Would Webber Have Made A Difference This Year In Playoffs???

bibbyweb said:
In the last game he played against the Sonics, Webber almost had a triple double with 8/13, 19 pts 9assists and 9 rebounds. And as far as I remember he play Danny Forstan and the rest of their guys very well. So he would definitely would have made a difference. And if we won 2 games because of him, I think the rest of the guys could have pulled out another, so I think the series was winnable with Webber's presence.
And we lost that game.
Allow me to turn this question around on you guys. How would you feel right now about this offseason after losing (in whatever round) this postseason with Webber still on the roster?
At that point, it would have been time to go in another direction. I thought the trade, whether you personally think it improved the team or not, put the Kings at a SERIOUS disadvantage, just due to the disruption of team chemistry and lack of any leader from that point forward. I have no problem with off season moves, that's what the off season is for.

How would you feel right now about this offseason after losing (in whatever round) this postseason with Webber still on the roster?
How would you feel if we won? It's a moot point now, because we will never know WHAT might have happened this year.
Last year we DID win in the first round, and we went to game 7 in the second round, so yes, we did win a lot more last year in the play offs. 7-1, in fact, compared to this year.

I don't think the team had time, post trade, to develop an identity, nor do they currently have a leader, so in those aspects, the trade, happening when it did, was detrimental to our chances in this years (now past) play offs. Not sure how you could argue that fact.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
burekijogurt said:
but if we had webber we would have won. just like we did last year.
With Webber we would have won MORE, just like we did last year. If you want to make this a Peja vs. Webber thing, Peja is a sterling 3-7 in the playoffs without Webb. Truly a great champion. :rolleyes:
To me it's a done deal. A better deal for the future, a crappy deal for the present (this year)

I can accept that we were not going to win it all with Webb this year so the move was a good one IMO
Raci said:
No,what difference will he made,stop Alen or James,no way.
It's clear as daylight ... He could have waved his hands a little bit in front of James, but the Sonics would have dominated on the glass just like they did in the regular season as well, with or without Webber.
Bricklayer said:
With Webber we would have won MORE, just like we did last year. If you want to make this a Peja vs. Webber thing, Peja is a sterling 3-7 in the playoffs without Webb. Truly a great champion. :rolleyes:
Did Pedja ever do something to you?? Did he steal a girlfriend or a wife away from you because your hate for him is a little disturbing.


Homer Fan Since 1985
KKSloga said:
Did Pedja ever do something to you?? Did he steal a girlfriend or a wife away from you because your hate for him is a little disturbing.

Oh, crap! Bricklayer is not that emotional for him to "hate" on anyone. What he is could be described as the most unemotional, unbiased member of this board. He is able to look at facts; at players stats; at players actions on the court; and, give us a true assessment of their talent and their value to the team.

When you see him make what appears to be a biased statement, he is simply responding to another's biased statement about their favorite player. In most cases, that person is so blinded by their love of their favorite player that they refuse to look at reality.

The comments about Bricklayer from "Peja lovers" are an attempt to devalue his assessment because said "Peja lovers" have already lost the argument and choose to attack the messenger instead of the message.
Peja was our best player in this series. Brick is saying that there are 50 guys in the league who can do that given enough minutes. He is judging Peja for his 'faliure' to singlehandedly get this team to the second round and beyond somehow assuming (although there are 10 years of evidence to the contrary) that Webber would have done it. KG failed to get the Wolves to the playoffs. Kobe, the shot-creating superstar, failed to get the Lakers to the playoffs. Lebron James failed to get his team to the playoffs. AI and Webber failed to get their team to the second round. So did the great shot creating Paul Pierce. What we need is not an all powerful superstar. What we need is an extremely good and compact team. And Peja surely is a good building block for such a team.
KKSloga said:
Did Pedja ever do something to you?? Did he steal a girlfriend or a wife away from you because your hate for him is a little disturbing.

I'm sorry, but that is one of the most ludicrous statements I have ever read on this message board! Ditto what 6th said.
SacTownKid said:
Would have MAYBE went to game seven against the Sonics but thats about it.
would we even have played the Sonics? the whole end of the season was impacted by this trade, and we will never really know what would have happened.

Webb's trade was huge, and having him would have made a difference. The whole season would have played out differently, not just because of his individual stats, but because we had a team with an identity, and a team that had chemistry together. Trading such a big piece away less than 2 months before the playoffs is a (hopefully) short term sacrifice, and I think we knew it going in. My expectations for this season dropped dramatically for this season when Webb was traded, but the trade wasn't made with this season in mind.

But, yes, having Webb this year would have made a difference. Having the chemistry and experience on the court would have helped in the playoffs, whoever we faced in the first round (and probably future rounds).

If we made a first round exit this year with Webb, things would be out of control. Fans would be shocked, crushed and angry, and it would be ugly for a while. Oh yeah, and it would have been Webb's fault.;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
love_them_kings said:
would we even have played the Sonics? the whole end of the season was impacted by this trade, and we will never really know what would have happened.

