Anger at Peja

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Bozzwell: Your issue with the statement "little Serbian boy" in the context it was used is offensive to me. You're just making something out of nothing imho.

I don't know what pre-fab means so I don't get to enjoy the full impact of your helpful criticism, but thanks anyway.
JohnGalt said:
Bozzwell: Your issue with the statement "little Serbian boy" in the context it was used is offensive to me. You're just making something out of nothing imho.
Fantastic. I never met someone who is offended by someone else being offended.

JohnGalt said:
I don't know what pre-fab means so I don't get to enjoy the full impact of your helpful criticism, but thanks anyway.
pre-fab=pre-fabricated as in "this is the one I made earlier".
A friend of mine told me after the trade that he only hopes Peja is treated the same way that he who shall not be mentioned was. I told him he was crazy, but it was it is. There are people who are fans of a team and that's their M.O.

In any case, ff you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen...As a player you open yourself up for criticism in regards to your play. More when you want to be one of the teams big guns. Not that there is always unwarranted criticism, but it is what it is. Peja and Peja fans will have to deal with it if he wants to continue in the upward swing on his career.
ReinadelosReys said:
A friend of mine told me after the trade that he only hopes Peja is treated the same way that he who shall not be mentioned was. I told him he was crazy, but it was it is. There are people who are fans of a team and that's their M.O.

In any case, ff you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen...As a player you open yourself up for criticism in regards to your play. More when you want to be one of the teams big guns. Not that there is always unwarranted criticism, but it is what it is. Peja and Peja fans will have to deal with it if he wants to continue in the upward swing on his career.
I agree with you, but do you really feel that this board is inundated with Pedja boosters? Considering the "Trade Pedja/Webb" threads before the trade and the fallout after the trade, it is obvious that this forum is/was not exactly stacked in Pedja's favor. Quite the opposite, and hence this thread to discuss the subject.
^^ before the webber trade webber was getting the most heat. he was blamed for everything. peja only got criticized when he asked for a trade, which IMO is deserved criticism.

webber was getting blasted so much with mostly undeserved and biased criticism that a lot of the other members came to his aid but were branded webber supporters or boosters, whatever you want to call it, when in fact, they are fans of the TEAM and were just sick of all the hate towards webber.
Okay, anybody else on this forum heard Jim Kosimor say that if Peja does hear the "BooBird" at Arco one of these days, that it just might be a sign that we fans are "maturing"???

Dang, we just can't get no respect! Don't FANS count for anything?

If the FANS boo Peja, what does that say? What did it say about C-Webb last year? Isn't it part of the package? Or can we just go on mindlessly cheering our team without critical thought or analysis?
The only heat people are putting on Peja is to step up to the plate now. Webber's gone, Peja is the #2 scorer, so people want to see him take charge. You can't ask to take the most shots and also not want the responsibility of being the main guy. I'm not saying thats what Peja has asked though(the most shots), it's more of what his fans have been yelling.

And honestly, the Peja fans have been the worst. They're already calling for Bibby's head.
^^ as a person who doesn't support booing, i say that you go out there and cheer. try your best to HELP the team win. what good will booing do?? noone likes to be booed. i'm sure if you were out there on the court you wouldn't want to hear people booing you too. booing, imo, does nothing good.

if peja gets booed, that's more reason for him to not want to sign with us. if a player like peja is not that happy with us now, why give him more reason to be upset?

for me, booing and constructive criticism are 2 very different things. the other one is bad, and the latter is good.

just MHO.
Peja missed the game-tying basket tonight, tit for tat.

C-Webb and the rest of the Sixers were sooo tight tonight, we also have to keep in mind that there are major adjustments to be made for our team and for the Sixers.

Keep the faith!
Heuge said:
I would be embarrassed to be a Kings fans if Pedja got boo-ed (same as I was when Webber was bo-ed), but it might just happen.
Let's wait and see. You might be embarassed, but you seem to be wanting for that to happen. Oh well, bitterness of Webber fans will never go away. I really think there should be a Sixers forum section on this board...


