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  1. S

    Sucks to be Ron...

    What I saw he was definitely trying to do more than just cut Hinrich off. That said, and I know as a Spurs fan you'll take this as a bias view but contrary to the opinion of many here past actions are and should be taken into account, you don't just get a clean slate each time. The reason you...
  2. S

    Bee: Breaking it down and barking back

    And more detailed nitpicking reveals that the pass was made by Ginobili with his left hand. Come on folks, you've had two days to get this done right. :D
  3. S

    Manu sure can fake it

    ... and it's only game two. There should be some real love by the end of the series. :D
  4. S

    Manu sure can fake it

    In ten year of NBA play how many of these player has this dastardly, evil Bowen put out for a month exactlY? Must be ten or twelve Kings alone, right.
  5. S

    Manu sure can fake it

    Not me. Only Spurs I was ever delighted to see leave was Rodman because he sabotaged a playoff with his self serving attitude and actions. If Bowen leaves, plays for another team, I'll always respect his game.
  6. S

    Manu sure can fake it

    If Manu became a King you'd be singing his praises to the skies. And if you don't believe it just look at Artest. A year ago mostKings fans thought he was an idiot a psycho or both.
  7. S

    Kings @ Spurs Game Thread (Game 2)

    What happens if Pop subs in Finley for Bowen early?
  8. S

    Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!

    Basketball games are not played in still life. Back it up. You're missing the two handed shove that gets Duncan in that position. If you want I'll post the video on RealGM with a poll so we can get some more objective observations.
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    Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!

    Says numbr three and actaully looking at it again my bad, that was a two handed shove.
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    Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!

    A guy running across the lane, on one leg, shoved with an extended arm by another guy and he can't be knocked off balance? You must have done very poorly in physics.
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    Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!

    Just to point out regarding the complaints about "what was Duncan doing hip checking Artest". Check the video and check SAR's right arm. SAR and Duncan were crossing the lane and SAR extends his right arm pushing off of Duncan who then stumbled into Artest.
  12. S

    Strategy for Game 2 (merged)

    Maybe. Bonzi historically has played the Spurs tough, first with Portland then as a Grizz. I was a little surprised he wasn't more effective the other day, he was the one offensively I was most concerned about. Actually, Finley matches up well against him, surprised me a bit. Finley has the...
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    Strategy for Game 2 (merged)

    Looks like Bibby will likely be guarded by Bowen, if not initially definetly if Bibby starts having a good game.
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    Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!

    Not appropriate for this thread but charismatic and Spurs cracked me up.
  15. S

    Artest Has Been Suspended for Game 2!!!!

    fwiw almost to a man the posters on the Spurs message board I visit think this is a totally BS decision and Artest didn't deserve a suspension.
  16. S

    Voisin: Play some D or earn an F

    Just the way it is. It happens to the Spurs too. Detroit in their two games against the Spurs hammered them on the boards. Fact is if you can't stop penetration you'll have a hard time with the bigs getting rebounds.
  17. S

    Voisin: Duncan's sore foot difficult to ignore

    Someday when they're old men Robinson and Shaq will sit down over a beer, well Robinson an ice tea, laugh about it all, and reminesce about the good old days. Guaranteed.
  18. S

    Voisin: Play some D or earn an F

    Maybe if the Spurs missed a few shots and if Miller wasn't constantly out of position trying to cover guards who'd blown by their perimeter defenders and were in the paint he'd have grabbed one or two rebounds more. Don't think you can lay it all on Miller.
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    Voisin: Duncan's sore foot difficult to ignore

    I do. Shaq knows the average (not knowledgeable) basketball fan wants comic book heroes and villains and the WWF.
  20. S

    Voisin: Duncan's sore foot difficult to ignore

    Would this be backed up by the number of flagrant fouls called on the Spurs?