Webb's trade was huge, and having him would have made a difference. The whole season would have played out differently, not just because of his individual stats, but because we had a team with an identity, and a team that had chemistry together. Trading such a big piece away less than 2 months before the playoffs is a (hopefully) short term sacrifice, and I think we knew it going in. My expectations for this season dropped dramatically for this season when Webb was traded, but the trade wasn't made with this season in mind.

But, yes, having Webb this year would have made a difference. Having the chemistry and experience on the court would have helped in the playoffs, whoever we faced in the first round (and probably future rounds).

If we made a first round exit this year with Webb, things would be out of control. Fans would be shocked, crushed and angry, and it would be ugly for a while. Oh yeah, and it would have been Webb's fault.;)
Excellent assessment, IMHO...and especially relevant about who we might have faced had Webber still been on the team.

All the other stuff, with the Peja lovers pointing fingers at anyone who dares to criticize or even comment upon the deficiencies of their golden boy, is ludicrous and so old. And from some of them so hypocritical it reeks. Some of those people had no problem whatsoever dishing negative commentary at every opportunity about Chris Webber, but when it becomes about their guy then all of a sudden it isn't fair?


I am a Kings fan. It's the name on the front that matters. Bricklayer, 6th, Mr. Slim, Kingsgurl, Reina and too many others to name are also KINGS FANS. They will criticize any player in the uniform if it's deserved. They will also praise a player if it is deserved.

For some to continue to make it sound as though there is some vast conspiracy around here of people who just want to dump on Peja is naive at best and very bothersome at the worst.

I know I'll probably draw the anger of a lot of Peja fans, and I'm sorry. I do not mean all of you and I hope you realize that. There are just a select few who have made it their goal in life to defend Peja as though he were a newborn babe in the woods from anything remotely resembling criticism and I think it's wrong. If he had to listen to some of the stuff Webber haters had thrown at Chris Webber on a daily/hourly basis, Peja would be reduced to a quivering mass of humanity unable to function in any normal capacity.

I want Peja to do well because he is a Sacramento King. I want him to excel in whatever ways he can. If he can improve in some areas, I think we should be able to talk about it without being labelled time and time again as haters...
6th said:
Oh, crap! Bricklayer is not that emotional for him to "hate" on anyone. What he is could be described as the most unemotional, unbiased member of this board. He is able to look at facts; at players stats; at players actions on the court; and, give us a true assessment of their talent and their value to the team.

When you see him make what appears to be a biased statement, he is simply responding to another's biased statement about their favorite player. In most cases, that person is so blinded by their love of their favorite player that they refuse to look at reality.

The comments about Bricklayer from "Peja lovers" are an attempt to devalue his assessment because said "Peja lovers" have already lost the argument and choose to attack the messenger instead of the message.
I am going to have to disagree with you on this. Just look at the history of some of his posts. Its very obvious how he feels. It was fair to label people as Webber haters but you cannot call someone a Pedja hater. I do not care if he is a mod. His posts show who he likes and who he hates.

I am not a Pedja lover but he probably is our best player. You will never see Brick go after Mikes or Brads defense like he will go after Pedja and that is a fact!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
This stops now. It's ridiculous.

You have 11 posts on this board, you've been a member since March 2005 and you're claiming to be an expert on Bricklayer. Bull!

We're here to discuss the Kings, not the members of this forum. Future posts in this vein are going to be deleted. Keep it about the posts and not the posters. Period. End of discussion.
You will never see Brick go after Mikes or Brads defense like he will go after Pedja and that is a fact!!
Au Contraire. Brick will lay it all out there when someone deserves it, and that means any one of them. I think you may be just a bit hypersensitive on this issue.
I agree with you VF I'm new here myself and from what I can tell Bricklayer without a doubt is the most knowledgeable member of this forum and I can honestly say I agree with 95% of what he say's. Making such assumptions of someone elses character after eleven post's is nothing but sheer stupidity.

I think we all knew that with Webber being traded this years playoff's were going to be a wash. There is no question things would have been differnet had C-Webb stayed.
burekijogurt said:
Peja was our best player in this series. Brick is saying that there are 50 guys in the league who can do that given enough minutes. He is judging Peja for his 'faliure' to singlehandedly get this team to the second round and beyond somehow assuming (although there are 10 years of evidence to the contrary) that Webber would have done it. KG failed to get the Wolves to the playoffs. Kobe, the shot-creating superstar, failed to get the Lakers to the playoffs. Lebron James failed to get his team to the playoffs. AI and Webber failed to get their team to the second round. So did the great shot creating Paul Pierce. What we need is not an all powerful superstar. What we need is an extremely good and compact team. And Peja surely is a good building block for such a team.
Did everyone miss this ? I thought it was the best post in this thread.


Hall of Famer
sloter said:
Brick's good, but he's been a little sad, touchy and disappointed (in one word - bitter) since the Webber trade.
basically the total opposite from Your stand point - I assume ;)