My 2-Cents:
The vision for Vivek and Co. is to build the next-generation, internationally-branded 'NBA-3.0' team.
Sacramento, is the capital of CA and the "Center of West-Coast Style", and the idea is to create a brand of
run-and-gun that 1B+ Indians and other developing nations will find an identity with as the
'American Way'. This will consist of alleyoops, treys, dunks, fast-breaks, Bollywood, and Shanghai/Beijing.
With this 'style', the goal is to achieve of a valuation of the Sacramento-Kings on a global-scale,
similar to internationally-recognized soccer teams (Real-Madrid and Barcelone worth > $3.2B-USD).
Coach Malone, molded out of grit, toughness, and grind-it-out style, would never fit this next-level
business valuation -- regardless of wins/losses, or playoff success. Even if Coach Malone were to
achieve success, his team's focus on defense (not offense) prevents viral uptake by the global population
who are eager to absorb anything vintage 'American'.
This fundamental difference in style (grind-out vs. run-and-gun) -- and its affect on global marketability --
is the key tipping point, and is their rationale for firing Coach Malone now. How it will shake out is anyone's
guess, including the FO. There's a lot of money being wagered on these bets (Kings purchase price, new Arena,
no revenue sharing), so their belief is the timing is critical and perhaps cannot wait till the end-of-season.