were critical of Webber's game, they called him a cancer to the team, and many other things. THAT is bashing when it is personal.

While that was going on, Peja was tapering way off in his play. No one was critical of it. Pretty soon there were constant comparison's taking place. It got old fast, especially to those of us who have loved the team for 20 years and love everyone who wears the Kings jersey on the court.

It became very lopsided. Webber was a cancer and Peja was a god. There was no objectivity at all. So, some long time fans began to stick up for Webber. Unfortunately, that was taken by many Peja fans as hating Peja because Webber was being "protected". Nothing could have been further from the truth.

Now, it seems that Bibby will be compared to Peja. And, to make Peja (the god) look better, we must vilify Bibby (or apparently anyone else who is considered a threat to Peja's god-like self).

It was old a long time ago! I am sick of it. It is very hard for me to maintain any goodwill around here with all this crap going on.

Get it through your thick heads, everyone...yes, Peja fans, Bibby fans, everyone.

It's a GD team thing. Always has been......hopefully, always will be.
very good synopsis. I think it's great that we have this forum to discuss things like if we are playing up to our potential, and how we should adjust to do better as a team. And, pointing out mistakes the players make is fine. But when it falls into the name calling is when it gets out of control. To use your example, calling someone a "cancer to the team" is a lot different from commenting that you wish they'd drive to the basket more. The first, in my opinion, is in bad taste & unacceptable, whereas the second is reasonable.


iheartBrad said:
In away i can totally see why people like sasha are getting upset and offended by the things we are saying about Peja

i mean Peja is from their area...and i personally think its only natural to be protective over a guy like that

when you hear us saying things like "he's soft" "he's not a leader" "he needs to step up" to them its like we're taking a shot at their hero

i keep asking myself "what if the situation was reversed--what if the player i know to be my 'hero' is playing overseas on a team where the fans continue to say things like 'he's soft' how would i feel?" and the answer to that would be OFFENDED...i would sit on the message board and defend my guy til the end...and i think thats what they are doing...thats why i try not to start a fire with them cuz it'll never end...they are just defending their guy
Part of it is true, part is not...Peja being serbian, yes that's the reason I became a Kings fan.....Living in NEbraska, and spending lot of time in Chicago I could easily be a Bulls fan, but Vlade and Peja were the primary reason we (serbians) cheer for the Kings...When you criticize Peja doesn't affect me the way you described it, I don't look at it that way....I criticize Peja all the time, I know his weaknesses, but then again after so many years watching him, I'm trying not to get upset about his game....Maybe the guy has reached the top level, maybe this year his game is of for some other reasons, maybe....I don't take his side cause his my hero, I love the game he's playing....I love those screens his using, those threes he's shooting, he plays the game I would want to play....He got even further then any of the Kings even expected when the Kings drafted him.....I just can't listen Kings fans accusing him for Team failure, or Webb's leave, or anything else....I told myself I will not follow the Kings anymore when Vlade was gone, and Webber accused them two for being lazy whatsoever, but I'm still here, watching and cheering for the Kings...And I will probably be here when Peja is gone......I just miss my Kings from (3) years ago...I miss Jason Williams, I miss Hedo Turkoglu, I miss Polard, I miss Vlade the most...but I don't really miss Webber cause he was the first one that talked to media about his teammates, and accused his teammates for no reason.....I don't think he's the reason Stojakovic did not play his game, I don't think he was a cancer, I just think he should have kept his mouth shut....Once again, I love the Kings cause they're the Sacramento Kings, not cause there are serbians playing in the team...I could easily cheer for the Clippers (2 serbians), Detroit, Jersey, there are around 15 serbians playing in the league, but I cheer, and will cheer for the Kings....
Daniela said:
What I find funny is that people can say anything they want about Peja on this board and nobody calls it bashing. You mention Webber's name in a derogatory fashion and you get jumped all over for bashing and pepoel say they going to report you for bashing. So, it's bashing when it's about Chris and opinion or criticism when it comes to Peja. Seems a little unfair.
there's a difference between being critical and "bashing". Being critical is saying that Peja doesn't hit the clutch shots or that Webb didn't take it to the hoop enough. Bashing is saying someone is "cancer" or similar names. I think it's fair to be critical of our players, to expect their best and be disappointed when and if they don't live up to our hopes for them. I don't think that calling someone a "cancer" or blaming things like say, the trade deficit or world poverty on them is acceptable. Webb was the world's favorite scapegoat. Peja wanted him gone, he is gone, and now we want Peja to step up & show us that he is worthy of Petrie's trust. Personally, I am hoping he succeeds, because I love this team & our team needs him.
love_them_kings said:
Webb was the world's favorite scapegoat. Peja wanted him gone, he is gone, and now we want Peja to step up & show us that he is worthy of Petrie's trust.
When did Peja say he wanted Web gone? (I hope you aren't using the report that "someone in his camp" said he was happy Web was traded).

Who is the "we" that wants Peja to step up? Not saying that he shouldn't, but who are you speaking for?

Who said Petrie doesn't trust Peja?

Sometimes bashing takes on many forms. Making blanket statements such as these can mislead others to believe they are true, when there is nothing to prove their validity. I respect the fact that many here are angry with Peja, but some go too far.

Thank you.


Super Moderator Emeritus
This has gone on long enough. We need to be pulling together; not finding things with which to pick each other apart.
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