Okay, time for me to do this before I talk myself out of it again. But let's be clear here -- I think these guys are tops and am really looking forward to their future. The ONLY thing holding me back from taking them in my top 20 was catalog size. A truly current artist, they only have one LP released last year, with their second due out before the end of the year. But they also have an earlier EP, a decent catalog of stuff available in live versions on Itunes, and at least another dozen songs up at youtube that aren't on the first LP. I'm gonna take every bit of that diaspora I can somehow fit under the rules becuase these guys are a blast:
Mumford & Sons
Coming out of the newly minted London folk scene, this is the sort of band that gives me hope for the musical future in the face of the endless wash of autotuned talentless studio made hacks on the radio. Consisting of four talented multi-instrumentalists and a seemingly endless stream of their musical friends as guests and contributors, to say this is a talented musical crew is a understatement. Any particular song can have almost any instrument known to man thrown together in these vastly interesting combinations -- mandolins, upright bass, bass drums, accordions, banjos, keyboards, organs, pianos, guitars, horns...you name it, and it makes an appearance. And yet it always remains distinctly Mumford & Sons. They rarely go with a standard drum kit, and yet remain one of the most rhythmic bands in my, or any of our, catalogs, often mixing in country stomps to their choruses. They've got got a great sense of dynamics and singalong melodies, and when they go loud the wall of background noise they produce is constantly shifiting and moving and endlessly entertaining.
I got turned onto these guys by a friend who otherwise has pretty crappy muscial tastes. Okay, pretty different tastes than mine. Which is to say crappy. Anyway, she struck gold with this one though. I now pass on the favor. Take a listen:

Mumford & Sons
Coming out of the newly minted London folk scene, this is the sort of band that gives me hope for the musical future in the face of the endless wash of autotuned talentless studio made hacks on the radio. Consisting of four talented multi-instrumentalists and a seemingly endless stream of their musical friends as guests and contributors, to say this is a talented musical crew is a understatement. Any particular song can have almost any instrument known to man thrown together in these vastly interesting combinations -- mandolins, upright bass, bass drums, accordions, banjos, keyboards, organs, pianos, guitars, horns...you name it, and it makes an appearance. And yet it always remains distinctly Mumford & Sons. They rarely go with a standard drum kit, and yet remain one of the most rhythmic bands in my, or any of our, catalogs, often mixing in country stomps to their choruses. They've got got a great sense of dynamics and singalong melodies, and when they go loud the wall of background noise they produce is constantly shifiting and moving and endlessly entertaining.
I got turned onto these guys by a friend who otherwise has pretty crappy muscial tastes. Okay, pretty different tastes than mine. Which is to say crappy. Anyway, she struck gold with this one though. I now pass on the favor. Take a listen:
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