This Chris Paul guy is for real !

16.7 pts / game

shoots 45 %

ft 80%

6.2 rebs

7.1 assists

hornets put a beat down on the spurs yesterday ......hornets are 11-13

chris paul for ROY !
I'd say Paul has ROY locked up... Unless Frye really gets going more. Paul's a stud!

Loved Paul at Wake, Atlanta I'd say made a mistake passing on Paul. I'd say the Spurs were worn out from the Kings game, a bit, but still a great win for the Hornets. :)
Yeah, Chris Paul is probably the next elite NBA PG. He is playing like a Top 5 PG so far as a ROOKIE :eek:.

Be interesting to see if he keeps it up and grows leaps and bounds from now. If he does, he might be the best PG in the league in a few years. But it is a little early to determine that.
Bricklayer said:
Er...LeBron? ;)
I hear ya, but a high school player over someone who at least played in college, especially after the Kwame debacle?

(For the record, redoing the draft, I would take Wade #1 or trade down for him!)
jacobdrj said:
I hear ya, but a high school player over someone who at least played in college, especially after the Kwame debacle?

(For the record, redoing the draft, I would take Wade #1 or trade down for him!)
That's insane. Wade is damn good, but taking him over LeBron? He's carrying the Cavs, while the Heat have struggled without Shaq. Wade's stock would be significantly lower were he not playing alongside Shaq and co.
I don't buy that at all. Wade is the real deal, Shaq or no Shaq. LeBron is probably a better player than him right now, but not by a whole lot. In fact, until Bron proves himself in the playoffs, I'd almost call the comparison even.
captain bill said:
That's insane. Wade is damn good, but taking him over LeBron? He's carrying the Cavs, while the Heat have struggled without Shaq. Wade's stock would be significantly lower were he not playing alongside Shaq and co.
Well, Wade did some amazing things his rookie season, the year BEFORE Shaq. He took a team to 6 games in the second round that Kobe couldn't take to the Playoffs (granted Miami in a weaker conference).
jacobdrj said:
Well, Wade did some amazing things his rookie season, the year BEFORE Shaq. He took a team to 6 games in the second round that Kobe couldn't take to the Playoffs (granted Miami in a weaker conference).
He was a terror in that series. He toasted Ron Artest, then DPOY, and made it look easy. He zigged and zagged through one of the best defenses in the NBA, after that series I made a small prayer that I'd never have to watch my team play a Wade-led team in a payoffs series again. :eek:
Chris Paul is amazing. Like him at Wake and I loved the pre-draft special ESPN did on him. I was hoping he would do well and hes playing amazing. I dont think he shouldve gone first though. Bogut is good, as is Fry and others but Paul is clearly the ROY.