More hope...... maybe I shouldn't (Rubio rumor)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
If both the Thunder and the Grizzlies take Rubio’s threat seriously, I think it would be that much easier to nab him than giving away everybody on our team. No way should we even think about giving away Spencer or Jason. Our #4th and #31st should be the only thing we give away, unless they want the 4th and some cash.

I hope Geoff can pull it off. I would love to see Ricky in our uniform.

Speaking of multiple picks, does anybody think that Geoff Petrie and the Maloofs will take a risk and buy some picks this year? It seems that there’s several teams that are willing to sell their picks – I’ve heard (doesn’t mean it’s true) that the Wizards might want to sell their 5th pick. Also Portland has 5 picks and they might want to sell them off.
I really really hope we are looking at that 5th pick. I really do. We need to step forward here and make a statement that we are serious about this whole endeavor and not just settle in and be passive again. If we made a move to get Rubio or Thabeet somehow, and then bought the #5 as well, it would be a splashy and potentially corner turning. This draft does remind me a bit of the last time we had multiple picks though -- it was 1990, the year after the Pervis disaster, and we sold off everything that wasn't bolted down for bunch of middling picks in a middling draft. And of course being very stupid at that time (think the brain trust was Motta/Reynolds) we missed on 3 of the 4 and the rebuild struggled on.

The second rounders...not so much. Although the #32 is of interest. You figure 4 rookies is really about the max you are going to see on a roster, and in a weak draft guys picked at #40 or #50 are going to be real flyers.
I really really hope we are looking at that 5th pick. I really do. We need to step forward here and make a statement that we are serious about this whole endeavor and not just settle in and be passive again. If we made a move to get Rubio or Thabeet somehow, and then bought the #5 as well, it would be a splashy and potentially corner turning. This draft does remind me a bit of the last time we had multiple picks though -- it was 1990, the year after the Pervis disaster, and we sold off everything that wasn't bolted down for bunch of middling picks in a middling draft. And of course being very stupid at that time (think the brain trust was Motta/Reynolds) we missed on 3 of the 4 and the rebuild struggled on.

The second rounders...not so much. Although the #32 is of interest. You figure 4 rookies is really about the max you are going to see on a roster, and in a weak draft guys picked at #40 or #50 are going to be real flyers.
If all it takes to get that pick is money, somehow I doubt we'd be the frontrunners for it.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
If all it takes to get that pick is money, somehow I doubt we'd be the frontrunners for it.

Didn't say that. Given the chatter coming out of the Washington camp I would think they are looking either to toss a bad contact, to to get a solid veteran who can push the Big Three over the top. And yes, they seem to just be talking like the last two years did nto happen and that they are going to come back next year with the three guys and Flip and try to be contenders. Noc might be a real attraction there -- not only the solid versatile 6th man, but also a contract which DESCENDS.
I'd love for us to get more picks in the draft because there are some great players in this draft not so called "stars", but serviceable players. In any event that write up on Griffin and a few other things is crazy. The Clippers would actually think of trading Griffin? That's hilarious I highly doubt it if they did they'd be pretty dumb but they are the Clippers.
Draftexpress actually has Rubio falling to us at #4 now. They had him going 2nd since the lottery. Strange?
No, before the lottery they didn't take into account team needs and other business aspects of the draft, it was simply an overall ranking of prospects. Now once the draft positions are official, it's an actual mock draft.


Hall of Famer
No, before the lottery they didn't take into account team needs and other business aspects of the draft, it was simply an overall ranking of prospects. Now once the draft positions are official, it's an actual mock draft.
Yeah, and I think Draftexpress actually does more homework on the players and the teams. They talk to a lot of the scouts. Their far from perfect but at least they do try and consider all the ramifications involved.
Yeah, and I think Draftexpress actually does more homework on the players and the teams. They talk to a lot of the scouts. Their far from perfect but at least they do try and consider all the ramifications involved.
I hope they're right with their mock, but I just can't imagine Memphis or OKC not taking Rubio strictly for his value in a trade. I guess we'll see though.
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Hall of Famer
I hope they're right with their mock, but I just can't imagine Memphis or OKC taking Rubio strictly for his value in a trade. I guess we'll see though.
Yeah, I guess we will. I always remember that old saying. That sometimes the wishes that don't come true, are the best wishes. You just never know.


it can happen.... i can see petrie trading up if rubio doesnt want to play for memphis or okc. he has 2 chances to make a trade especially if the wizards are willing to trade their pick. depending on what the wiz want for the 5th pick... petrie has a lot of options this draft and that scares me, he might not take any of them and we will end up with a safe pick (scrub).... sigh....
this isnt the time to make a safe pick when your two or one pick away from your coveted point guard...

