I’m on a group text chain with a mix of Warriors, Kings and Lakers fans, and we’ve been chatting through the series.
Immediately after Game 2, the Warriors fans were disappointed, but conciliatory and even congratulatory. They were more upset Looney had to play with 5 fouls than Green got ejected.
But the next day after having clearly sautéd in Bay Area-centric sports radio, suddenly they were all fired up about the same conspiracy theory talking points: Refs are wildly favoring the Kings (and have for years), Sabonis is dirty and deserved to get stomped, Joe Dumars is a former Kings executive and Sacramento Homer, Refs gave the Kings free reign to mimic the Piston Bad Boys while at G1C - weak echo chamber takes that crumbled under the least bit of pushback. They’d post one of their ludicrous complaints, all agree with each other, then a non-Warrior fan would post a pretty straight forward logical rebuttal, and they’d go silent.
When Lakers fans are stepping in as the voice of reason, the world stops making sense.