Will Vlade be back?


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
It was apparent to all that Vlade didn't fit in to the Lakers last year and he has a buy out clause for some $2M-$3M I think. Even now he fits with what the Kings want to do, a big, smart, clever, passing center and would be a great mentor for Brad for a year or two. I wonder if player-coach would be the ideal thing? I'd sure like to have him back on the bench and even getting his 8-10 minutes a half relief for Miller. It would support Pedja, the bench, the fans and the team overall. Why not? :)
Coach... maybe - especially if we sign a young big guy to back up Miller.

Player? Don't think so... his playing days are over, and he'll just be using cap space & pushing us further into luxury tax land.
Vlade was on Grants show I believe on Thursday or Friday and he said he probably wouldn't play again. He didn't close the door but he was leaning strong towards retirement.

"Kings Forward, Peja Stojakovic joined Grant and Mike prior to leaving for Europe. Peja talks about the disappointment of the" Its that interview.

It's not that he "didn't fit with the Lakers"...HE WAS INJURED. The few games that he did play, the movement and passing were better.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Time to move on and look forward, not back.

As a a coach...maybe. But I can't be the only one wondering whether Valde would ever put in the long hours and hard work to be a top coach. Might be better as some sort of mentor or scout, or one of those players with made up positions within the organization just to have them around and benefit from their presence without needing them to show up and work hard every day.
Bricklayer said:
Time to move on and look forward, not back.

As a a coach...maybe. But I can't be the only one wondering whether Valde would ever put in the long hours and hard work to be a top coach. Might be better as some sort of mentor or scout, or one of those players with made up positions within the organization just to have them around and benefit from their presence without needing them to show up and work hard every day.

i think we can still use vlade. come off the bench for 10/maybe 15 minutes a game. just someone to feed our guards the ball if we're in that princeton offense.
tyrant said:
i think we can still use vlade. come off the bench for 10/maybe 15 minutes a game. just someone to feed our guards the ball if we're in that princeton offense.
yeah thats very true, idk i think just having him back would get our guys a boost or something.


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mikebibby1034 said:
yeah thats very true, idk i think just having him back would get our guys a boost or something.
You're kidding, right? We're going to take up a roster spot to give the guys a boost?

Vlade Divac had been in decline his last year here. Last year for a Lakers team that really could have used him, he played very limited because of the back injury. He AND THE KINGS cannot go backwards. Time marches on.

We aren't going to get Doug back as a player; we aren't going to get Vlade back as a player. Those ships sailed. It might have been painful but THAT ERA is over!!

I have been a Vlade Divac fan (that's what the VF stands for) since he first came into the NBA. I have loved watching him play - and was ecstatic when he came my beloved Kings. I do not want him to come back. And I think he's smart enough not to try it. The only thing worse than having a beloved player retire or leave is having him come back as only a shadow of his former self.
The only thing worse than having a beloved player retire or leave is having him come back as only a shadow of his former self.

Poor Jerry Rice. The Denver Broncos?


Super Moderator Emeritus
SactoGreg said:
The only thing worse than having a beloved player retire or leave is having him come back as only a shadow of his former self.

Poor Jerry Rice. The Denver Broncos?


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hoopsfan said:
^^I was thinking the exact same thing.
We agree on something?


Aside from welcoming 6th back and wishing various members a Happy Birthday, I don't think that's ever happened before.

I love Vlade to pieces. If they could find a position in the organization that he would like and he wants to come back, I would be thrilled. Maybe European scout? Community realtions/charity work? But it did not sound like Vlade wanted to play anymore and I don't want him back as a player. If he couldn't live up to our memories of him (and its very doubtful he could), that would be way too painful for us and him.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
He definitely would be interesting as an Assistant Coach. But I'm afraid I tend to agree that his playing time is behind him. Somehow, he shows up in SacTown to help..............


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I still say that if he thinks he has one more year left, for the vets minimum you can have him as a 12th man who rarely plays. Would you rather have Daniels or Vlade at the end of the bench for similar $$$? I think Vlade would bring a lot more to the team and if he wants to go front office after that, sign him up.


Bricklayer said:
Time to move on and look forward, not back.

As a a coach...maybe. But I can't be the only one wondering whether Valde would ever put in the long hours and hard work to be a top coach. Might be better as some sort of mentor or scout, or one of those players with made up positions within the organization just to have them around and benefit from their presence without needing them to show up and work hard every day.

yeah, i dont think vlade would be down for the long hours of the coaching job. but i like the idea of bringing him back as a mentor or something along those lines. maybe just keep an empty seat on the bench next to peja and he can just be paid to sit there and praise peja and chew gum. whatever they do, i'd love to see him worm his way back into the orginization.
Daniels only made 300 some thousand dollars this year, Vlade would get at least a million. Besides, Daniels won't be around next year anyway. As far as Vlade as a coach, I'm all for that. I remember hearing at the end of the season though, he said he'd take a year off between playing and resuming an NBA role. I'd love for Vlade to come back to Sacramento, he's great for the community.
Why would you take up one of 12 roster spots for someone you know will not play?