im more worried about the free agency than the draft. but i sure hope he gets active come draft night.
this isnt the time to make a safe pick when your two or one pick away from your coveted point guard...

im more worried about the free agency than the draft. but i sure hope he gets active come draft night.
We don't know if Petrie covets Rubio. We'll probably never know, but more rumors should be floating around the closer we get to the draft
I think some of the examples you gave are unfounded and stretching it. Not only can he succeed in a fast paced game, that's where he is most comfortable. Nash isn't a speed demon or has much explosiveness but he's at home in an up tempo offense. He has to get used to the NBA game, but there really isn't any reason to think why he won't adjust, his game fits the ball dominant PG style that the NBA incorporates.
I actually think that Nash is a good example to compare to Rubio (from what I have read and seen). And while he was able to adjust to the NBA style of play, it took him 5 years to really make an impact as a starting PG in the NBA.

I'm not saying that it will take Rubio that long, but it taking some time is something that has to be considered. I think too many fans are assuming that if we somehow get Rubio, that he will step in and have a chance at ROY. I think that is probably a bit of a reach, even if it is a possibility.
I actually think that Nash is a good example to compare to Rubio (from what I have read and seen). And while he was able to adjust to the NBA style of play, it took him 5 years to really make an impact as a starting PG in the NBA.

I'm not saying that it will take Rubio that long, but it taking some time is something that has to be considered. I think too many fans are assuming that if we somehow get Rubio, that he will step in and have a chance at ROY. I think that is probably a bit of a reach, even if it is a possibility.

the only difference is that nash didnt play stellar defense and that rubio didnt have torrid shooting
A litte more Rubio info, via Chad Fords live chat on

Clint, Memphis: Chad- OK... here's the million dollar question.. what do you think the grizzlies should do with the #2 pick. 1. Draft Rubio 2. Move up and get Griffen 3. Package Rubio for a name? 4 Any other options you can think of

Chad Ford: (1:17 PM ET ) I have a story on all of this that will be posted shortly. But here's the rub ...

If they draft Rubio, they run a very real risk of him deciding to stay in Europe for the next year or two. He doesn't really want to play there and the cost of his buyout is so high in Spain ... why would he pay roughly $7 million out of his own pocket to play for a team he doesn't want to play for.

So I really think the options for Memphis are to either draft Thabeet and let some other team worry about the complications with Rubio or make a trade to a team he's more motivated to play for ... The Kings and the Knicks are probably the two top options right now.
Im interested in reading his 'story' he mentioned..


Hall of Famer
Something tells me he's just going to nothing at all and we are all going to be very dissapointed haha

just a guess
I suspect that he will draft someone, and that is something. And as Tonto said to the Lone Ranger when surounded by a bunch of indians. "Who is we paleface?"

As an aside, I wonder if Tonto knew what the word tonto means in spanish.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Man, more and more people are reporting this Memphis/Rubio story. I guess it's becoming much more than a rumor??

I hope all of the reports are correct.
Just because people are picking up on a couple of rumors and expanding them, there isn't any more substance to the original rumor. Things gallop around the Internet at the speed of light... I've seen some of the stupid stuff the Bee printed picked up by Yahoo, spread to realGM and other similar sites, jumped over to AP and then back to the Bee. And it was the Bee's story (complete with errors, innuendos and assumptions) in the first place...
A litte more Rubio info, via Chad Fords live chat on

Im interested in reading his 'story' he mentioned..
It's an Insider story. I can't post it here for that reason, but it's focusing on the rumors floating around about Rubio. He says it'll likely take a some time for things to shake out.

The gist:

Rubio has until June 15th to withdraw from the draft, but he says sources close to the situation say there's almost no chance that happens.

His buyout is approximately $8 million US dollars and he'd have to pay $7.5 million of it (The team can only contribute $500,000). Does he want to pay that to play for a team he doesn't really want to go to. They do hope they can negotiate a smaller buyout. He could decide to stay in Spain, if he doesn't like the situation of the team that picks him.

Supposedly his objections have nothing to do with the cities themselves, but rather with the state of the franchises and how he would fit with each team.

Rubio's camp is apparently hoping that the Kings or the Knicks will trade up to #2 or #3 and take him. Those are the teams he would like to go to and going #2 or #3 would pay him enough to make it worthwhile to pay the buyout.

He also, says Memphis is talking like they really like Rubio, but that may be to get teams to offer an attractive trade package.

Edit: Apparently Rubio isn't as anti-OKC as anti-Memphis. Not his preference, but he might be Okay with OKC.
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Why don't we just wait and see what they do why should we get scared and try to trade up for him and lose pieces when chances are Memphis is bluffing any way and if they do draft him. Jokes on them when he goes back to spain hahahaa.