Are you doing your best to prove you have never watched Jimmer play? To you Jimmer is Thornton? Thornton is a scorer, a pure scorer. There is nothing about Thornton which says pg.
Jimmer on the other hand, set up teammates and ran the pick & roll over, and over, and over again. He starts shooting to keep his team in the game, and really jacks up shots to give BYU the best chance at winning, after watching his teammates brick shot after shot. Would you feel better if Jimmer doesn't didn't shoot, and let his teammates brick their way to one loss after another, and not even sniff the NIT?
Just because a pg can shoot, and in this case is a lights out shooter, doesn't mean he no longer is a pg. What Jimmer did at BYU is no different then what CP3 does with NO, or DWill did with Utah, and I'm using them as examples because they aren't surrounded by much offensive firepower, are pg's, and good shooters. Cp3 and DWill set up and make plays for their teammates for the most part, and look to get them going. Same as Jimmer at BYU. When NO and Utah start struggling, or the game is getting tight, they start looking for their own, as their teams best scorer. Same as Jimmer. You can't fault the best playmaker on the team for also being the best scorer/shooter. Jimmer had absolutely no help.
For you not have seen the countless pick & rolls and draw & kicks Jimmer ran extremely well, and to say he has no pg qualities, means you literally didn't watch him play and are passing judgement, or you literally did not know what you were watching.
Why is it as soon as a pg learns how to shoot, some people question whether he's a pg anymore? It seems now to be considered a "pure" pg, you better not be able to shoot. As soon as you can shoot, you're automatically a combo guard, instead of someone who added to their game.