Tyreke Evans watch


Super Moderator Emeritus
Word on the Street™ is that Monty Williams is trying to make Evans take more jumpers; it appears to be ****ing with him.
Why can't people just let Tyreke be the player he IS instead of the player they want him to be? It seems like no one is allowed to have strengths and weaknesses... My personal belief is that a whole generation of NBA2Kxx players don't understand the difference between the video game and the real NBA.


Hall of Famer
Why can't people just let Tyreke be the player he IS instead of the player they want him to be? It seems like no one is allowed to have strengths and weaknesses... My personal belief is that a whole generation of NBA2Kxx players don't understand the difference between the video game and the real NBA.
Ha! That's cruel ;) I wonder why coaches can't maximize his skills and simply live with his weaknesses. He won't be a super star but he will be darn good.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Evans continues his horrendous shooting, finishing with only eleven points on fifteen shots, but the Pelicans play better overall when he's on the court, since he's much better defensively than Eric Gordon, who is in a shooting slump of his own. It also helps that, unlike Gordon, he's missing layups instead of jumpers, and New Orleans has guys that can tip/dunk back his misses.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Evans appeared to be on his way to a decent game, getting what he wanted inside against a good defense, but he took a hard shot to the ribs on a drive and kick in the first quarter, and went straight to the bench; he did not return. He finished with four points, on 2-3 shooting, with his one miss being a corner three against the shot clock.
Would have loved to keep Tyreke, but at his current price, much overpaid. Can't believe NO thought it was a good idea to get Gordon, Holiday, and Tyreke all together at those prices. Ridiculous.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I'm' sure that what they thought was that they could sign Evans, and trade Gordon. I don't think they anticipated how difficult the latter would be.
I have a feeling that they might be looking to trade Evans. A DNP CD tonight. He had sore ribs, but Monty didn't give any reason for holding Evans out of the game. The fanbase is kind of like ours was. Divided.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Evans has been awful the last few. You can get away with not having a jump shot, when you have teammates who can stretch the floor. And, since
  1. Anderson is hurt
  2. Williams won't play Evans and Gordon at the same time
He doesn't currently have any. I find it hard to believe that Evans would be causing problems in the locker room, but I wouldn't put it into the realm of impossible: he was probably led to believe that he'd be starting by now. As far as any possible friction between him and Monty Williams, I'm sure that Williams trying to encourage Evans to be more of a jump shooter isn't going over too well with him: from his perspective, it probably seems like a re-hash of the Smart era.

I think that it'd be a mistake to trade Evans, as I think that New Orleans is better with Holiday and Evans than they are with Holiday and Gordon; I'm also of the opinion that Davis plays better with Evans than he does with Gordon, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm probably biased. Trading Evans, IME, would be a kneejerk reaction to a rash of fluke injuries.
Evans has been awful the last few. You can get away with not having a jump shot, when you have teammates who can stretch the floor. And, since
  1. Anderson is hurt
  2. Williams won't play Evans and Gordon at the same time
He doesn't currently have any. I find it hard to believe that Evans would be causing problems in the locker room, but I wouldn't put it into the realm of impossible: he was probably led to believe that he'd be starting by now. As far as any possible friction between him and Monty Williams, I'm sure that Williams trying to encourage Evans to be more of a jump shooter isn't going over too well with him: from his perspective, it probably seems like a re-hash of the Smart era.

I think that it'd be a mistake to trade Evans, as I think that New Orleans is better with Holiday and Evans than they are with Holiday and Gordon; I'm also of the opinion that Davis plays better with Evans than he does with Gordon, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm probably biased. Trading Evans, IME, would be a kneejerk reaction to a rash of fluke injuries.
I think it might have something to do with the 2nd unit he has been playing with. When he played with Anderson(who's a 4) there was great spacing, but the new bench players clog up the paint which is where Evans does his damage. Even now, I still don't understand why NO would trade for Evans. Evans is a PG and they just acquired Holiday. Even with Holiday out, Evans still has not cracked the starting lineup. I think that's a very interesting decision. Evans has such a limited role for such a good player. The best place for him should have been with the Lakers. That team is a mess and has no true #1 nor #2 scorer. On top of that, he would probably shine in D'antoni's system and become a better passer. All the IFs.

