what's going to happen after the break?

We're winning games at home. I think the more games Artest plays, the better he'll get, especially on the offense. Seeing the Lakers lose at home to the Hawks tonight *ouch* gives me reason to believe we might make the playoffs. The Grizz aren't that good, the Clips got blown out by a Baron Davis less Warriors, and the Jazz don't scare anyone. These are all playoff teams ahead of the Kings. I think the Kings can pass em, anyone else think so?
There is only one problem.....we don't win on the road. When you don't win on the road, you are a lottery team. If we start winning after the break, I will reconsider, but until then we will be a bingo ball.
We're going to be fine. Hopefully we see a trade before the ASG that gets us a defender/shotblocker. If not oh well, Rick will work with what he has. We can make the playoffs, this is a good team that doesn't give up anymore.


Super Moderator Emeritus
People need to remember that we're still not playing at full strength. Hopefully, when Bonzi gets back, he'll be able to provide more options and Kevin will be able to give the fantastic performances coming off the bench that we so desperately need.

This team is on the way up, IMHO, as oppposed to earlier this year when they pretty much all had anchors attached to their heels.

You cannot really expect instant turnarounds. There's reason to be encouraged about the future. I don't know about anyone else, but that's something I didn't feel a couple of months ago...

Have faith.

What I would like to see after the ASB is more consistency. This crap of taking one step forward and 2 steps back has got to stop. We can't rely on winning home games to get us to play-offs. We need to win on the road with some sort of consistency. This yo-yo stuff has got to stop.
With or without a trade this is a playoff team, every apect of our team has improved with Artest showing up, to add to that we were playing decent ball with hurt guys, this will be a scary team if everyone can get healthy.
Andriod_KiNg said:
With or without a trade this is a playoff team, every apect of our team has improved with Artest showing up, to add to that we were playing decent ball with hurt guys, this will be a scary team if everyone can get healthy.
I disagree. This team is far from scary. Its a team that can sneak into the play-offs but there are not many teams that will fear us. We still have a HUGE hole in the paint. We got no size, no shotblocking ability, no great defensive presence in the paint.

Thanks to Artest we can make some stops on the perimeter but teams are still getting easy point in the paint.

This team is a move or 2 from being scary. As of right now, its another middle of the road team.
Čarolija said:
I disagree. This team is far from scary. Its a team that can sneak into the play-offs but there are not many teams that will fear us. We still have a HUGE hole in the paint. We got no size, no shotblocking ability, no great defensive presence in the paint.

Thanks to Artest we can make some stops on the perimeter but teams are still getting easy point in the paint.

This team is a move or 2 from being scary. As of right now, its another middle of the road team.
I think Brad Miller has done a great job of protecting the paint the last couple of games, Skinner is always there, i expect him number to be called on even more, Bonzi Wells will return that will add just more defense, rebounding, scoring and toughness, also Artest getting healthy and up to date will help this team alot. I think we will be fine.
VF21 said:
People need to remember that we're still not playing at full strength. Hopefully, when Bonzi gets back, he'll be able to provide more options and Kevin will be able to give the fantastic performances coming off the bench that we so desperately need.

This team is on the way up, IMHO, as oppposed to earlier this year when they pretty much all had anchors attached to their heels.

You cannot really expect instant turnarounds. There's reason to be encouraged about the future. I don't know about anyone else, but that's something I didn't feel a couple of months ago...

Have faith.

Yeah, I forgot about bonzi!
Now is not a good time for me to answer this question ... I'm still fumin' about the King's BLOWING -YET- ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY last night vs Memphis :mad:
Bonzi will be a great shot in the arm, no doubt about that. But as we saw in his first comeback, he's going to be rusty in some areas... but having two good on-ball defenders on the court and the rebounding he helps will immediately make us a better team.

That said, this is still a young team learning about its identity. My guess is we'll probably see inconsistent type play the rest of the year. On the road, we still depend way too much on whether or not Mike is having a good shooting night. Unfortunately, he often isn't.

Maybe Bonzi as a low post threat is what we need to be able to grind out scores in these close games where both teams seem to be trying their hardest to give the game away....


Personally, I think Bonzi coming back will be a bad thing. Not because he isn't a good or talented player - he is.

But rather because he's a low post player, whereas Martin is a slasher and an outside player. The lane is going to become too clogged, in my opinion. The only person with the ability to stretch the defense is Bibby - and I'm not sure it'll be enough.

Bonzi deserves to start when he's healthy - I'm just not sure it's the right move for the team.
I cannot wait to see Bonzi in there and for him and Artest to do the hustle and defense that they bring. I also like how K9 is doing, but he really needs to work on his shot. He is a real fighter and his rebounding has been awesome lately. He just cannot buy an outside shot though which really sucks and hurts his game and ours.

We are only 1 to 2 players away from being an awesome team. We have improved so much with Ron in there and with a healthy Bonzi. We need to make sure that we sign Bonzi and then get a big shot blocker/rebounder and we will be o.k.

Bibby also is having trouble dealing with the flow of the offense with Ron here, but he should be benefiting soon from Ron breaking down the defense and dishing out for some wide open looks. Ron is awesome to watch on the both sides of the court and his impact on how the Kings have played some team defense. We are a completely new team with him and a fun 1 at that.

