Sucks to be Ron...

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I didnt see the foul, but it appears to be a hard blow to the head. He WAS ejected... and called a flagrant 2, but no suspention there... geez sucks to be ron. Looks like his past will forever haunt him. I hope he has a great year next year, and gains NBA repsect back

Suspension Isn't Likely For Posey Plow On Hinrich28th April, 2006 - 6:22 am
Chicago Sun-Times - According to the Chicago Sun-Times, James Posey doesn't appear to be in serious jeopardy of a suspension, even though the NBA's disciplinary chief had a ringside seat for the Miami Heat forward's flagrant foul on Kirk Hinrich.

"When the foul is to the head, it's considered much more serious,'' said Stu Jackson, who metes out suspensions by the league.

Posey appeared to intentionally bump into Hinrich, who was dribbling at full speed and fell hard with 3:14 left to play Thursday. Posey was assessed the more serious Flagrant 2 penalty, which carries an automatic ejection and a review by Jackson.

"I'll still look at the tape, but it's always better to be in the arena when something happens,'' Jackson said. "The tape doesn't always get everything.''

Posey, booed loudly by the sellout crowd of 22,133 at the United Center, was apologetic afterward and expected a further penalty.

"It was interpreted as excessive in [the officials'] view, even though I didn't think it was excessive,'' Posey said. "I definitely wasn't trying to hurt him. I came from the blind side, just trying to cut him off. And in any collision like that, you'll have that type of reaction.

"You can say that every foul [was] a frustration foul at that point, with how the game was being called. ... There probably will be some repercussion because they ejected me right away.'' [READ]
I came from the blind side, just trying to cut him off.
What I saw he was definitely trying to do more than just cut Hinrich off.

That said, and I know as a Spurs fan you'll take this as a bias view but contrary to the opinion of many here past actions are and should be taken into account, you don't just get a clean slate each time. The reason you penalize someone is to get them to stop doing what they shouldn't do. If they continue the same action the penalty increase. It's not that difficult a concept. When your children break the rules, and continue to break the rules, regardless of the punsihment, do you continue to meet out the same punishment or does the punishment become more severe.
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Posey's foul was flagrant 2, so was Ron's, the punishment should be the same but it was Ron so I wouldn't be surprised if his penalty was harsher. As usual we got screwed:(
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