Well...they should just trade us Evans since he's sucked this year. We'll offer them Landry and MT. In all seriousness, I think Evans is a complex player with unique skill sets. A ball dominant player with great ball handling who can attack the rim. He plays good defense with a height advantage at 6'6 and is a willing passer. However, he has no jumpshot, low bball iq, and is becoming prone to small injuries. I've said it so many times, if only the Maloofs were able to develop him correctly, he would be a top 10 pg. All of his potential has been thrown into the trash after his rookie year.
Regardless, I think our original FO valuation of him at $8mil was absolutely correct. It's pretty obvious NO significantly overpaid for him. He just requires so many pieces to maximize his game, yet, he's not good enough to have a franchise build around him.
I have a feeling that they might be looking to trade Evans. A DNP CD tonight. He had sore ribs, but Monty didn't give any reason for holding Evans out of the game. The fanbase is kind of like ours was. Divided.
It's like Landry. Hard to trade players on big money, multi year deals when they are not showcasing their stuff.
One thing I noticed about reke is NO jumper when he was here. It was painful watching him force it to the cup every time

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I think it might have something to do with the 2nd unit he has been playing with. When he played with Anderson(who's a 4) there was great spacing, but the new bench players clog up the paint which is where Evans does his damage. Even now, I still don't understand why NO would trade for Evans. Evans is a PG and they just acquired Holiday. Even with Holiday out, Evans still has not cracked the starting lineup. I think that's a very interesting decision. Evans has such a limited role for such a good player. The best place for him should have been with the Lakers. That team is a mess and has no true #1 nor #2 scorer. On top of that, he would probably shine in D'antoni's system and become a better passer. All the IFs.
Evans is not a point guard.

Evans' limitations will keep him from ever being a #1 option on a good team, but he is a very good player. I could easily see him as the #2 option on a playoff team, or a #3 option on a contender. When he is on a team that is at full strength, he has the ability to excel; he's like a poor-man's Lance Stephenson, in that regard. Stephenson wouldn't look nearly as good as he does if he were playing with, say, the Bucks. Or the Pelicans, for that matter.

I'd love to see what the Pelicans look like, at full strength; they haven't had that all season.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Evans game tonight has been really hard to evaluate: his field goal percentage has been absolutely rancid. 2-13, and blowing layups left and right. But, he's rebounding well, he's finding his teammates for easy baskets, and he's played good defense, particularly in the fourth quarter. I've also noticed that Evans is their best inbounder (a frankly under-appreciated skill), by a factor of a lot.

All things being equal, you want to have a player who can make a positive contribution, even when he can't hit air. Moves the ball well, and rebounds and plays defense? We haven't had a guard who can do that since we traded the other #13.
Evans game tonight has been really hard to evaluate: his field goal percentage has been absolutely rancid. 2-13, and blowing layups left and right. But, he's rebounding well, he's finding his teammates for easy baskets, and he's played good defense, particularly in the fourth quarter. I've also noticed that Evans is their best inbounder (a frankly under-appreciated skill), by a factor of a lot.

All things being equal, you want to have a player who can make a positive contribution, even when he can't hit air. Moves the ball well, and rebounds and plays defense? We haven't had a guard who can do that since we traded the other #13.
Has the 13 been mostly layups? His shot selection and conversion this season has been very, very strange.


I'm sorta of glad that we did not resign him he's a solid player but no way is he worth 11million when the likes of Gerald Henderson, Afflalo and a few others are making half of that and playing better. It sucks all we got back for him was Vasquez but.
Post trade deadline, Tyreke has been putting up unimpressive numbers. I hope he can manage to tap into his potential. He really is the most exciting Kings player since 2005. Glad the Kings didn't choose to keep him here for 11M.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I wonder whether Evans may be going through some of the same pouting that Cousins is going through: prior to the trade deadline, he had the "carrot" of New Orleans trying to move Gordon, and was crushing as the sixth man. After the deadline passing, and realizing that he's going to have to continue to play behind Gordon (a player whom, despite being a better shooter, is probably not as good overall), and I wonder if he may have just said "**** it."

Seriously, though, he was really hit hard by Anderson going down. I personally loathe the concept of the "stretch 4" (in fact, I think that Don Nelson ruined basketball, because of it), but if there's any player in the league who needs to play alongside a stretch 4 to maximize his abilities, it's Tyreke Evans. You can get away with not being about to shoot, if you have a teammate who can pull a shot blocker away from the paint. Without Anderson, Evans doesn't have that, and it's shows.