My health isn't great, I don't work and I don't leave the house as much as I used to so I watch a ton of movies. I've always had a great love for film since I was a kid though. I love me some really corny 70's and 80's flicks as well as more artistic endeavors.
That said the last movie I watched was
The Net (1995), revisiting it so see if it was as good as I remember it.
Movies that are early in star's careers can come off as good simply because we are not familiar with this actor/actress and they are new and exciting. The years go by and we get used to seeing them and their style etc. When that happens I like to go back to those early movies to see if the movie was as good as remembered or if it were simply the newness of the actor in question.
I re-watched The Net in order to determine whether that was the case for Sandra Bullock and this movie. I remembered the movie the be fast paced, exciting and good but the second viewing reminded me that there were many slow parts, some unbelievable plot twists and it just lost a little luster. I liked it both viewings despite that. It's worth watching for the unintentional comic relief the ancient computers and electronics provide.