Hall of Famer
sloter said:
Pedja will NOT be booed!
He got booed in Belgrade in 2002 during the turnament before WC because he could not hit a three in 3 games. Anything is possible. People paid for tickets - they can boo if they please. If that bothers You - quit playing
twodogmac said:
Okay, anybody else on this forum heard Jim Kosimor say that if Peja does hear the "BooBird" at Arco one of these days, that it just might be a sign that we fans are "maturing"???

Dang, we just can't get no respect! Don't FANS count for anything?

If the FANS boo Peja, what does that say? What did it say about C-Webb last year? Isn't it part of the package? Or can we just go on mindlessly cheering our team without critical thought or analysis?
If we are overcritical we look like morons.
sloter said:
Let's wait and see. You might be embarassed, but you seem to be wanting for that to happen. Oh well, bitterness of Webber fans will never go away. I really think there should be a Sixers forum section on this board...
I'm the One of the biggest Webber fans on this board, and I think Peja is going to play great, like he did tonight and this will all be a moot point anyway. Fans should'nt boo the guys that consistantly carry their team to victory whether it's Webb or Peja thats all.
Sacramento is undercritical though. It's one thing to show you always support the team, it's another to look like a bunch of chumps with blinders on.
sloter said:
Let's wait and see. You might be embarassed, but you seem to be wanting for that to happen. Oh well, bitterness of Webber fans will never go away. I really think there should be a Sixers forum section on this board...
I would love to see Peja succeed. I am a Kings fan. Webber did some good things here and I appreciate him. I am in no way bitter. (I am tired of your unending attacks on Webb...its annoying, that is why I appear to be a Webb homer and a Pedja hater. I am neither.)
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swisshh said:
Sacramento is undercritical though. It's one thing to show you always support the team, it's another to look like a bunch of chumps with blinders on.
The entire league would disagree with you, but hey we have never agreed on this point Bro.
As both a Webber fan and a Peja fan, I find these threads disheartening. I think trading Webber was a big mistake. I think Peja and Webber both made for a better team. It seems to me that fans have been creating a conflict between Cwebb and Peja that only exists in their minds( dumbass sportswriters have been doing it too). When someone says they know Peja has the talent to be a superstar caliber player, thats them projecting. Either he is a superstar or he isn't. They're are plenty of 6' 10" players in the league, why can't they shoot a high % of three pointers, score twenty points a game w 90% free throws. Obviously they're not trying. In fact why isn't every player Michael Jordan or Larry Byrd? They refuse to step up. Some people desire Peja to be a superstar, so he has to live up to their expectations. It seems people get angry when we lose the Webb bashers blamed Webb, the Peja bashers blamed Peja. Now Webb is gone, and to the Peja bashers it's his fault so he has to carry the team on his shoulders. I feel sick that they traded Webb but I also feel sick about the Peja bashing.
sloter said:
I really think there should be a Sixers forum section on this board...
Hey, watch the Eastern Conference teams for a while, it's a whole different style of playing. It has nothing on the Western Conference, IMHO. But, it is good for us to get some perspective on the whole game, and if that includes getting a little critical and taking of the blinders, also IMHO, it can only HELP our team in the long run.

Remember, without US, the Fans, the whole thing amounts to a hill of mouse turds. :)
tienchi3x said:
As both a Webber fan and a Peja fan, I find these threads disheartening. I think trading Webber was a big mistake. I think Peja and Webber both made for a better team. It seems to me that fans have been creating a conflict between Cwebb and Peja that only exists in their minds( dumbass sportswriters have been doing it too). When someone says they know Peja has the talent to be a superstar caliber player, thats them projecting. Either he is a superstar or he isn't. They're are plenty of 6' 10" players in the league, why can't they shoot a high % of three pointers, score twenty points a game w 90% free throws. Obviously they're not trying. In fact why isn't every player Michael Jordan or Larry Byrd? They refuse to step up. Some people desire Peja to be a superstar, so he has to live up to their expectations. It seems people get angry when we lose the Webb bashers blamed Webb, the Peja bashers blamed Peja. Now Webb is gone, and to the Peja bashers it's his fault so he has to carry the team on his shoulders. I feel sick that they traded Webb but I also feel sick about the Peja bashing.
Really good post, especially that one part.
LMM said:
^^ before the webber trade webber was getting the most heat. he was blamed for everything. peja only got criticized when he asked for a trade, which IMO is deserved criticism.

webber was getting blasted so much with mostly undeserved and biased criticism that a lot of the other members came to his aid but were branded webber supporters or boosters, whatever you want to call it, when in fact, they are fans of the TEAM and were just sick of all the hate towards webber.

