Trading Bibby/Miller for expirings/draft picks

For Al JeffersoN????

how about bibby, miller, and maybe someone else for Delonte West, and Al Jefferson. Would this be a smart move? Just a thought

Considering the Celtics reportedly refuse to include Al Jefferson in a trade for ALLEN IVERSON, I'd say the odds of them including him in a deal for MIKE BIBBY are none and none.

You might be able to get another youngster - a personal favorite of mine - Leon Powe, a rookie out of Cal (Go Bears!). He's got only a 2 yr deal for very little money. How you get enough money from the C's to make this work, though, I have no idea. He'd be a throw in.

You'd probably have to take Wally Z and Theo Ratliff. Brad and Bibby are approximately 22M. Wally and Theo have this season and 1 more on their deals (about 11M each). My bad, Wally has 2 more seasons.

You could probably swing a Theo for Brad straight up, maybe toss in Powe.

Theo is old and not very good anymore, but I bet he could still block a shot. And it would save us 4 years or so of Miller's bloated salary.

Incoming Players: P.J. Brown, Kirk Hinrich
Outgoing Players: Quincy Douby, Mike Bibby


Incoming Players: Quincy Douby, Mike Bibby
Outgoing Players: P.J. Brown, Kirk Hinrich

I think this would benifit both teams. Chicago gets an in primed PG can play with Ben Walace and get a young player aswell. Bibby would help there offence alot.

For us we would get a young defensive PG that we need in the worst way and still get some cap room aswell to help sign a Big through FA.
You might be able to get another youngster - a personal favorite of mine - Leon Powe, a rookie out of Cal (Go Bears!). He's got only a 2 yr deal for very little money. How you get enough money from the C's to make this work, though, I have no idea. He'd be a throw in.

You'd probably have to take Wally Z and Theo Ratliff. Brad and Bibby are approximately 22M. Wally and Theo have this season and 1 more on their deals (about 11M each). My bad, Wally has 2 more seasons.

You could probably swing a Theo for Brad straight up, maybe toss in Powe.

Theo is old and not very good anymore, but I bet he could still block a shot. And it would save us 4 years or so of Miller's bloated salary.
From what I recall about reading about Leon during the draft, the only reason he fell so low (2nd round) was due to an injury he faced. While he claims that he has healed, it's too much of a long term risk (particularly given our history).

Of course, if he's a throw in with some other trade, he becomes low risk. Of course, losing Mike and Bibby for Wally and Theo is very one sided in terms of talent (in Boston's favour). Could be a viable option if we decide to fold in this year, and prepare for the Oden sweepstakes.
Here is another reason I would be reluctant to rebuild by dumping Bibby or any core player for draft picks and basically purposely putting a loser on the floor. We have trade assets. When teams, like Philly for example, have no trade assets it probably makes sense to go for a youth movement. Well, basically because you have no choice. You can't make a trade and bring in the right pieces to build a winner in less than a few years. I think we have that option right now. We have plenty of trade chips to possibely make a splash. Dump them for a draft pick and I don't think the picks hold as much tangible value as the talent assembled on our current roster.
mike bibby and brad miller aren't as good of chips as you're making out.
Its time to start over. Bibby and Miller are getting older, decreasing productivity, and making more money each year. It's time to part ways. What can we get for them I don't know...but AI isn't the answer.
Its time to start over. Bibby and Miller are getting older, decreasing productivity, and making more money each year. It's time to part ways. What can we get for them I don't know...but AI isn't the answer.
i'm starting to get on the rebuild bandwagon, but how is that going to work unless we're willing to trade artest too? the position he's at in his career he's not really a focal piece in the middle of a rebuilding mode. i don't think artest could possibly be so loyal where he'd stick around through a couple of really bad losing years and artest would probably be the only real trade assset where we can get some picks/young talent in return for. if we have to start over, we have to start over from scratch because because we have to know what kind of team we want. the group right now seems like they have no clue about what kind of team they want to be. i wish we still had adelman. with all this said though i don't think we'll ever rebuild after all the crap the maloofs have fed us, we'll probably end up being the next GS warriors. long term mediocrity.

i would love to pick up a couple of draft picks (presumably one from artest and one from losing) and get a defensive minded big man like hasheem thabeet or al horford. maybe brendan wright too (not so much defensive minded but good overall potential). it would be nice to pick up a pg as well, but next year's draft is pretty thin there although ron steele looks pretty good.