He is a manipulative Colonel who is in charge of the Battle School. Graff embarks on a carefully formulated plan to make Ender the commander of the human forces for the
Third Formic War. This plan includes carefully isolating Ender from both his peers and his superiors. Graff believes this isolation is necessary so that Ender will never be deluded into thinking that anyone will bail him out in his battles with the buggers. Even when this policy results in a potentially deadly confrontation between Ender and
Bonzo Madrid, Graff does not permit anyone to interfere. Colonel Graff also turns to
Valentine for help on two separate occasions in order to restore Ender's morale and convince him to complete his rigorous training program.
While Graff is often portrayed as rather cold-hearted in Ender's Game, readers are occasionally granted insights into Graff's struggle with personal moral dilemmas in his quest to shape Ender into an effective commander. Moreover, in Ender's Shadow, we are shown even more of Graff's internally conflicted and compromised morality and emotional turmoil. He stays with Ender throughout his entire training program, bearing up under considerable bureaucratic pressure from both his superiors and his subordinates, and joining Ender for a brief leave of absence on Earth before traveling with him to
Eros. He also demonstrates compassion and kindness for
Bean, supporting and encouraging him to the end even though Bean's regular discovery of closely guarded secrets causes Graff immense difficulty with both his superiors and his subordinates.