We have made some huge strides with Ron here and KMart and Cisco's good play. Remember that Ron has really been slowed down with the hip pointer as well as being out of basketball for a while and adapting to a new system and teammates.

I just really hope we can get a big guy before the trade deadline and watch out, the Kings will be in the playoffs. Even an Ostertag at this point would be huge for us right now. Also if we still had Eddie House we would be at 500 right now. Why again did we lose Eddie House and get Jason Hart? And why do we pay Hart twice as much as House is getting????? It really sucks, but with a healthy Bonzi and KMart, Cisco, SAR coming off the bench I think we are o.k.

we still need a big guy though even 1 off the bench for limited minutes to make a few stops and have an impact. Look at what Alonzo does for Miami, he comes in and makes some big stops and really makes his presence know. Look at what Ostertag did for Utah in his limited minutes against us. He blocked Kmart and then hurt Ron and changed the game completely around for the better.

I don't like dealing with another Western-Pacific team, but doesn't LAL have a lot of big guys? Walton, Mihn, etc.

Sorry for the novel people.

Note from VF21: I put some paragraphing in for you. It's a LOT easier for people to read... :)
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sauce-26 said:
There is only one problem.....we don't win on the road. When you don't win on the road, you are a lottery team. If we start winning after the break, I will reconsider, but until then we will be a bingo ball.
Not yet.

I'm quite intrigued for next week.
piksi said:
but we will still hate Lakers - right
Even more than carrot-top.

In all reality we should win about 90+% at home and 50% on the road after the ASB. And that will be plenty to get us to the playoffs. Look at the schedule. We should be getting Bonzi back soon and Reef will continue to elevate his game back to starting shape. SAR has been actually rebounding, which I thought would happen due to losing 15 lbs. I just hope he works more on conditioning than weightlifting during the break.
Only thing I'm worried about is don't we play like 16 of 20 or something on the road after the ASB. We definitely need to improve the on road. Ron hopefully will get back to 100% playing shape (evident of his poor play last night on the 2nd night of a back to back after an OT game where he was awesome). Bonzi can't possibly hurt. Even if Adelman (doubtful) decides to start K. Martin, we need bench scoring BADLY, and if Bonzi or Kevin is on the bench, we shouldn't have a problem there.
I wonder how the team will respond to Bonzi. Unfortunately too many times have I seen the Kings hand it into Artest or Reef in the fourth quarter, and just stand around while they dribble the ball for 15 seconds... The Kings too often become stagnant, and I wonder if Bonzi will improve the problem, or enhance it.


Hall of Famer
bigbadred00 said:
Only thing I'm worried about is don't we play like 16 of 20 or something on the road after the ASB. We definitely need to improve the on road. Ron hopefully will get back to 100% playing shape (evident of his poor play last night on the 2nd night of a back to back after an OT game where he was awesome). Bonzi can't possibly hurt. Even if Adelman (doubtful) decides to start K. Martin, we need bench scoring BADLY, and if Bonzi or Kevin is on the bench, we shouldn't have a problem there.
now, this might be a potential problem of large dimensions


Super Moderator Emeritus
Benching Bonzi would be like holding a match to a stick of dynamite and hoping it won't explode.

If he's here, he starts. If he's not going to start, he needs to be moved.
VF21 said:
Benching Bonzi would be like holding a match to a stick of dynamite and hoping it won't explode.

If he's here, he starts. If he's not going to start, he needs to be moved.
Your right, this even happened in my home town. Start Bonzi, my bad. ROFL. I just hope he doesn't come back and repeat his last comeback game (9 tOS, BLAH).
LPKingsFan said:
Give me a few more games seeing Miller/Thomas/Artest/Wells/Bibby at work together, then we can talk trade.
If Bonzi gets his starting job back then why doesn't SAR? There should be no double standards. Thomas got some rhythm from starting, and now he needs to take that to the bench, like it or not. At least when Reef gets the ball I don't cringe that he will turn it over or even worse, take one of those ugly jumpshots.

My general breakdown:

Bibby: 20
Ron: 15
SAR: 15
Brad: 15
Bonzi: 10

K-Mart: 15
KT: 10
BawLa said:
If Bonzi gets his starting job back then why doesn't SAR? There should be no double standards. Thomas got some rhythm from starting, and now he needs to take that to the bench, like it or not. At least when Reef gets the ball I don't cringe that he will turn it over or even worse, take one of those ugly jumpshots.

My general breakdown:

Bibby: 20
Ron: 15
SAR: 15
Brad: 15
Bonzi: 10

K-Mart: 15
KT: 10
I like that.
Why does everyone want us to squeek into the 8th seed this year? Does any body believe that this team can actually win a game let alone playoff series against either the Spurs or Mavs? We have some talent, but not a very cohesive unit, we have some trade bait and the ability to get a player in the lottery that could potentially help right away or assist in a trade.

If we continue to get the 13-18th pick in the draft we are just going to be mired in mediocrity. We need to either make a move for some players with looking to the future or try and build through our young core and the draft. I am not one that wants to continually watch a 45 win team lose in the first round of the playoffs (e.g. Minnesota), not after the expectations that have been placed on this team in the last 7 years.