Webber has always been a scapegoat, and drawn large amounts of criticism for EVERYTHING he does. I know I have often jumped to his defense not only because he's one of my favorite players, but also because I just don't think it's right to tear him apart because he picked the wrong kind of toothpaste, or whatever he happened to do wrong on that specific day.

yeah, Peja would never have this kind of pressure if he hadn't publicly demanded for a trade. The problem is this, there was a "rift" between Peja and Webb (as admitted by Maloof) and many people feel that the choice was made to build this team around Peja vs Webb. Should be an easy call in one sense because Peja is younger and healthy, but it also is a choice between a player who plays his heart out for this team & would do anything to stay here versus a player who has already indicated he wants out. So, it is what it is, the pressure is there & he needs to step up and play. If he plays the way he did tonight, it shouldn't be much of a problem.

And, regardless of how he plays, I honestly hope Peja is never booed. I HATE the booing, I think it is completely counterproductive. When Webb was booed it is the only time I've ever been ashamed to be a Kings fan, and I will feel the same way if Peja is booed.
love_them_kings said:
Webber has always been a scapegoat, and drawn large amounts of criticism for EVERYTHING he does. I know I have often jumped to his defense not only because he's one of my favorite players, but also because I just don't think it's right to tear him apart because he picked the wrong kind of toothpaste, or whatever he happened to do wrong on that specific day.

yeah, Peja would never have this kind of pressure if he hadn't publicly demanded for a trade. The problem is this, there was a "rift" between Peja and Webb (as admitted by Maloof) and many people feel that the choice was made to build this team around Peja vs Webb. Should be an easy call in one sense because Peja is younger and healthy, but it also is a choice between a player who plays his heart out for this team & would do anything to stay here versus a player who has already indicated he wants out. So, it is what it is, the pressure is there & he needs to step up and play. If he plays the way he did tonight, it shouldn't be much of a problem.

And, regardless of how he plays, I honestly hope Peja is never booed. I HATE the booing, I think it is completely counterproductive. When Webb was booed it is the only time I've ever been ashamed to be a Kings fan, and I will feel the same way if Peja is booed.
I wasn't aware that a Maloof brother has chimed in on the subject of the "rift". Do you remember what was said or where I can read it?
bozzwell said:
I wasn't aware that a Maloof brother has chimed in on the subject of the "rift". Do you remember what was said or where I can read it?
It was a video clip that came out right after the trade -- first time the Maloofs talked to the press. The link is in one of the many threads a couple days after the trade. He admitted the rift, but said it was not the cause for the trade. He also mentioned that Peja wanted to stay. I think the correlation between Webb leaving and Peja's decision that he wants to remain a King is a little suspect, but at least he still wants to be a King.
love_them_kings said:
It was a video clip that came out right after the trade -- first time the Maloofs talked to the press. The link is in one of the many threads a couple days after the trade. He admitted the rift, but said it was not the cause for the trade. He also mentioned that Peja wanted to stay. I think the correlation between Webb leaving and Peja's decision that he wants to remain a King is a little suspect, but at least he still wants to be a King.
Thanks. I remember now, I was at work at the time and could not get the link to work through our proxy. I don't really know what to think about that.
bozzwell said:
Thanks. I remember now, I was at work at the time and could not get the link to work through our proxy. I don't really know what to think about that.
yeah, I struggle with it, but it is what it is. Basically where I am at with it is that Peja got what he wants, it's his team now, so I hope he can step up and deliver. I still believe this team was better with Webber and Peja, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
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