To motivate the other players?

If that's how you motivate players on a team, there's something wrong with your system.

Maybe there's something wrong with the Kings system?

Maybe it's the players?

It must be Chris Webber's fault! :rolleyes:


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SactoGreg said:
Why would you take up one of 12 roster spots for someone you know will not play?
And how often did Daniels (and O-Tag, for that matter) play this year? Every team has players that rarely play, I'm just saying that it may as well be Vlade than anyone else if he'll sign for the minimum and if he can still play. He's had a year off injured - that would have to be evaluated, as well. I wouldn't pay him any more than that to be a 12th man and veteran presence.
I'd like to see him retire as a King but his playing days are pretty much over. I would like to see him as some kind of recruiter though. I think that would be a good fit for him.

maybe he could be a towel guy or a person who dries the court;), after all it's definitely a step up from being a Laker lol:) j/k

You know the perfect job for him would be to teach a flopping class. He was the master.
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Warhawk said:
And how often did Daniels (and O-Tag, for that matter) play this year? Every team has players that rarely play, I'm just saying that it may as well be Vlade than anyone else if he'll sign for the minimum and if he can still play. He's had a year off injured - that would have to be evaluated, as well. I wouldn't pay him any more than that to be a 12th man and veteran presence.
So you really think Vlade Divac would be more than happy to come back and sit at the end of the bench just so he can be used like those old shoes that aren't really any good anymore but you keep them around in case your yard floods and you have to wade around in the mud?

What a slap on the face. I respect Vlade Divac and what he did for our team AND the NBA in general too much to even suggest such a thing...
VF21 said:
So you really think Vlade Divac would be more than happy to come back and sit at the end of the bench just so he can be used like those old shoes that aren't really any good anymore but you keep them around in case your yard floods and you have to wade around in the mud?
Wow VF21, have you ever considered becoming a writer? Sometimes (OK a lot of times) you write great things, really.


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VF21 said:
So you really think Vlade Divac would be more than happy to come back and sit at the end of the bench just so he can be used like those old shoes that aren't really any good anymore but you keep them around in case your yard floods and you have to wade around in the mud?

What a slap on the face. I respect Vlade Divac and what he did for our team AND the NBA in general too much to even suggest such a thing...
Hey, I love him as much as anyone for what he's done here. His playing days are about done. He loves the Kings/Sacramento. We love him. If he wants to play one more year, sign him to the vets minimum and play him when you can/as much as he can handle and be effective. He might sit out most games - big deal, how many did he play last year (due to injury)? This team's financial situation will not allow another large contract for someone who probabaly won't play much.

I'm not asking him to shine shoes or work a broom or anything, I want him to put on a uni and play for the Kings if he wants to. How is that a slap in the face? He realizes the situation and with the Lakers paying him, what, $2-3 mil if they buy him out, he's still pulling down some nice dough no matter what his next contract would be for. If he wants to be here, and we all know how much good he did in the locker room, let him be 12th man if the price is right.
I would LOVE to have Valde on the Kings, but only as a member of the coach's/executive office. I was watching him "play" in LA, and during these extremly "limited" minutes, you could tell that the Old Divac was replaced by a man nearing the end of his player days. There is no chance that in his current state that he could matchup against the likes of Duncan, KG, Shaq, Brand etc. If we do sign him as a player (which I highly doubt) he would play pitty minutes.

However, If we sign him as a coach or a member of the orginization we would be able to bring back all of his strengths. His leadership would really help the team as would the "team" atomosphere he carried with the kings. Not to mention this would make Pedja more happy (which kind of annoys me now that every move the Kings make is to make Pedja "happy"). So, Divac to the kings YES. Divac to play for the kings..sorry my friend, but no.


Give blood and save a life!
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VF21 said:
What a slap on the face. I respect Vlade Divac and what he did for our team AND the NBA in general too much to even suggest such a thing...
Any more than it was to low-ball him before last year and watch him go? Any more than to say now that we don't want him back if he thinks he can still play, even for the minimum and with GREATLY reduced minutes? Really? I would think NOT letting him suit up and play would be the bigger insult.


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Warhawk -

We'll simply have to agree to disagree.

I've watched his entire career and I personally believe Vlade has too much pride to come back and accept the minimum and greatly reduced minutes. Why would he want that? Have you even read his comments about his career winding down? Not letting him suit up and play isn't an insult. It's logic. And even more, it's not subjecting him to the ridicule of fans should he NOT be able to perform. And yes, there is a certain contingency of brain-dereft "fan" that would boo him if he didn't perform to their standards.

He has lots of other irons in the fire. He doesn't need charity from the Sacramento Kings and I'm certainly hoping it doesn't get to that. He only went to LA because he honestly thought he could make a difference. The injury to his back pretty much negated that...and one more season has done what time does to all athletes.

The biggest mistake that a team can make is accept a player's opinion that they can still play, because they're the ones who can least be objective about the whole thing.

The days of Vlade Divac in a Kings uniform as a player were wonderful and fun and exciting ...and they're over.