what was the last movie you watched?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Knew 6 was in the works, hearing some grumblings that it may be the last season. Who knows? I do like that they basically have a clean slate to work with for the next season.
I'm not 100% sure if Season 6 is the last or not, it's a possibility. I'm just interested in how the finale is going to end, he is either going to get caught, keep getting away with it or get caught and killed. Who knows though.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
True Grit and Black Swan -- Both are very good. And very different (from each other as well as from my expectations of each film). Great performances across the board in both films, though.
Saw True Grit and agree with 3G. Very good film with great performances.
Tron Legacy -- Sigh. I really wanted to like this one. The parts that were good were actually quite impressive. I'll give it that much. Sadly, however, those parts included Daft Punk's score (which would have been as enjoyable on a CD) and about 20% of the movie itself; everything else ranged from forgettable to laughable. Props to Michael Sheen, though, for hamming it up in his one scene and being the only person in the whole movie who appeared to be having even an ounce of fun.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
New Year's tradition with my family is movie night: this year, it was a double-bill of Salt and The Other Guys. Both movies were, surprisingly, more entertaining than I expected.
I was really surprised with how Samuel L. and The Rock went out in TOG.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Props to Michael Sheen, though, for hamming it up in his one scene and being the only person in the whole movie who appeared to be having even an ounce of fun.
I think that's a bit harsh though I didn't like that the movie tried to take itself far too seriously this go around. Kind of a Matrix effect I guess.

On the other hand if going for maximum camp would have meant throwing out cameos to the Jay Maynards of the world I'm not sure that would have been any better.

I picked this up for $12 on blu-ray at Best Buy on NYE along with about 10 other movies (assuming you count Die Hard as 4 movies). They were having a mega-sale and I got sucked in. The plan was to have a big movie night with my wife but it fizzled out and so now I have just added to the growing stack on my desk.

And I'll probably be picking up Machete this week while I'm at it.
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New Year's tradition with my family is movie night: this year, it was a double-bill of Salt and The Other Guys. Both movies were, surprisingly, more entertaining than I expected.
I was really surprised with how Samuel L. and The Rock went out in TOG.
I thought Salt was horrible. Awful. Stupid. But Angelina Jolie, so ... yeah.

And The Other Guys was funny enough. Eva Mendes was more than worth it. And I was surprised by that outro as well. Caught everyone off guard.
Conviction - A very well acted film, but dragging at times. It tries hard to pull at your heartstring, but I don't really think that it succeeded. If I would rate it i'll give it a 3.5/5.
The Girlfriend Experience: a movie about a highend NYC escort and a her boyfriend having money challenges due to the recession. She has hopes of opening an upsacle boutique while still working as an escort. Her clients are spending less money on her due to their financial problems caused by the economic downturn. Her boyfriend is a personal trainer and is also having money problems.
Black Swan def. looks interesting. Plus, two beautiful woman in it, why wouldn't you want to check it out?
Black Swan was easily the most surprising movie I've seen in theatres in a long, long time. Pleasantly surprising, I mean.

Just saw Love and Other Drugs. A good romantic comedy, but they tried too hard to drag out some funny. Probably 20 minutes too long.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I tried to buy the Social Network to watch tonight and went to the only Best Buy in town that was sold out of the Blu Ray. uggh.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Green Hornet - some parts were pretty funny, some just too cheesy/bad and make you want to cringe. We went to a 3D show just because the time it was playing was convenient, but I don't think it really added much at all.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I think I am seeing Green Hornet on Monday. Probably in 3D since my buddy and I liked the 3D trailer but I guess one of my friends worked on it and said the only good 3D shots are the ones in the trailer which figures. Still since 3D is the one thing I can't get at home for now I am leaning in that direction.
I saw "The Black Swan" a few weeks a go with the girl. Maybe Im not smart enough ... I just didnt get it. I mean, I understood what was going on ( I Think ) but I didnt understand what made it such an incredible movie.
I saw "The Black Swan" a few weeks a go with the girl. Maybe Im not smart enough ... I just didnt get it. I mean, I understood what was going on ( I Think ) but I didnt understand what made it such an incredible movie.
I think it's a rare movie, like Memento, where a specific chunk of some disorder (here: anxiety) was conveyed very well. I view it as a great portrayal of the feeling of being "on that ledge." The hallucinations were done up for artsy purposes I'm sure, but it was very easy for me to connect with the characters and feel what they were trying to portray...

I guess it's kind of like dark chocolate, you either love it or don't. Although, my friend who also didn't quite get it still admitted it was good cinema and very "re-watchable."
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Wife has been bugging me since I've known her to watch Man in the Iron Mask with her, so finally did that the other night. Meh. Certainly no Count of Monte Cristo, that's for sure.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I did see Green Hornet in 3d on Monday. I enjoyed it despite the fact that it really seemed to be all over the place in tone, style and substance. The visuals were still pretty cool as were the cars, the 3D definitely was lacking only having one or two real impactful moments where having a big name director with a unique style showed itself off and then quickly went away never to be seen again. I imagine that is largely because the 3d was tacked on last minute. Since I've only recently been going to the theaters again I'm trying to figure out where I stand on this latest revival. The effects really don't jump at me like they did in the 80s and I don't know if that's because I'm so much older or because they suck. Would be nice to see some of those again for comparison's sake.
Wassup Rockers A movie about a a young group of South Central Los Angeles Central American skateboarders (about 15 or 16) that decide to take a bus to Beverly Hills to skate the famous Nine Stairs at Beverly Hills High. They meet two rich high school girls and shortly after the trouble begins with police, jealous boyfriends, a shooting (one kid gets shot), running through people's yards (to escape the B.H. police), crashing in on a Beverly Hills back yard party and meeting a rich drunk woman at her mansion. The group of kids finally get home to South Central L.A. The movie shows how life is in South Central with gangs and racial issues. In addition to skating some of the friends have their own punk band. The movie is based on real life experiences by the same youths.